Chapter 6: New information

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Natalia and Dante silently sat in the library, both of them looking at the books they found. There were three books written about the Denver's 'D' class. The worst part was, the books were written by outsiders, people who only heard about the tragedy that befell the kids. One of the three books was fan fiction, completely useless in their situation, which left the other two books for them to read. 

"You know he didn't mean what he said." quietly said Natalia, making sure she doesn't raise her voice. They were in the library after all. 

She didn't look at her friend though. She didn't want to upset him, but she also knew that something was happening to him. Something which affected his life greatly, and for some reason, Natalia had a feeling whatever it is, doesn't have a good outcome.

"The word "albino" isn't a taboo word for me. I am an albino. Just like the word "black" isn't a taboo word for Sam and like it wasn't for Kim." the white haired kid quietly replied. 

Natalia nodded. If her friend didn't want to talk about it, she won't ask him. If Dante had wanted to share his story with her, he would have already done it. Instead, she returned her attention to the book she was scanning. The book contained everything they already knew. Stories how someone died, how everyone died in the end, descriptions of the exorcisms they used, names of the previous students of the class, descriptions of the previous students. Nothing that could really help them. A person would think that after 50 years of such curse, one would write a useful book for the future generations. 

The two classmates were silent for a while, when Dante decided to break the ice.

"I hope I'm not invading your privacy, but why did you join this class? I don't really care about Dane's, but I'm interested in your reason." he said, lifting his head for the first time that evening.

"If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?" Dante nodded. "Because of Annie. I've been in love with her ever since middle school. I wanted to be in the same class with her. That's when I realized I'm a lesbian, but you don't look so surprised."

"I don't see anything wrong with it. Homosexuality was always present, even before Christ. Sappho, for example, wrote about love and passion for females, and while acts between women were few, there's still space for debate." Natalia smiled at the leader. 

She loved the fact he always answered while referring to something or someone historical. That's what set him apart the most, and while some may find it irritating, she found it amusing. Those were the times he showed his love for history and literature. But what she liked about Dante the most was the fact he never judged anyone, no matter the religion, race or sexual orientation. That's why he was capable of leading them, without others worrying he'd take only one side. He was always objective.

"I did speculate on the fact whether you're homosexual or not, but never asked. If I thought wrong, you might have been angry at me." he smiled at her and she returned it. "Why haven't you told her?"

"I think I'm afraid she won't feel the same." shrugged Natalia. 

Even though she tried to say it as casually as she could, her voice almost cracking and the way she said it, gave away her true fear about it. She knew there was a possibility Annie didn't feel the same, but even if she somehow did, Natalia was afraid of confessing it, because she didn't know where to go on from that point. Unless they don't find a solution to their curse, the whole confessing doesn't mean much, since they'd both be dead. That's also why she cursed herself for not making a move when she had time.  

"I beg to differ. If nothing, she likes you in more than friendly way." Dante smirked and got Natalia out of her reverie. Natalia's eyebrows almost hit the ceiling. "I sit in the back of the classroom, I catch a lot of movements from there."

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