Chapter 9: That thing from before, I'll tell you now

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After their arrival, every thing started to settled down in the crisp, clean room. The conversations between Derek and Stiles had started to slow. Stiles's head was gentally placed on Derek's left shoulder, after finally falling asleep from the drugs left over in Stiles's system.

"Thank you Derek." John said suddenly from his seat in the cornor of Stiles's hospital room.

Derek raised his head so that he could properlly look at John.

"For what? I haven't done anything." Derek replied, confusion tangled in his words.

"For looking after Stiles with the supernatural werewolf thing thats happening around here. You mean a lot to him."

"But the only thing I've done is gotten him put in danger and getting him hurt."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. But ever since his mom passed away, he's never really been the son I remember. Even when he was with Scott, that only helped so much. But now that you and all this werewolf stuff popped up, my Stiles is slowly coming back to me."

"But the only change I've noticed is that he seems to get fewer stressed and is slightly happier. And there have been less panic attacks recently as well which I'm greatful for." As Derek said that, he slowly looked over the details on Stiles' face. Taking them all in.

"See, even though they seem like small changes to you, to me there the biggest change I've seen in him since his mother died. Like I said before, Scott only helped so much. Then he just kind of hit this emotional wall after that. But all the stuff thats happened Recently; like Scott getting bitten, meeting you, getting to know everyone else. They've helped him out a lot Derek. Do you know how long he hasn't taken his medication for depression? Months, nearly a whole year. Before all this, he couldn't go a day without it. I used to have to get him from school several times a week because it was that bad. But you don't know just how gratefull I am of you. Thats why I am telling you now, Thank you."

"Wow. I didn't know that we were helping him this much. I mean, the pack hasn't been going to any extra lengths or anything. We've just been doing what we normally do. Pack meetings at the loft, fight supernatural creatures, solve supernatural stuff. Though he does stay at the loft with me and the others when you're on night shift and some weekends. We stay up late, watch movies, eat popcorn. I even have a bag of curly fries that I keep I my freezer just for Stiles on movie night. But thats it." This sent Derek into thinking of what they do that is making Stiles feel better emotionally.

But before Derek could say anything else to the Sheriff, there was a knock on the door.

"Yeah? Come in." John replied to the knock. Then the door opened and Melissa pocked her head into the room.

"John, Derek, how's Stiles holding up? I heard that he was talking to you, so I didn't want to bother you. But seeing as he's asleep, now's a good enough time as any. Remember before that I mentioned talking to you about Stiles? Could we talk about that now?"

"Yeah sure, we can talk now." John replied.

"As you know, when Stiles was attacked in the woods by the Hunters, he went through a pro-longed asthma attack. Due to the attack going on for so long, damaged was done to his lungs. Though the attacks were never that strong in the first place, they were usually okay with an inhaler. But with what's happened, his lungs have gone under some quite intense strain." Melissa explained.

"Soooooo, we just get a stronger inhaler then? Is that it?" John asked.

"Well, yes and no. His normal inhaler is already getting ready. The medication that Stiles had been using will be changed so that in the day he can use it. But at night it will be different. When you sleep, your body relaxes, the heart and breathing slow down as well. But with what's happened, it would get difficult to breath for Stiles when he sleeps. So, an oxygen tank will be needed for when Stiles leaves the hospital. Also, he can't do too much strenuous activities either. Though, with his broken ankle he shouldn't be able to move about too much. Though I doubt that it'll stop him from trying. But even when he gets out of the cast, he'll still need to take it easy until we give the all clear. So, no Lacrosse for Stiles."

"Well, I would say that that would be easy to do. But this is Stiles we're talking about. A lot more to handle then another person. But still, how bad could it be, trying to keep Stiles down for a couple of weeks while his ankle heals." But only at the end of the sentence did Derek relise what he just said. Keeping Stiles down with his type of ADHD was going to be a shadow shy of a night mere.

"This is going to be a lng few weeks isn't it?"

"Good luck you two. You're goin to need it." Melissa said as she began walking out of the room so that she could finish her rounds of patients.

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