Chapter 1: The Forest

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Cool crisp fall air, the mist and the chilling shadowed forest. The snapping of twigs and the crunching of old fallen leaves under the panicked running of the human that runs with wolves.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Lost in the densest part of the Hale preserve, running for his life from both Hunter and Werewolf.

' "A simple training exercise" he said! "It'll be fine" he said! I'm never agreeing to train with the Pack ever again!!!' Stiles shouted in his head.

At the moment Stiles Stilinski, AKA the boy who runs with wolves, was running through the newly bought Hale Preserve trying (but not doing very well) to run away from the Hunters and trying (and failing quite badly) to outrun and outlast the other pack members that were currently running from their mates.

That morning, stiles had woken up in his room with his mate and Alpha curled possessively around him (not that it wasn't uncommon any more. Since Derek had told Stiles that they were mates Derek thought it best that he crept into Stiles room after he had fallen asleep and snuggle with the boy, claiming that he didn't want other supernatural beings creeping around his mate). When they both had woken up properly, Derek had told Stiles the news that they were having a whole pack training session that evening.

At the mention of a full pack training session, stiles gave Derek an unsure look. But as the Alpha, Derek reassured Stiles that nothing bad would happen and that the training would come in handy for the future if any of the pack got separated from each other. And the fact that stiles has no supernatural power Derek would feel more reassured with stiles training with the pack.

But with Stiles only being human, he can't run for miles and miles without getting tired. He slipped on the old leaves that were scattered over the ground, deciding that this was a better time than any to take cover and regain his breath. Stiles pressed his back against a nearby tree trunk, his legs out stretched as he quickly took his blue inhaler from his jean pocket. Taking the cover off, he moved the inhaler to his lips and breathed in as his finger pushed down on the top, releasing the much needed medicine into his lungs. Leaning his head back on the tree trunk, he could already feel his lungs start to relax more.

Feeling calmer and breathing easier, Stiles placed his inhaler back into his pocket and took off running once more, fearing that both Derek and the Hunters were right behind him.

But what Stiles didn't know was how far behind they really were. Stiles knew that Derek would go easy on him as this was his first time actually training like this, or at all for that matter. Derek never let Stile train with the other pups because they can get pretty violent. Like 'throw you into a tree and break/dislocate your arm by accident' violent. So all the training Stiles did was with Derek, mainly in his loft doing hand to hand combat and how to escape death grips on blue padded mats. But all of these sessions ended in the same way. With heated, passionate kissing. But no one argued when the pups would just so happen to come strolling in at that very minute, or the fact that Stiles should be training more. Except maybe Scott. He always gave Derek a warning look which usually meant something along the lines of 'Hurt him and your whole loft becomes the next green house for wolf's bane.'

The Hunters would go after Stiles. Though they know that Stiles is a human they could 'use' him to their advantage. They've done it before, what's stopping them from doing it again?

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