The Mirror of Reflection

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When you look into the mirror, do you really like what you see? For some, it's a yes while for others, no or sometime. I can relate to the persons that said no, even I too feel like that at times but you know what, you need to tell disappointment goodbye and begin to thank the Lord for the fact that you're alive and many did not get the chance to be born and there are many that are unable to even see their reflection in the mirror because they're blind. So because God saw it fit for you to look that way and in his eyes you're beautiful, you should be thankful. When you're done reading this, take a look into the mirror and say I'm me, I'm beautiful me, because I was fashioned in the image of God.
This is a little acronym for beautiful
B- Brilliance
E- Elegant
A- Authentic
U- Unique
T- Talent
I- Intelligence
F- Favoured
U- Uniqueness
L- Loving

On the outside, you may be looking in the mirror and you see just someone that's hurting really bad inside or a girl who nobody loves. But look again, don't you see a beautiful girl, who is loved dearly by God or don't you see, a handsome young man Chosen by God. It's not always how it seems to be, sometimes we just got to dig a little deeper, to look inside, and look outside of the eyes of God.

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