The Edge

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Its like everywhere you turn,there's trouble, nothing seems to go right. If you turn to the right or to the left there's trouble. In a taxi, travelling I simply realise that it is so simple and easy for us to lose our lives.

We don't know what is around the corner waiting for us when we turn, we don't know if there will be a big truck turning to wipe us out or some reckless young driver who decided to turn the road in a race track.
Like a cliff that you're about to fall over, you're at the edge.

If we really take the time out to look into these situations that seems so minor, we will recognise how good the Lord is.
Its like the very life we live is a risk not knowing what tribulation or persecution we will go through as Christians but being willing to give up all for the gospel.

At this moment just sit down and take the time out and look into yourself and reflect back on the times you could have been dead, the times when sickness could have taken you out, when you were left by yourself and nobody cared but the Lord had mercy on you and helped. Just reflect on all of that, right now.

FaultyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora