Chapter 22: Montana Blues

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"You have got to be kidding me..." whispered David at the sight in front of him. 

Lucifer sat in a chair, looking like the king of the world, holding three figurines whose size didn't surpass those of chess pieces in between his fingers, smirking like the Devil he is and provoking the rest of the kids with his amused eyes, daring them to challenge him in yet another game.

Natalia, William and Laura were those three figurines which he held in between the skillful fingers. The reason why those three are in this positions is quite easy. They lost the game. Natalia lost the chess game, and the moment she did Lucifer touched her with his index finger, turning her into a little statue. She was able to speak and move her eyes, which made the whole thing a little bit creepy. The next came William, who tried to beat Lucifer in belote, the only card game he knew how to play, but unfortunately, the King of Hell knew how to play it too. After William, whose losing shocked Dante the most, because he knew how well William played the game, Laura decided to challenge the Devil and get her friends back. She had high hopes that she could beat him in the game Mensch ärgere Dich nicht, but that ended with the same result as William and Natalie. 

Seeing how playing card or board games only worsened their position as Devil's toys, the kids decided to take another approach. The best solution was to make a deal, but they didn't know what they could give in return for their friends. Well, there was once certain necklace, which Dante refused to let go. 

With the three of their friends taken, only Iris, Dante and David remained. Iris was too taken aback to do anything, and the only possible thing she could do would be producing her bluish flames, which she alone didn't know how to control nor summon. Dante was a freaking mess these last two days, even more when his mother was mentioned, which only left David to act. And he was going to act, one way or the other. 

"I don't think you're getting a full kick out of this, Your Highness." started David, getting Lucifer's full attention. He was up to something, both Lucifer and Beelzebub knew that, yet they both wanted to see what has the little human thought of.

"While I do think you're enjoying beating us in board and card games, there's nothing bloody about it nor fully entertaining. So, why don't we move from these games to something else?" questioned the young boy. 

"And what would that be?" asked the King of Hell, seeming quite unimpressed. 

David, in all reality, didn't have the slightest idea which would impress the Accuser. He was buying time for one of those two to get out from whatever state they were currently in. He was barely keeping himself in control while talking to Lucifer, when he just wanted to pass out. 

"Well, I do get that you enjoy mystery and puzzles, and so do some people in our team, but..." David straightened himself, as if he was giving a political speech, "If we have no clues from where to start or not even a single answer to many of our questions, you can't expect us to participate in your game and give our maximum at solving it."

"Is that so?" replied Lucifer, smirking, "You kids did solve the first level, you did ask about Dante's mother, you did ask about pendants. What more do you need to know?"

"You see, Your Highness, those may be more than enough information for you to solve the riddle, but we're just humans. We aren't capable to solve it so soon. Especially since the game is made and controlled by you." replied David, while bowing his head at Lucifer. He decided to suck up to Lucifer to get some clues. No one has tried that before, so it may work now. 

"If you boy don't stop sucking up to me I'll blow your head." Lucifer's calm voice made David raise his head in a matter of seconds. His plan failed, but he wasn't giving up yet. 

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