I'm not Good Enough

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Feeling left out, like the least, you know like on that paper where you made a mistake and you just crushed up and throw that paper in the bin.

Doubting and underestimating yourself from doing something so great, because you think that someone will be able to do it better than you so you have no need to try.. Shake off that feeling and tell yourself 'I am more than enough.'

Stop being a quitter,a doubter, stop feeling down-cast and worthless and saying I am worth it.
You are worth it, anything that you want to do, guess what..you can do it. Anything that you want out of life..believe it or not, you can achieve it.. Wherever your greatest potential or talent lies..it can come to life.

Start believing in yourself a little more, there will be times that only when you start to believe in yourself that's when wonderful things begins to take place in your life.

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