Not So Close

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Have you ever been told that you're pushing someone away? Well I can relate to that statement not only that, but I can relate to all the people that feels like their in a world by themselves and they don't want anyone too close to them because they are afraid of getting hurt. It's alright to be an introvert, its good to be observant yet from a distance just try not push the people away from you, that cares the most. Yes such people are classified as "secretive, sneaky or quiet" but guess what nothing is wrong with you, you are unique and you're just picky with who you choose to confide in. These are normally people who struggle with trusting, not weird people, but just persons who might have been hurt, broken or cast-off by someone close to them or plainly it might just be their personality I wrote this passage especially for you guys. Guess what, not because you might not be outgoing or even friendly that doesn't make you less of a person, you're still special, extraordinary and it doesn't mean that you're weird it just means that you need a little guidance in choosing the right people to surround yourself with. Whatever in your life that you struggle with doesn't says that you're weak the time you become weak is when you know that you're struggling and you won't ask for help. You become strengthened when you ask for help and in getting help it helps you to overcome whatever it is that's weighing you down.
Its a scary world and you won't know who to trust or who is real because you have so many that's wolves in sheep clothing, sometimes can't even trust ourselves either that's why we need God's wisdom, not that of Solomon for there will never be another with such wisdom but we need just the amount to lead us and direct us and show us the way, because as youths, young people its so easy to fall but if we hold on to his unchanging hand we can make it though it's so hard at times, there's hope and if there's nobody with no weakness or struggle, that would be quite a person but by my knowledge everyone one of us has some quality that needs a little enhancement of change.

Lord I ask of you that everyone who read this passage, you pronounce a blessing upon them right now, whatever struggle they are experiencing right now in their life, break it right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Grant unto them wisdom that they may may the right decisions, guidance that they will be safe, ditecation that they will continue to walk on the straight and narrow path in Jesus name Amen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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