Chapter 7: Never Letting Go Of That Hand That Fits So Well In Mine

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"Then I rushed over here with him in the back of my car where I met up with you and Melisa. The rest you already know. Though there isn't much left to tell you at this point." Derek finished telling John the whole story of that very early morning and the cruel events that took place. Finally finding the courage to look into the eyes of his mate's father.

Though instead of finding stern, blaming eyes staring down at him, Derek found understanding and fatherly light brown orbs casting him a calm glance. John, being a single father for nearly 10 years, understood that at that very moment Derek needed a father figure more than he needed a sheriff.

Just before Derek told John the happenings of that morning, Scott and every one had arrived at the hospital and squeezed into the small waiting room that Derek and John had been situated in.

"He'll be alright. It is Stiles we're talking about here." Scott chimed in. A small smile of fondness for his friend.

As soon as that was said, silence was the only thing in the room after Scott had spoken. And before anyone now it, one by one, each of the teenagers slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep, their only care at that moment was their pack mom. Until Derek and John were the only ones awake out of the entire pack. Staying awake so that they were both left with just their thoughts.

Then it turned 6 in the morning and a tired looking Melisa McCall walked into the room were her son, Derek and John were waiting nervously for any news about Stiles.

"John," Melisa walked up to John and placed a gentle, caring hand on his shoulder. "You can go and see Stiles now." At that news, John had bolted to his feet, snapping Derek out of his thinking haze with him joining John next to Melisa.

Derek and John both looked at each other at that very moment. Then Derek asked the Question that was on every bodies lips.

"How is he? Is he okay?" Melisa could easily see the worry and concern in both male's eyes, looking back and forth between the two men in front of her. Then a thankful smile was placed on top of her serious working face.

"He's fine." She finally said. Both Derek and John had realised the breath that each of them held in anticipation. "A little shaken from the shot wound and the asthma attack, but he's going to be back to our normal Stiles soon. Though there is something that I want to discus with you two about Stiles. But that can wait for when all of you have seen him. Follow me, his room is this way."

Turning around and walking the way she had just come, with John and Derek at her heels.      

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