Chapter 14: Level cleared

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A broken boy. That's what Dante currently was. He was standing next to his dead father, not knowing what to do, not knowing what a normal reaction would be. He wasn't crying, he wasn't shaking anymore, he was standing there like a rock. He wasn't sure what a normal human would do. That was the first mistake the leader made.

Sam was the first one to move from the group. He called out to Dante a few times, hoping he could bring the old Dante back. After shaking him for a full minute did the red eyed kid get back to his senses. That's what they all thought at least.

And Lucifer and company? They were all in the dark room, visible to all the students. Beelzebub was laughing, Leviathan was leaning against the wall and looking at the kids, while Lucifer stared at the ceiling. He apparently found it more amusing than he found kids.

"Ah, I killed him..." a low whisper was heard. Everyone's attention was back on the white haired kid.

"Hey, Dante, are you?" questioned Sam. Gulping, he decided to place his hand on his friend's shoulder, to make him know that while he doesn't know how he feels, he's still there for him. They all are.

"Alright...? Yeah, why wouldn't I be... I just killed my dad... No biggie..." answered the broken boy. "You know... when this all started... I thought I'd lose some of you on the way, I even considered some of our parents dying... I never imagined this..." his voice was so broken Iris's eyes were full of tears and streaming down her face. She finally got out from whatever state she was in.

"You!" David pointed his index finger at the Devil. He, for some unknown reason knew who the Devil from the two newcomers was, even though he alone never saw him. "Why did you do such a thing?!"

"Why?" Lucifer echoed David's question. "Because he displeased me. Because I wanted to. Because it's fun."

"You-" started Laura, just to be cut off by Dante.

"It's okay, guys... I'm fine, really..." he wasn't fine. They all knew it. He wasn't fine one single bit. "If this had happened at the beginning, I'd crack. Somehow, even though this would be labeled as extraordinary, I can't find it anything but ordinary... Ah, sorry... I'm ranting again..."

Ordinary. Extraordinary. People usually take those words for granted, maybe not even knowing what they truly mean themselves. Some people may live their whole life extraordinarily, while still thinking it's ordinary, and vice versa. But, if something extraordinary becomes our ordinary because we want it to, where do we stand as humans then? Is it acceptable? Or is it not?

Fully ignoring the broken kid's ranting, Dane's short temper got the best of him once again. "Who are you then blondie!?"

"That's Leviathan... my new friend... " replied Dante, while the rest of his class looked at him dumbfounded. Has he really lost it?, they asked themselves. "He's just Leviathan, since he's too polite for show off introductions. Oh, one more thing... He represents the sin of envy and Beelzebub gluttony. He says we overthink everything..." Dante let out a small chuckle.

We overthink everything?, William asked himself. He thought back when Kim first died, when Greg died, the message on the wall, the bet Beelzebub mentioned, Annie, this... Everything suddenly made sense to him! Annie came here alone. If Lucifer wanted to kill her... then she would have already been dead! Which means, the order doesn't matter! It's a clue to his conclusion! Which means the one to die next is....

There was sound of glass breaking, Natalia's scream, everyone turning around, but William didn't care about anything else but saving his friend. He had already jumped after Elsa, his body covering hers and saving her from a small devilish creature which bit into William's leg. He let out a painful scream and immediately grabbed his leg.

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