Chapter 10: Finally Leaving

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"Stiles, stop moving aroung and sit down before you break anything else." Derek said gruffly.

"Come on Derek, it's me, I won't break enything else." Stiles turned around unsteally to look at Derek who had placed himself on an uncomfortable chair in the corridor outside Stiles' room as they waited for Stiles' dad and Melissa to come back to say that they could go home.

"Yes Stiles, it is you. That's why I'm asking you to sit down." Derek relpied, looking at his boyfriend straight in the eyes.

"But I can't just sit down when I know that I finally get to go home and out of this place." Even at the thought of going home brought a smile to Stiles' face. He never liked hospitals after his mum died. That was why he kept his dads food on the healther side and why he could not sit or even stand still. Though every time he attempted to walk, it was like he was about to fall over at any minute. Stiles was always unco-ordinated with all his body parts. But take one of they away and give him two cruches, he stood no chance of getting anywhere without falling over or walking into something.

Also, with the arrow wound still making it's pressence known by sending Stiles an occasional twang of pain, Stiles walking with crutches was only making his twangs of pain more noticable then normal. And every time the painfull twangs started, Derek noticed all the time, even if Stiles insisted that he was fine Derek's wolf wouldn't let Stiles go that easilly without him checking.     

"Stiles." Derek growled out as he stood up from his seat and marched his way over to his mate as he saw Stiles wince in pain. The idea of his mate getting hurt again and having anything else covered in a red cast or bandage made Dereks wolf rise to the surface and become extremly possessive and protective of his small mate.

 "Derek, look, see, I'm fine. You can sit down. No need to keep cheacking on me." Stiles said as he backed away from Dereks wolf. He knew it was Dereks wolf and not Derek because instead of seeing forest green eyes, he saw the blood red eyes of an Alpha. But Stiles was ignored by Dereks wolf as Stiles kept backing away from Derek untill his back hit the wall of the corridor that they were waiting in. But Dereks wolf didn't care where they were.

Derek's wolf placed Derek's hands on either sides of Stiles' head, trapping Stiles against the wall.

"Derek! If you haven't noticed, we're in the hospital! someone might see you!" Stiles whispered harshly at Derek.

"I don't care if they see. If they see then they know that you're mine!" Derek whispered back at Stiles as he slowly leaned his face down so that he was inches away from Stiles' face. At this point there was a faint blush coating Stiles' cheecks.

"Derek?" Stiles looked up into the ruby eyes of his boyfriend.

"Mine!" Derek almost shouted out before he reached out the last few inches and attacked his mates lips in a hot passionate kiss. Tounges battling for dominance as Derek's wolf deepens the kiss. Holding the back of Stiles neck with one hand and his left hand holding onto Stiles hip so he doesn't fall over, his crutches long forgoten as Derek removed them off of Stiles arms and leant them against the wall.

After a few minutes of the heated kiss, Stiles right leg gave out and buckled underneath him, as he was unable to use his left casted leg to help keep him standing. But having a boyfriend with supernatural reflexes, Derek picked up Stiles, carried him bridal style over to the chairs and sat down with Stiles on his lap.

With Stiles' back pressed right up against Derek's chest, the alphas arms wrapped protectivly around his Luna's waist (being careful not to touch the wound on his ribs were the arrow had hit), Derek leaned his head forward and pressed his nose into Stiles neck and started to mark him. Rubbing his face all over Stiles neck and occasionally smelling him as well.

Before either of them knew it, John and Melissa had returned. Several small boxes of stronger inhalers and a sleeping tank with them. But neither John or Melissa were suprised at what was happening as this sort of thing happens quite a lot. They've seen Derek sent marking Stiles and Scott sent marking Isaac. So both perants had seen this act a thousand times before.

After a couple more minutes of Derek marking Stiles, Derek was able to finally get his wolf in control and was able to listen to John and Melissa.

"Stiles, your gunna have to stay at Derek's place for a few days. The stations running a bit short handed and they've asked me to stay over time for a few days. And Derek's loft is more open spaced then the house so hopefully you won't run into any furniture at Derek's place." The sheriff explained to Stiles.

"So that means that when we get back to your house, you're going to need to pack some clothes for about a week, Stiles." Derek told him.

"Oh, okay then. But you gotta promise me pops that your going to eat them veggies, or I'll have to bring you your lunch, again. And I already told Parish to keep an eye on you, so no sneaky food trips. Because I will take away all of those wednesday steak privaliges you have."

"Yeah Stiles, I already know. Parish informed me about that little deal you made with him." the sheriff sighed.

"What deal?" Derek asked in confusion.

"That we would help him set up the perfect date for him and Lydia."

"Oh, well okay."

"Any ways. We've signed you out, so we can get a move on and get you to Derek's place."

"God, finally. I never want to spend 2 weeks in the same boring place ever again." But as Stiles was about to get up, he almost fell over (as he had forgotten that Derek had left his crutches leaning against the wall on the other side of the corridor) but Derek caught his elbow before he could hit the floor.

"Whoops, that was a close one. Thanks Der."

"Don't worry Stiles, I've got them for you." Melissa said as she walked across to the other side of the corridor to get the crutches for Stiles.

"Thanks Melissa." Stiles said as he was gently passed his crutched by Melissa and was steadied by Derek as he got his crutches into position. Who kept in close contact with Stiles incase his hurt mate got hurt even more. They all silently made there way out of the hospital, each of them expecting Stiles to fall or trip and they were keeping a close eye on him in case he did. But suprisingly, Stiles managed not to fall over once. Though he did catch himself about six times when he did trip. When they finally made it to Derek's car, Stiles was leaning on Derek for support, trying to catch his breath.

"You okay Stiles?" His dad asked.

"Yeah pops, I'm okay. Just a bit out of breath, you know?"

"Do you need an inhaler, Stiles?" Melissa asked Stiles as Derek gentally placed him on the passenger seat of Derek's Camero.

"Yeah. That would help." Stiles said with a small smile.

Melissa reached into the bag with the inhalers in it and pulled out a fresh, unopened box and gave it to Stiles, who removed the aqua coloured inhaler, gave it a quick shake and pressed it to his lips while taking a deep breath.

"How do you feel now?" John asked as he crouched by the the open car door, looking at Stiles' face for any discomfort.

"Much better, thanks." Stiles smiled at his father in another way to say that he was fine.

"Well, lets get moving then shall we?" Melissa asked, to which everybody knodded their heads.

"Well, I've got to go to the station now Stiles. But I got out a new bottle of addival for you on the bathroom sink so don't forget to take that with you, okay?"

"Yeah pops I know."

"And Derek. Please try and keep him still so that he can heal."

"I'll try the best that I can, but no promises there. I might be going out with him, but that doesn't mean that I can actually keep him still long enough. But I'll try my best." Derek said with a small smile.

"I know you will. And Stiles, be good and I'll see if I can break away from work long enough to come and see you."

"Bye pops, bye Melissa."

"See you Stiles."

And with that Derek had closed the car door and the hospital was only a small building in the distance.

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