A Different Kind of Woman

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It's quite a selfish inconsiderate thing for someone to use or deceive another person to get want they want. It's very common for the feminine gender to be used by other guys to meet their satisfactory needs. Girls and women it's time to open your eyes to see the deceivers.

There was one deceiver mentioned in the bible and that's the devil. He comes in many shapes and forms and not only that but he also uses other persons to accomplish his goal so be alert and look out for his strategies, he comes only to steal,kill and to destroy. God never ordained you to be beaten, battered and bruised, you were made to give and offer care and love and to get it back in return. It's time to recognise your true purpose here as a Woman. It's a reason why you're called a woman not only because Adam said you will be called woman because this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh but you were made to be loved.

When you see a Woman of God it is very recognisable, just by the way she utters her words, walking in light and how the Glory of God shines upon her. Such a woman isn't ordinary, full of wisdom, conceives understanding and bring forth knowledge compact with the power of God.
Even if you don't think that you possess these qualities, you can. If you make up your mind to be completely controlled by God allowing the Lord to change you into THAT WOMAN he wants you to be.
Set standards; its like building a wall to see who the special person is that will try to climb over that wall no matter what it takes. If that is not done you will allow yourself to fall back in the same positions repeatedly being used.
Find out the true woman you were made to be. Even starting from teenage stage many girls are searching and seeking to find who they really are and what they were made to do that's why many turn to guys which resulted in broken relationships leading to failure in marriage.

It's good to know your worth, even for me growing I didn't know my worth or value what really brought value in my life was Christ. I know I'm speaking to someone today that might be feeling this way but guess what you're not alone, I have been there and is still in the learning process of discovering who I am. You are worth it, don't think about suicide, don't think about hating people and don't think of yourself as worthless. You are a woman:
W- Well-known for being caring and loving
O- Optimistic about negativities they come across
M- Manage to hide the scars and pains while still helping others
A- Analyse every situation to see the good and brighter side of it
N- Never give up no matter how it appears to be and always try to stay strong.

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