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Bruised, shattered and scared are the words used to describe those who are hurting. The pain like a knife, it cuts, but the wound keeps getting deeper and deeper. You might be a victim of rejection, when others despise you and turn their backs and and walk out on you God is always there with you every step of the way. People fail, don't put your trust in people because they will let you don't.
Whenever someone promises me something I would have an expectancy to receive it, nevertheless people don't always do what they say, I too am guilty of that. The maim point is not to put your confidence in people.

Just like in the Bible when a woman was brought to Jesus that was caught in the act of adultery and Jesus said he who is without sin cast the first stone. All the woman's accusers knew within themselves that they had sin. Could you image how ashamed and guilty that woman might have felt, but Jesus did not condemn her in her state but said go thy way and sin no more.
So no matter how awful a situation is, that you find yourself in, don't feel like a cast-away and no matter how people reject you for your mistakes there's always the throne of God to ask for forgiveness.

You are loved, there's somebody greater than everyone else who cares about you and that's Christ.

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