Chapter 9: Hanged

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Three days. It has passed three days since the 'D' class got their new professor. Three days since Dane wanted to make a deal with the Devil. Three days have passed and they haven't gotten any reply from the man of sin. Beelzebub didn't say anything either. He was still there in their classroom, observing them, laughing at them, making them envious whenever he got the chance, but he refused to answer their questions. His mysteriousness only left the kids on edge, even more than they already were.

Dante wasn't in school today. He had to go to the hospital for some tests concerning his Huntington's disease, which left the class without their leader.

William and Iris were walking towards school, their hands intervened and slowly rocking back and forth, while they chatted about everyday life. They acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. The two were a secret couple of the class, even though everybody knew they were together. While the two have many diversities, they're in reality a perfect match. William might be the laziest, and Iris one of the most hardworking students in their class, but his confidence and loudness compliment her shyness and timidity and vice versa. They bring the best of each other and that's the reason they're so happy.

"The two of you have finally decided to show the world you're together?" Asked Annie Reiss, who just caught up to the lovely couple giving them a bright smile.

"Kind of." Said William rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "I want to enjoy these days I have left. I thought I should spend them the way I want to with the one I love, or something like that." He concluded blushing slightly. He was never great with words. "It's not like we have much time left anyway."

"That's fine by me." Annie patted them on the shoulders. "The fact that the two of you want to spend time together is sweet, actually. Lovebirds deserve some alone time, I guess." Iris was blushing like crazy. Firstly, because they were busted by one of their classmates, and secondly, because she wasn't used to being referred as a 'lovebird'.

"Don't tell Dante though." Added William. 

"Why not? Besides, everyone in the class knows the two of you're together. What makes you think he doesn't?" Replied Annie.

"I know he doesn't know. I want to tell him myself. Today." Responded William. The only reason he never told Dante anything, even though they were best friends, was the fact he didn't know how Dante would react. William feared Dante would get jealous over Iris. He feared his best friend would think he was losing him, because of a girl he loved. He was scared a whole scandal could occur, but at the same time, he had hope Dante would accept it normally, like everything else. 

This time, William decided to tell him everything. He has nothing to lose anyway.

Upon arriving to school, the tree students noticed their classmates were already waiting for them, everyone except Greg, which was nothing knew in reality. Everyone wore a tired look on their face, eyes unfocused and ready to fall asleep at any given moment. Annie and Iris didn't really look much better than the rest of the class, and William knew he had bags under his eyes too. The classmates greeted each other with a few hello's and good morning's, getting inside the school to reach their classroom of doom. They knew Greg was always the last one to come so they didn't have to wait for him. He said he felt as if he were caught by police, every time he saw their irritated faces.

David sleepily opened the doors to their class and once he did, he let out a scream, alarming all of his friends as he did so. Tied to an enormous metal hook, which was dreading from the ceiling, was a thick navy rope which was around Greg's neck. His lifeless body was slowly, almost insensibly, swinging back and forth, left and right. His eyes were open, ready to fall out of his eyes sockets, his skin pale, lips blue, body looking cold, as if he was left like this the whole night. His eyes seemed judgmental, as if he was picking the one to die next. 

The rest of the classmates screamed just as David did. They were all frozen, unable to do anything other than scream. They were all terrified, because Greg's death meant the killings continue. The Devil wasn't interested to hear Dane's offer, or if he somehow did, he didn't like it. William turned Iris around so she wouldn't look at the scenery, Sam and Annie puked, Natalie and Dane were shaking, Laura almost passed out and David was trying to keep her at her toes, while Elsa cried.

Right then and there, Beelzebub showed up, scaring children with his sudden appearance.

"Dayum! I just lost a hundred bucks!" He said as he noticed Greg hanging from the ceiling.

"W-w-what do you mean you lost a h-h-hundred bucks?" David stuttered.

"What I m-m-mean is," mocked Beelzebub "my bet was on Sam. But of course, since Mephistopheles decided to bet on Greg, Lucifer had to kill him! Or he told that jerk who'd he kill, so that jackass could bet on Greg! I mean honestly! It's always like this! Devil forbid that I win one bet! One, Lucifer, one!" Beelzebub was laughing at this point, while the kids just stayed in shock. 

He got inside the classroom and sat in professor's seat. The children were staring at him. He acted as if there wasn't a body hanging in the middle of the room. Beelzebub slowly turned his head towards children, a smirk playing on his lips. "The class has started. Aren't you guys coming in? Because if you don't, I'm giving you all detention." He grinned at them.

Sam hesitatingly made it inside the classroom. He wouldn't be surprised if their "professor" decided to kill him at that exact moment, just because he lost some kind of a demonic bet. Noticing his nervousness, Beelzebub followed him with his eyes until Sam sat in his seat, just to make him squirm even more. Seeing how Sam made it without a scratch inside, the rest followed, like little sheep. Once they all sat, Natalia decided to speak her mind.

"Aren't we going to put him down or something?"

"Hell no!" Beelzebub grinned. "By doing so, we'd lose about five minutes from the class, which means you so called geniuses wouldn't get your full daily dose of knowledge. Besides," he pointed with his hand towards Greg, still smiling. "he's a perfect decoration for this class!" Seeing the horrified looks on their faces and tears brimming in their eyes, he continued.

"You know what? We should make this a tradition! We'll hang every single little body of yours once you die. It'll be just like decorating a Christmas tree, except we'll be decorating this classroom, but oh well..." Beelzebub shrugged.  

None of the kids responded. Nobody knew what to say at that moment. Another one of their friends was gone, and it's just a matter of time before someone else dies. All hope was lost and they were slowly accepting their fate. The train of thought was interrupted by none other than Beelzebub. 

"Dammit, kids! You're all acting as if someone got hanged in here." His loud laughter filled the silent classroom, making the 'D' class unconsciously fall into depression. 


Hey guys! 

Thanks for reading the ninth chapter! What do you think so far? Do you already have your favorite character? If you do, who is it? 

What do you think will happen next? 

If you enjoyed the chapter, please drop a vote, I'd really appreciate it ;)

Have an awesome day/night,


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