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Mistake defines something that should not have happened or come into place an act that results in being regretful.
Now tell me,  has God ever made a mistake in his creation, did he make a mistake when he formed you in your mother's womb, how he fashioned you in his image and likeness? No, there was not a mistake made. When God made everything he put something special inside every living thing and that's purpose.

^For that girl who made a lot of bad decisions and now feels purpose-less living; for no reason.

^For that boy who has been rejected and was given up on by family members and have turned to the wrong kind of company seeking for a purpose to fill the empty gap within his life that says "I am worth it. "

^For that woman who had a terrifying childhood, constantly having flash backs of bad memories of the past.

^ For that man who have been in and out of prison because inward thoughts and memories that have never been spoken or said to anyone else, whatever that had happened has deprived him from the opportunity to live as a real man, the man God made him to be.

For that girl- the bad decisions that you have made might just be some lessons that you have to learn from in order to become stronger.

For that boy- not because you were forsaken by family, means that God has forsaken you too. You have great purpose and that might be a preparation for your ministry.

For that woman- your past does not determine your future your present does. Whatever you have been through and whatever has happend to you, you can be healed from it. The only one that can heal you is Christ, not your partner, not your children so come to him today, his arms are stretched out waiting on you.

For that man- men are said to be the quiet ones because they don't speak much that is on their minds. It's time you speak, it's time you start controlling that anger and bitterness before it overtakes you. Just walk,  just walk into a church one of these days,  make it today and hear the good news of man that once died, of a saviour, of a king who loves you dearly and see that he cares about you.

Everyone of us have a purpose but not all of us knows that. Persons will fall into different categories concerning purpose.
You have:
1. Those that think they don't have a purpose
2. Those that just don't know what their purpose is
3. Those that knows that they have a purpose
4. Those walking in their purpose

I don't know why I wrote this chapter like this but I hope it encourages someone. 😊

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