Using Your Gift

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So precious, worth more than fine rubies and gold, and that is the gift that is within you. You, yes you, you have a gift, you may not know what it is but you do.

As youths, as young people living for Christ we can make a difference. So often we as young people, we are looked down upon generally because of certain characteristics portrayed by others but it starts with you, with me, with all us, we can make a difference for Christ in a world that is trying to change us.

Not only spiritual gifts whether prophesying or speaking in divers tongues but the Lord has also placed talents within us, its just for us to find what it is.

If singing is what you are good at, then sing for the Lord; join the Youths Choir.

If dancing is what you're good at, then join the Youths group where you'll be able to share your talent with the younger ones.

If playing a musical instrument is what you're good at, then play for your church.

If Arts is what you're good at, then beautify your church with wonderful paintings and drawings.

These are just a few ways of using your gift and talent for the Lord. Let him know that you are appreciative of him giving it to you and you are willing enough to use it to bring glory and honour to his name. So just remember, whatever gift or talent that you have someone, at least one person can be inspired, can be motivated to change their life and come to Christ because of you and because what you have done for the Lord.

For those who are still uncertain what their calling and their gift is, just search deep within yourself, and ask yourself "what really am I capable of doing?" Its right there you just have to open your eyes to see it. Even pray or fast about it and ask the Lord to reveal it to you.

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