Chapter 2: Hunters in the Forest

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When Stiles looked at his phone, there were three things he noticed; 1) there was absolutely no signal in the deepest part of the forest. As he'd (unfortunately) expected, 2) it was 01:39 in the morning, and 3) it was really, really, really cold. It was cold enough to see a thick white mist escape your lips when you exhaled. And just like Stiles, he didn't bring a jacket.

So Stiles is running around the Hale Preserve at 01:39 in the morning, it was really cold, he didn't bring a jacket, he was also running for his life from Hunters and was also running away from Derek.

For Stiles, running away from everything was a big challenge. Not just the pressure of non stop running due to the Hunters that are probably right behind him, there's also the fact that Derek still hasn't caught him yet. 

"Just because there are hunters in the preserve does not mean that I am going to give up on this training session. This is the very reason why we're having these training sessions. But there could be traps laid out by the hunters. Maybe that's why Derek still hasn't caught up to me yet. There's no way he hasn't figured out that there are hunters in the preserve. He has to be close by now." Stiles thought.

Running in the forest in the day time is difficult enough when you can see all the hazards to avoid. With it being dark Stiles had to try and avoid tress, rocks, stones and branches that where on the ground while he couldn't see them (running into or tripping over one of the previously mentioned would not be good in this situation). It doesn't help the situation that Peter (Derek's psycho murdering uncle) has being stalking the pack lately. Like he's in the Shadows one minute and gone the next.

With everything going on, Stiles had let his mind wonder so much that he forgot to look out for where he was going and ran straight into a tree. Stiles hit the tree and rolled down into ditch that was on the other side.

"Owww" Stiles whined as he attempted to climb/crawl out of the ditch. Stiles got to the top of ditch and reached for his inhaler before he would continue running through the forest again.

But, as if in slow motion, as Stiles was about to take a breath from his inhaler, he felt an indescribable pain below his ribs on his left side. Unable to take the pain, Stiles fell to his knees and onto his right side, dropping his inhaler on the way. To see what had hit him, Stiles looked along his body to find a black arrow sticking out of himself.

"Oh GOD!!!"

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