22 | a problem with problems

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a   p r o b l e m   w i t h   p r o b l e m s

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a   p r o b l e m   w i t h p r o b l e m s

The old, wooden door creaked loudly as I stepped in. The air was thick and musky, but that was all I acknowledged before running into my room. I found a suitcase, which I stuffed with T-shirts, pants and undergarments. My duffel bag was filled with notebooks, supplies, shoes; any and every necessity I could find.

I'm leaving. I'm finally leaving.

I was an adrenaline-filled mess, flying back and forth from my drawers and the suitcases placed at the foot of my bed. When I was done, I settled down and started on my homework for an hour or so.


I just need to make it through one more night.

"Yes, Mark?" I replied gently.

"Get over here, I need to talk to you."

His rough voice was coming from the kitchen and when I got there he was sat at the table, hands folded. He was wearing an old, grey T-shirt, eyes baggy.

"Sit down."

I pulled out the chair and obeyed, holding eye contact. What did he want?

"Did you learn anything at tutoring today?"

"Yes." My mouth went dry. "Uh, my tutor was very nice, and smart too. He graduated high school a year early."

"Oh, wow."


"I think that's a bit weird though," Mark began, twirling a piece of string between his calloused fingers and my heart started to thump. "Because I went over there to pick you up and no one knew where you were."

Think! Hurry!

"Perhaps I went to use the restroom." His eyes stared into mine.

"No, no. I checked the sign-in sheet and your name wasn't there."

"Well I was there."


"So, you didn't go anywhere?"


"Not even with that thug? Aaron?"

"No. We haven't spoken in-"

"I didn't ask for all of that."

"I'm sorry."

Mark blinked. His expression remained cold, and I was still unsure if he was convinced or not. From all of the confrontations in the past, this one was different. Something was off. He was off. Mark's eyes were dark and his chapped lips had a faint, disgusted snarl.

"So, that wasn't you kissing him in his car a few minutes ago?"

No. No. No, no, no...

Suddenly the light above is was too intense, I was too hot, and Mark's brown eyes were staring too hard.

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