Chapter 11: The loft

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After getting the required stuff from the Stilinski house hold, Stiles and Derek drove to Derek's Loft where Stiles would be staying for a few days.

"You okay Stiles?" Derek asked.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You haven't talked since we left your house. Your usually only quiet when something is wrong. So what's on your mind?"

"Nothing bads on my mind if that's what your wondering."

"Then what is on your mind?"

"It's just that it will be just you and me for a couple of days and no one else but we won't be able to do anything because of my stupid broken leg." Stiles sulked, crossing his arms in a childish pouting manner.

"And don't forget the extreme asthma thing. You couldn't even get to my car from inside the hospital without getting out of breath. And you're pretty breathy when it comes to us doing it any way. You having that asthma will be ten times werse then that." Derek pointed out to Stiles.

Stiles blushed at Derek mentioning them during sex.

"Well you don't have to say it like I'm the only one at fault here. Who's the one that gets me like that?" Sttiles quistioned Derek.

"So your complaining about us and having good sex?" Derek asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow.

"What?! No! I'm not complaining about it. It's just that you make me like that. So, it's your fault." Stiles ended up whispering the last part. But his blush ended up ten times reder, so he turned his head to the side so that he looked out the window and so Derek couldn't see how red his blush had gotten.

"Okay Sti, I'll take the blame this time. Come on, get ready, we're about to pull up at the loft."

Stiles looked out of the window to see the tall building that he will be staying in for a couple of days. It was a tall, dark building. With many windows on the sides. But Stiles was looking at one in particular. The window at the very top of the building. That was Dereks loft. You could even see the dark desk that was positioned by the window.

But Stiles was pulled back to reality when Derek knocked on the car window from the outside.

"When did you get from in here to out there?" Stiles asked as Derek opened the car door and help Stiles out.

"When you were of looking into space, I got out of the car and walked around the front of it and came to your door. The normal way any one would get to the other side of a car Stiles." Derek said as he balanced Stiles while he passed him the crutches.

"Oh. I knew that."

"Well come on then. I want to get you in the loft before I get your stuff in it."

Turning around to look at the building, Stiles was now regreting Derek living on the very top floor of the building. And without an elevator as well.


"Yeah, Sti?"

"Why doesn't your building have an elevator?"

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