Chapter 5: He who watches over us

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Interesting thing about Denver is the fact something always happens in this city. Whether a robbery, car accident, gang war, football game or a usual walk through the park with your best friends, something always happens. Seeing two boys fight isn't unusual. Seeing two rivals fight isn't unusual either. Fighting isn't just exchanging fists, it's also a collision of two different wills, two different opinions, or two different reasons. In this case, one young man is fighting to defend himself and the other is just trying to release his wrath, his mixed feelings and thoughts, on someone. 

Dante found himself on the concrete, spitting blood and glaring at the person who just punched him. Dane was fuming, barely keeping himself at control. He wanted nothing more than to pummel the white haired kid who got his blood boiling. Thankfully for Dante, William and Sam made sure the keep the brown haired soccer player at bay. If they hadn't Dante would probably end up dead before time thanks to Dane.

"You knew, you sicko! You knew one of us would die today and you didn't tell us! Maybe Kim wouldn't have died if you did!" Dane tried to break free from Sam's and William's iron grip, but he couldn't.

Deep down, his brain knew Dante couldn't have known anything, yet he had to unleash his anger at someone. In all honesty, Dane wanted Dante to punch him back, to beat some sense into him, but he didn't. The red eyed kid slowly got up and brushed the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, his heated, intense glare set on Dane. If looks could kill, the soccer player would be already dead.

"Do you actually think I would stoop to your level and punch you back?" Dante asked, aware of the possible thoughts that ran through Dane's mind. By kid's surprised face, he concluded he guessed right. 

There was a part which nudged Dante to punch Dane back, but he decided to keep himself under control. He was perfectly aware who the stronger guy was, and that wasn't him. 

"If you don't, I'm going to punch you again the moment these guys let go of me! And don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're an albino!" 

He stressed the word "albino", knowing it would result in some reaction.

"You most certainly wouldn't be the first," Dante gritted through his teeth. "but you might actually be the last." He inhaled the heavy air that currently surrounded Denver, and once he exhaled, he went on. "I'm going to the public library, I might find something out there. If I don't come to school tomorrow, there's a high chance I'm dead."

Seeing how Dane loosened up, Sam and William let him go. He tried not to, but he still did. Dane cried, just like Iris, David and Laura did. He was aware of the fact no one could've done anything, but he also knew, if they continue like this, they'll most certainly die. No matter how good of a leader Dante was, this time, following him would amount to nothing.

"I don't...know about you, guys... but I...I don't want to be a part of any more." Dane said between his sobs. His classmates snapped their heads towards him, not knowing what to say back. They can't leave him on his own, it's too risky. Especially not in this state.

"You don't really mean that Dane." said William. "We're all sad and shaken and panicked, but-"

"But what, Will?!" Dane shouted back. "But what?! This time, he won't be able to get us out of this mess!" He pointed at their leader. "He doesn't know what to do! This psycho, doesn't know what to do! Just like I don't, just like you don't! No one knows! I'm separating myself from the group from now on." Dane decided.

"Well, "this psycho", as you so nicely put it, is your best shot. If you separate from us, you'll be on your own. And as far as I'm concerned, I won't lift a finger to help you out." said Dante from the front. He was glaring daggers at Dane at this point. The guy's mood swings really went on his nerves.

"I think I'll borrow your words, Dante. I'd rather be on my own, that expect help from somebody who'd stab me in the back the moment I look away. I'm talking about you, just so you know." Dane fired back. It was a contest of power between the two. For Dane to show his superiority, and for Dante to show his leadership capability.

"I'm sorry." said Dante as he came in front of Dane, lifting his head upwards so he could look the taller guy in the eyes. A prideful smile appeared on Dane's face. "Sorry to actually think you have a brain."

Dane's eyes instantly narrowed, eyeing the shorter kid in front of him. Was Dante trying to start a fight, Dane thought to himself.

"I'll put this nice and simple, so even your brain can understand. I never said we'd make it alive. I never said I have the answer. I never said I'd save you guys. But, I also never said I'd give up either." Dante stabbed his index finger at Dane's chest with every single point he made.

"So, to make things clear between us, if you have something against me, spit it out right now and not behind my back." Dante's voice was cold, calm, not showing any emotion, sending chills down Dane's spine, especially now when he had to look into those bloody red eyes. Dane's eyes shifted to his friends, who stayed silent. David and Natalia shook their heads, giving Dane a signal that he went overboard.

"Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you, don't look at them. You're the one who acted high and mighty, don't avert your eyes when you're trying to make a point." Dane's gaze fell to the ground.

Dante backed away from him, knowing there's no point in pressuring the soccer player. He'll rebel again later, anyway. That's how it always was. He'd rebel for the first time, but stop midway, then he'd rebel for the second time and voice his thoughts completely. The whole process did usually take a lot of time, but Dante was, in  a way, satisfied that no matter the situation, Dane would be the one to wake him up, to open his eyes completely. That's also what he expected of the brown haired kid too. He expected Dane to rebel, he expected him to prove Dante wrong when he was wrong and nudge him into the right direction, even though Dane did it unintentionally.

"How do you expect me to actually look at those eyes of yours?" Dane whispered, but loud enough for his classmates to hear. "Since they constantly remind me of death, every time I see them."

No one protested, Dante never answered. He slowly started walking towards the public library, Natalia right behind him. She decided she'd help him out. She was conscious of the fact Kim's body still laid on the hard concrete. She was aware people called the police and ambulance, but also knew there was nothing in this world that could help them. Staying there, and looking at Kim's lifeless form, would only bring all of them down. That's why the rest of her friends went straight to their homes, some of them still crying, and some of them trying to be strong, but still cracking deep inside.

Iris was probably crying the most. She was a good-hearted and very sensitive soul, and Kim's death hit her hard. Kim was one of the few people Iris trusted the most. She was also the only female she trusted enough with her love problems, knowing that her friend wouldn't tell anything to anyone. But, Kim trusted Iris just as much. She told Iris about her depression, told her about cutting herself, about her suicidal thoughts when her parents got divorced. They opened up to each other completely, and now Kim was gone. That one person she needed in her life, was gone. 

When she wasn't far away from it, Iris looked towards the building the truck crushed into and found a man sitting on the edge of the construction. His hair was black, his eyes red and more intense than Dante's, his body muscular, a black flamed tribal tattoo of an exotic design covering his whole left hand and a gorgeous smile, that probably had the girls swooning on his lips. He wore a black cargo pants and a black undershirt, which only showed the outline of his six pack underneath it. The man was beautiful, like an angel.

The moment she figured he was looking at her, Iris blushed and drove her gaze away from him, but once she looked back, the man was no more. She knew she saw someone there. She wasn't crazy, at least not yet. While someone might say she imagined everything, the presence of someone watching over their every move was still there.


Chapter 5 done! :D

Thanks for reading, faithful readers! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, there are many to come, so yeah... Hopefully I'll update tomorrow or day after that :)

Yours sincerely,


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