The Beginning

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What really is beauty? It's more than just a physical appearance real beauty shines from within on the outward part. Its something that comes from within. Just as in the bible it says that we are a peculiar people,a holy nation. We are royalty not because the world says so but because The Lord says so. The beauty that is seen on us as Christians, is the light of Christ that acts on our hearts and reflects on the outside.
Its not any ordinary light, this light is indescrible, not magical like fairytale but its real. Don't let anyone take disadvantage of that beauty, it cannot be bought and its irreplaceable. Its quite a normal thing for one to classify someone as beautiful based on their outward appearance, but I want that beauty that shows not only on my face but in my lifestyle and in my Christian walk. You don't need someone to tell you how beautiful you are for you to know, based on the word of it declares that you were wonderfully made.

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