Chapter 8: My Mate

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Walking down walls full of doors, Derek didn't need to look in through any of the doors to know that Stiles wasn't in any of the ones that they had passed. Even through the heavy stench of disinfectant and sickness coated the air like a thick blanket, Derek know where Stiles was. His sent was distinctive in every way and it drove Derek towards Stiles, like he was left a trail to follow.

Turning several corners through the maze like hospital, Melisa stopped outside of a plain white coated door. She turned towards Derek and John her work face now replaced the look that she would give them normally.

"Before you go in I need you to know some things first. Firstly, no removal of the oxygen mask for any reason what so ever. Sorry Derek, that means all kisses will be on the check. Secondly, he must not remove the IV in his arm. It's keeping away the pain from the arrow wound and in his lungs from the pro-longed asthma attack he had. If it comes out get a nurse to replace it.

Finally, as a result of the pain killers in his system at the moment, he could feel sudden drowsiness. So any signs of that please let him sleep. Don't keep him up. There are some other things I will need you to know but they can wait until he has been dismissed from the pain medication. I'm going to tell everyone else that he is okay to come and visit, so you two can go ahead and see him now."

And with that, Melisa was once again navigating her way through the endless hallways of the hospital. Leaving both men to stand silently outside the white door. Derek stepped back, a signal for John to enter first.

"Thanks." And with that John grabbed the handle and opened the door. What they saw was what they both had been expecting to see. So neither of them were to surprised when they saw Stiles sitting up slightly, oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose and his now red casted ankle laying on top of the hospital sheets. His right arm also on top of the covers with a thin tube connected to his arm.

As soon as Stiles saw the pair enter the room, his drug induced self suddenly brightened up, and both Derek and John could see the huge smile pasted under the mask.

"Sourwolf! I missed my big bad Alpha! Get over here!" Derek had a small smile on his face at the cuteness of his mate as Stiles tried to reach Derek from the bed, making grabby hands for his sourwolf. Only to get court in his IV line, so pouting like a small child, Stiles was about to grab the IV and pull it out. But thanks to Derek's werewolf speed, he managed to get a hold of Stiles' left hand before it could reach the line.

"Hold on Stiles, I'm here."

"DEREK! I missed you so much!" Stiles pulled Derek down into a hug, even though Stiles had very little strength due to the pain meds, Derek allowed himself to be captured into a hug by his mate.

"I know Stiles, I missed you too." At that Derek leant down and placed a gentle kiss to Stiles' forehead.

"Der?" Stiles asked in a childlike voice

"Yes Stiles?"

"Der, this thing is getting in the way and it feels weird. I don't want it in any more. Let me take it out then we can cuddle properly." Stiles was about to make another try at getting the IV out but was once again stopped by Derek.

"No Stiles. It has to stay in." Derek was linking his fingers with Stiles' hand, using his thumb to stroke circles into the back of Stiles' hand.

"But Der, I don't like it." Stiles was going full child mode now. Even the whiny voice was being used.

"I know you don't like it Stiles, but you have to keep it in, okay?"

"Okay. But only on one condition though."

"And what might that be then?"

"you have to cuddle with me. Like what we do on movie night. Except without the popcorn. And the movie." Stiles was now thinking about popcorn, as he didn't notice Derek move himself behind Stiles on the bed.

Now Derek had Stiles in between his legs with Stiles leaning back onto Derek's chest.

"Are you happy now Stiles. Will you keep the IV in now?"

"Yeah, I guess it can stay in for a little longer. Oh dad, when did you get here?"

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