Chapter 3: Enter Derek, the Saviour

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Knowing that the Hunters had finally caught up with him before Derek had, Stiles knew that he had to move as far away as quickly (and hopefully) as painlessly as he could.

So with whatever strength Stiles could summon, he just about managed to stand to his feet with help from the same tree that he had ran into.

'Got to move... Got to... AH... Shit... Got to get away' Stiles was trying with all his might to move and get away. But having an arrow sticking out of you, losing your inhaler and with the shock of the wound it was making getting away rather difficult for Stiles.

By now Stiles was staggering through the dark, his right hand placed protectively around the entrance of the arrow.

"Der...Derek... Where... Where are you?" Stiles was growing more tired with every step and every breath he took.

"Well this has been very enjoyable to watch, I must say. Never thought a normal, pathetic human like you would do so well with an arrow sticking out of them. Thought you were just going to lay there and cry for your little Alpha mate to come and rescue you." came a snarky voice.

By the time Stiles could see the Hunter, he was already on the floor. His Hunter circling him like helpless prey. But not long after that, the Hunter was joined by two others.

"Stop playing with him Nick. We let you toy with him while it was fun, but don't you think we should get down to business? Eric, think of a way to get his Alpha to come here quicker would you? All this waiting is boring me. Let's just get down to killing some discussing werewolves already."

Three Hunters were circling Stiles now. The first one, Nick, seems to be the one that shot Stiles in the first place. He was young with brown wavy hair that just touched his shoulders. The second was Eric. It was hard to tell how old he was as he wore night vision goggles and had no hair at all. And the Third one must have been the Leader of the three. He had short blond hair and a piercing on his left eyebrow. No one had said his name yet so Stiles was unable to name him.

"Let's see, all we have to do is make him scream, right? That shouldn't be too difficult now should it? Seeing as we have a weak little human that's been shot with an arrow and is missing that all important inhaler he carries around. But one good scream should do it. What do you think boys? Any good suggestions?" The leader of the hunter trio walked and stood in front of stiles, turning to look at his other two companions who were out of sight to stiles as they stood behind him. They were standing in a triangle position, blocking every exit. With Stiles trapped in the middle.

Stiles was trying to watch their every move, trying to figure out what these madman Hunters would do next. But Stiles wasn't quick enough to spot Eric who came up from behind. Before he could escape, he heard a loud crack and felt more unbelievable pain. This time on his ankle.

The Hunter had lifted his leg and brought it back down with enough force to completely snap Stiles ankle bone in two. And just like they said, they got a good loud scream out of Stiles. Stiles tried to hold back the scream and block out the pain. But it was too much for him to hold in.


"Told you. I know exactly how to make them scream. Hehehe"

But before any of them could finish celebrating, Nick was sent flying into a tree about ten meters away from the group. And by then, the only sounds to be heard were Stiles' struggled breathing and a deep throated growl.

Before the other two Hunters realized anything, Derek had jumped on Stiles. Crouching over his mate, using his own body to shield stiles' injured one.

Sterek : You Can't Outrun The Alpha That Is Trying To Save YouWhere stories live. Discover now