The Result of Loneliness

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That feeling of loneliness and sadness that we all experience at different times in our lives. It pulls you away from those who you love, causing you to be isolated. It's not a great feeling, but sometimes that's when we get time to meditate by ourselves and most of all it prepares us mentally for some; for those moments when you'll be left alone.

Look at this little scenario:
"Kady, why do you keep ignoring my phone calls and for the past three weeks you've been ignoring my messages. Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm sorry Kimmy,but you would not understand what I'm going through right now. Since I didn't wanna burden you with my problems even though you're my best friend, I just thought it best to be by myself."

You see what happened there?
Kady keeps ignoring Kimmy because of certain things that she is going through; so she decides to isolate herself.
I know for you personally it may be hard, even for me, I try to do it at times. Its like you're in a world by yourself and its very hard for you to let someone into your world.

Just whisper this little prayer with me:
Lord I come before you today, you know me,since you have fashioned me. As I come before you today you know everything that's wrong and right in my life but I give you now, the right and the opportunity to choose and surround me with persons who you know that are right for me and will uplift me whenever I feel sad and down at any given time in my life in the name of Jesus I pray Amen.

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