Chapter 28: Message

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23rd October 2009.

Five years have passed since the end of Devil's game. Five years since the curse of the infamous 'D' class ended. Five years since kids were able to attend the Hollow High without fear of death. Five years since I met the blond who was the reason I'm still alive. Five years since we last heard from the King and Princes of Hell.

I still have many regrets about that time. I regret not knowing how to protect my friends, I regret not contributing as much as I could've, and among other things, the fact I let Dante carry all of the weight of leadership on his shoulders.

The thing I don't regret is bargaining with the Devil to let them all live. All of my friends. 

It was a real ruckus back then. Lucifer was angry I even dared to ask him such a favour, "as if he was an angel from Heaven sent to save humankind", but thankfully Beelzebub and Leviathan took my side and blabbered how I was the one to find the boy he searched for fifty years. They made sure to emphasize the words fifty years. When Mammon finally found us and realised the game was over and he didn't get to kill me... well, he destroyed a building in Chicago, a bank to be more precise. Too bad he wasn't arrested. 

Anyways, when Lucifer asked other Princes of Hell for their opinion about the matter, they agreed to my demands and thus, all of my friends were back. Which I'm glad for, because I could never choose whom to pick.

So, if you're still reading this, I'd like to inform you of what we're doing now. Even if you don't care I'm going to do it. 

We're all in universities now, almost all of us. We're still great friends even though only few of us stayed in Denver. Those who left, left because of better life opportunities, not  because of what happened. We still see each other on our "class meetings". We held those in our old hideout, until city administration decided to build a Mall on its place. 

Kim Dourdan is studying to become a dentist in Los Angeles. She's doing great! And as far as the game is considered, she doesn't really remember much. She barely remembers everything that happened until her death, which is a good thing, I think. Now, when we talk about those events, she's probably laughing the most, especially by the way this whole game ended.

Greg Lancaster is already a physics professor on University of Oxford. Not a surprise really. That was his boyhood dream and considering his intellect, finishing University here in USA and applying to Oxford was a piece of case, especially since he's done many researches in various fields and wrote papers on his works. He's quite revolutionary. 

 Annie Riess made sure to end up working with the FBI as a cyber agent. She doesn't really talk much about her line of work, but I'm at least hoping she's not hacking my social media when I'm not looking. She and Natalia dated for a few months, but broke up because of various reasons none wanted to tell us about. Anyhow, I think she has a boyfriend now who's also working in the FBI, but I'm not sure.

David Montana went two years on university, quit and became a CEO of his own company. His company indulges in manufacturing and investments. He's at the top in communications technologies and eco manufacturing. He's earning around 50k $ an hour, I believe. You could say that the encounter with the demons and his death made him want the best of life. He's also usually paying for dinner since some of us are still in University and he insists on it, so I guess it's okay.

William and I are still together and he's studying to become a surgeon. He's attending Harvard medical school and for now, he couldn't be doing better. It's really hard, but he's happy there. We don't see that often, usually on Skype, but once we both finish Universities we'll see where we'll go from there. 

Natalia Starr is a star, literally. She's become a model and a pop singer. While doing all of that, she's attending Department of Statistics on Stanford and somehow being able to organize everything in her schedule. I really do admire her. The best part? She's still the same Natalia from high school. 

Dane Hunter became a part of CIA's forces. It was either that or military. Considering his personality and ambitiousness, it's not a surprise. He's staring from small ranks, but I'm confident he'll make it big there one day. He's made lots of rivals among his co-agents, which isn't a surprise either. Even though he still acts tough, he's a real sweetheart in general. 

Laura Martinez  stayed in Denver and is studying journalism. She's a people person who loves gathering information and had been thinking about being a journalist for quite some time. She wants to inform people about accidents and catastrophes that are happening in the world to increase compassion and humanity. 

Sam Willows has became a professional swimmer and is getting ready to participate at the Olympics. He's progressed a lot since high school and his work is finally paying off. I'm really happy for him considering that his parents weren't really satisfied with athletics over maths or chemistry. We're all going to support him, of course. Can't wait to see him win a medal!

Elsa Sanders is a bank accountant for one of the wealthiest Americans currently alive. I don't really know how she got the job, but she was always resourceful so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised. She lives in Washington, D.C. together with her boyfriend, who studying to become a maths professor.  

Dante Cranell is not so surprisingly alive. Thanks to all events that happened, his lifespan was prolonged. His job... well, his job is complicated. He works as a spy for American government, while being a CEO of a company? If that makes any sense. He's still the same ol' Dante who enjoys solving puzzles, living dangerously and looking for his kind of fun, even though sometimes I don't think he alone knows what he's doing. Oh yeah, he's also a writer in his free time.  

And me? I got into the Academy of Art University here in Denver and am doing amazing! My violin concert is up in a month so I'm constantly practicing to make sure everything turns out great. My friends and family will all be there and I want my concert to be a memory they'll never forget! 

I have no clue what happened to Lucifer and other Princes of Hell. I have no idea what happened to the blond boy either. Unfortunately, I don't even know his name. After Lucifer got us all back to Denver and all of citizens back to life, he left to watch the dancing competition the boy invited him to. He was too prideful not to go, so of course, Beelzebub and Leviathan accompanied him. That was also the last time I saw them. 

Sometimes I wonder what they're doing and whether they've changed, but that curiosity is always temporary, since no one knows what kind of danger they'd represent if we see them again.

That's all folks!

Thanks for reading and make sure to live, not only exist; to fight until even fate accepts defeat; to love, so there's no room for hatred; to improvise when things don't go as planned and to smile, because it's contagious.

Lots of love,

Iris Wallenstein 

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