Drowning With No Lifeguard

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Sometimes in life we go through some stuff where we have nobody around to help us, as if you're drowning in the midst of the sea with no one to swim and help you, whether drowning in family problems, drowning in sadness whatever it may be, you're drowning. One thing I've learnt is that, people won't always be there when you need them, most of all its when you need them most, that's the time that they won't be available. When someone is drowning it is a case where an excessive amount of water is entering their body and its decreasing the Oxygen level its just like when you find yourself in a situation that seems so hopeless as if you're just going under and it seems like there's no way you can get out and everyone and everything is just above you. Writing this I remember a scripture in the bible which speaks about when some of Jesus' disciples were at sea and when they saw the image they thought it was a ghost but at time Jesus was walking on the water, and he made known himself unto his disciples and down the passage Peter stepped out on the sea to meet the Lord and he walking until he began to sink, as his faith decreased so he sank and Jesus held on to him so that he wouldn't drown. As Christians when our faith and our trust in God decreases the more defeated we will feel. As young Christians at times we doubt God, we're humans and we wonder why didn't God help us in a certain point in our lives when we needed him or when he allowed certain stuff to happen to you, but he's still God and all we have to do is to trust and believe that he has a good reason for allowing whatever that is happening in our lives.
That good lifeguard that I'm talking about is Jesus. No matter how deep or far out you are in the deep, he's never too busy or too far away to save you. Nothing is too deep, too wide or too dangerous for him to save you, he's a real good protector, redeemer and saviour. So trust him today its not easy, because I don't know what you've been through why you be struggling with trusting him but it won't hurt if you try. Try trusting him today, give him your all.

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