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Failure defines the in achievements that we have not gain. As well as it can also be a feeling that persons feel..sounds weird?
Well, some persons feel like they're a failure. In life you will have ups and downs and there will be times when you wish to achieve certain things but some how you didn't but it's okay. That doesn't mean you're a failure, it just means that it's the perfect opportunity for God to still work in your life.

The lord never made any of us as a failure he made us all gifted and talented and even if you still don't know what your gift or talent is, don't be ashamed just dig a little harder. Whenever you fail to do something..just remember that it's the perfect opportunity to do greater things.

You weren't made a failure but you were made am achiever.
You're not the tail not you're the head.
You're not beneath but you're above.

Even I, feel like that at times but I trust the Lord that he will bring me through and so will be also bring you through.

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