Chapter 19: I got carried away...

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"Will someone be so kind and remind me when have I ordered three hits?" asked calmly Lucifer, sitting at the head of the table, his hands in front of him, fingers intertwined and piercing red eyes directed at his friends.

"Well you see, your Highness," replied Mammon, "how should I say it? Hehe..." Mammon was quite aware that only one wrong word was enough to set Lucifer off. And he refused to go through his punishments. He had enough of them those 3786 times... 

"I got a bit carried away... or something like that..." with his hand, Mammon was rubbing the back of his head. "Please, understand, your Highness... I got too excited... It won't happen again... And you did say to introduce them to greed... or something like that..."

"I told you to introduce them to greed as a sin, not to your personal greed!" Wincing by hearing the rough tone of his voice, Mammon closed his eyes, just to peak at Lucifer a second later. Seeing how the King of Hell didn't move an inch, relief washed over him.

"I apologize, Sire..." replied Mammon. Lucifer let out a sigh, eyeing the rest of his friends.

"Aren't you going to punish him?" asked Mephistopheles eagerly. He, in all honestly, enjoyed hearing the screams of agony from Lucifer's prey. It was impossible not to hear them, when screams could be heard through all of Hell. That's why, once those shouts started, every single demon knew who was responsible for that. And of course, every sane demon knew not to ask questions about it.

Humming lightly, Lucifer returned his eyes on Mammon, a small spark of amusement present in his eyes. 

"No! No, your Highness, please! I'll do anything! Anything!" Mammon's eyes were wide, tears ready to fall if they had to. Damned be his pride! If crying meant he won't get punished, then he was ready for it. "I don't want to be thrown in your personal dungeon again, nor thrown in the pits of oblivion, nor be tied to hellish cross, or anything! Sire, please!"

Everyone burst laughing at the table, except Mammon and Lucifer. Those two still had a stare down. Beelzebub was banging his head on the table from laughter, Mephistopheles was red as a tomato, Asmodeus fell off the chair, Leviathan was trying to compose himself (even though it was hard) and Abbadon was clenching his stomach from all the laughter.


One word and the princes of Hell were shut. One word was all it took for Lucifer to control the situation. One word was a sign that he was about to pass his judgment on Mammon. A judgment everyone was eagerly waiting for.

Lucifer got up from his seat and headed towards Mammon. The prince of Hell closed his eyes, ready to get strangled by Lucifer, because he knew he played with King's pieces made for His and His entertainment only.

"You're a dummy." said Lucifer, giving Mammon a flick on his forehead.

"A flick?" The single thought ran through everyone's mind, just so they could come to realization how pissed Lucifer actually was.

Mammon let out a squeal once Lucifer's hand connected with his neck, a fiery bluish pattern showing on Mammon's skin and spreading through his body like plague. The King of Hell didn't squeeze his neck much, he didn't have to, for he needed only a simple touch to cause someone misery. He was cold, very cold and the prince of Hell needed heat unless he wanted to die. Mammon let out an ear piercing scream, a scream which echoed through all of Hell, making the other princes cover their ears and causing the sin of greed to start crying from pain.

"Y-y-your H-h-highne-ssss..." stuttered Mammon, letting out cold breaths of air from his mouth. If Lucifer doesn't let go of him soon, he'll surely die.

He knew he shouldn't have killed those kids. If he killed only one, Lucifer might have turned a blind eye to it, but three? No chance. Those chess pieces were for entertainment, but they didn't have any purpose if the man who they were made for wasn't there to play with them. Tears, long turned into ice, burned Mammon's skin. They were sure to leave a scar for some time, until he heals. That would take him about two weeks, considering it was Lucifer's doing, even though his usual injuries healed in a matter of seconds.

Removing his hand from Mammon's neck, the fiery bluish pattern was gone and Mammon's body heat returned, thanks to Lucifer next to him, who's demeanor returned from ice cold to usual boiling hot.

"I don't want to see you next to those kids again Mammon. At least, until I give you permission. Understood?" said Lucifer sharply, with an edge to the voice to give warning to all of them. 

"Understood, Sire..." whispered Mammon, still shaking from the cold, his eyes and head low, bowing before the King.

"Does anyone have anything to add to this?" questioned Lucifer, eyeing his fellow leaders. When no one spoke a word, Lucifer returned to his seat. 

"So, you're continuing the game on your own Lou?" asked Leviathan, breaking the silence. Because, there was one thing certain; everyone wanted to participate in the game somehow.

"No." was Lucifer's short answer, giving them all hope they'd get their turn eventually. The Accuser looked up towards the light green crystal chandelier above them, thinking how even such a shiny crystal, with all its light, can be painted in black. Just like human souls, just like angel souls too. But while he looked at it, he also came to a conclusion that once the soul is painted black it cannot go back to what it was before. He found it ironic and intriguing at the same time, which brought a smile to his face.

"What actually happened while I was gone?" the King of Hell returned his gaze on his friends, "Except three unexpected hits of course."

"Well..." started Mammon, "I have found out that there's a demonic child among those kids - that blonde haired girl with blue eyes! Can you believe that? And she's a daughter of a strong demon since she blew me twenty meters away!"

"You serious?" Abbadon really thought Mammon was joking. There was no way for Iris to be some demon's daughter! Things like that never happen, and are forbidden by Lucifer himself! No demon would be so stupid to do such a thing!

"Greedily serious! And that kid with red eyes! I though he was the weakest, yet he caught the swinging axe with no problem! This generation is amazing! You can't blame me for getting carried away!" pouted Mammon.

"And that's exactly why you're staying here." replied Lucifer, making everyone chuckle. The good atmosphere was back again, which meant joking got a green light too.

"Since you kids can't control yourselves, I'm going next to fix the mess baby Mammon made." smiled Lucifer. "But I'm doing that tomorrow." He got up from his seat and decided to made his way towards his bedroom. 

"Aren't you going to eat dinner Lou?" shouted Beelzebub, the first one to taste the divine food before them. The same food no one dared to touch while Lucifer was angry and the same food which still hasn't cooled off.

"No, I made sure to eat whatever I got my hands on in Heaven. Their food is still as delicious as I remember it to be." replied the Tempter.

"I can hear the sarcasm dripping out of those words, Lou!" added Asmodeus while biting an apple.   

The King chuckled at his words, hearing Mephistopheles call out before he leaves the room, "Where are you going then Lou?"

"To fuck." 

The doors were closed and princes of Hell were left to eat in peace, all of them in their own thoughts.



I'm on a role with chapters! :D First over the weekend and  this one now?! I surprised myself, but I just can't help it when I have so many ideas for this story! Consider this as a thank you for every read, vote and commend you have left so far. This book would be nothing without YOU!

Take care of yourselves guys :) 


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