Identity Theft

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It's a common feeling of wishing or wanting to be like someone else. That person may be someone who you look up to;admire or just because maybe you think that person have it all. I too have that same feeling at times, but I realise that there is only one original copy of me and I'm limited edition and so are you. Why should I want to be like someone and their position is already taken. Yes it's common for someone wanting to be like someone because you think they're prettier but wait a minute. Weren't you too crafted skilfully by the hands if God just as they were? We are all equal in the sight of God but in the sight of man, there's partiality. The natural essence of beauty and the flow of personality from a real person comes from within. You may feel less of a person but you are no less of a person you are just as beautiful, just as special, just as unique, just as rich but in the kingdom of God, you are just as favoured, just as blessed and you have something that the people in the world don't have and that's the presence of God with you and a personal relationship with your saviour.
Just take the time out right now, at this moment and just look in the mirror and look at the beauty that you are. Look at that handsome young man and beautiful young lady that God had designed you to be.

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