Chapter 6: Telling the Sheriff

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Before you read on I would just like to say that I am currently writing another Fanfiction about our favourite couple of Sterek. so if you want to please check that out for me. But on that fanfic there will ne no supernatural in that fanfic. only normal humans. it's called Sterek : Dog Lovers. please leave comments on that story for me to request some future chapter ideas. THANX (>_0)


As soon as Derek pulled into the hospital he was meet by a very scared father/Sheriff John Stilinski and a very worried Melisa McCall. Once they had seen Derek carry Stiles out from the Camaro, John came running over and asking the same questions like Scott had done. This time with John trying to get Stiles in his arms and carry his injured son into the hospital himself.

But Derek would give him a small warning growl that made John understand that Derek had his precious son safe in his arms. And Melisa had gone into the hospital to get things ready for Stiles. She also brought out a stretcher for Derek to place Stiles onto so that they could get him into the hospital easier.

After what had happened to Stiles, Derek was very reluctant to leave him alone with anyone he or stiles didn't know. But unfortunately, the only nurse in the entire hospital that they both knew was Mrs. McCall. Which was not what Derek had in mind.

'Not best for mate.' Thought Derek's inner wolf. But if it would help Stiles, Derek didn't have much of a chose, but to make sure that Stiles would be safe, even if Derek wasn't there himself.

With stiles on his mind, Derek only noticed that he was sat down on a cold blue hospital waiting chair (that John had lead him to), when he slumped into its hard plastic. Obviously the discomfort didn't bother Derek at that moment in time. On the inside, Derek was going through a very excruciating inner conflict with his human self and his wolf. On the wolf side, all he wanted to do was run into the theatre, grab stiles and take him back to his furniture lacking loft and cuddle Stiles while taking away his pain. But the human side of Derek's argument knew that going to the human hospital was closer than the loft and they also had all the necessary equipment to help his as well, unlike at Deaton's place. Stiles needed the care at a human hospital than at a veterinary Practice. Stiles needed humans to look after him. And Derek knew that coming to the hospital was the best option out of the options he had to give Stiles.

Derek was then pulled from his thoughts when a steaming cup of coffee was pushed under his nose. Looking up, Derek's gaze found the caring eyes of John. Sitting up into the chair, Derek took hold of the warm cup from Johns hand and brought it to his face, inhaling the well needed strong sent of canine.

Feeling more awake, Derek gave John a gruff thank you as he took small sips from the paper cup, being careful not to burn himself.

"It wasn't your fault you know." Came a slight whisper from the man next to him, John. At that moment both Derek and John looked at each other. Johns look had an apologetic sense to it, but Derek's face held nothing but sadness.

"It was all my fault. If I had been quicker I could have gotten to him faster. Then he wouldn't have hurt himself. I should never have pulled Stiles into pack training." Derek's voice had grown deeper and more into a near growl as he carried on. "There was a reason why I never let him take part in the first place. He can get hurt to easily, and when he does he doesn't heal as fast as we do."

 "Derek, Stiles would have gotten hurt somehow this morning even if the Hunters were never there. It is Stiles we're talking about after all." John had a hint of care in his voice while talking about his son. "So don't beat yourself up to much." When he had finished, he placed a gentle hand on Derek's shoulder.

"So, down to very serious matters. You gunna' tell me all that happened this evening? Or do I have to wait until Scott and the others get here?" John looked at Derek.

"No. I'll tell you."

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