A Second Chance at Love (Akuroku Love Story)

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My eyes open to a familiar scene I was wearing the same thing which was a long black leather coat, black pants, black gloves, and black boats. At the moment I was half way in a portal. I felt tired and wear my heart is felt like it was being torn a part probably because the love of my life was leaving me in the worst way imaginable. Hey, he doesn’t even remember me, or what we had. “Axel….” he said getting me to look at him. His name was Roxas, he had short sandy blonde spikey hair, and the most captivating blue eyes I had ever laid eyes on. Sure, he was a lot shorter then me yet we didn’t care we loved each other so much, but sadly it was too good to last. “hehehe Let’s meet in the next life” I said like every time, and I already knew what was to happen next. “Yeah I’ll be waiting” he said with a sad smile “Silly just cause you have a next life.” I replied, and everything went black.

I bolted up right in my bed though usually I would wake up screaming or crying for hours mumbling that my love left me. Form having the dream, I should call them flashbacks cause I am positive these dreams are memories of my past life, so much I don’t. From my flashbacks I have fallen in love again with Roxas. Yes, I am gay. Most of my friends are gay too, but unlike them I have not fallen in love yet. Though all my friends were in some part of my past life though they only remember some of their past life. Well you have Xemnas who is with Saix, and they are very happy together. Xemnas is African American, 22 years old, and with long silvery white hair. He is the adult more or so in our group. Saix is 20 years old, and has pale skin like most all of us do. He has long blue hair and a x shape scar on his face that he got in a gang fight a long time ago. Saix is more or so silent though you don’t want to get him angry, and you really don’t want to get on his bad side. Then you have Xigbar and Xalden. Xigbar is 21 years old, and he has pale skin as well and long black hair with a silver stripe usually pulled up in a long ponytail. He wears an eye patch due to losing his eye in a gun shooting, and he has a scar on his cheek that he can‘t remember were he got it. Xigbar is a marksman and gambler though he is quit fun to hang with once you get to know him. Xalden is 21 years old, and he has pale skin again with long black dread locks with black side burns. Xalden is a gambler too, loves to cook, and loves his money. Then you have the most unbelievable couple but they are still going strong is Luxlord and Lexaus. Luxlord is 24 years old, and he has peach skin but still a bit on the pale side, and he has a white/blondish bread and short blonde hair. Luxlord also is a huge game player mainly card games, gambler, and loves alcohol plus his is always drunk. Lexaus is 24 years old, and is a large person with again palish skin, and reddish brown short spikey hair. Lexaus is the silent type loves nature, card games, and other games. As well as he can hold his alcohol quit well. Then you have Marluxia and Vexen. Marluxia is 20 years old, and unlike most of us has peach skin with long spikey pink hair. Marluxia loves plants, fashion, and is girly. Vexen is 20 years old, and is really pale with long blonde hair. Vexen is a scientist, and is probably the smartest one in our group. He even gradated from collage at the age of 14. Then you have Zexion and Demyx. Zexion is 17 years old, and is the shortest with pale skin and bluish hair which covers his right eye. Zexion is a bookworm you could say, he loves music, and he has first aid knowledge along with Vexen. Plus he specializes in feelings and really anything mental. Demyx has tanish skin due to the sun and light brown mullet hair. Demyx is 16 years old, and is a musician playing the sitar, he loves water, and works as a life guard since he is an expert swimmer. Well that is all the organization, minus Roxas, from my past life, and they look just as they did back then. They are even with the same person from then well all expect me. Though I can say Larxene and us don’t get a long with back then, and don’t now so we could care less about her. Now you have Riku and Sora , ya I know what your thinking, but they were our enemies but so that was then, and now we are friends like me and Riku are the best of friends. Though I haven’t met Sora yet, so I can only tell you about Riku. Riku is has 18 years old, and has pale skin with long slightly spikey silver hair. Riku is the cool collective type, but very protective of friends and Sora, he likes to play video games, and fight. Though since Sora is probably the same as he was in his past life he probably is 16 years old, and short with peach skin and brown spiky hair. Sora is probably hyper, protective of his love ones, and friendly. Then you have my cusion Kari and Namine I can’t say much about them, but they live far out of town, so they aren’t that important but we do keep in touch. Well that is everyone wait I am an idiot I forgot about myself.

Well my names Axel Flynn and I am 18 years old. I have natural pale skin, a long red mane of spiky hair that IS natural, emerald green eyes, and two upside down black tear drop birth marks under my eyes. I am pretty tall say over 6 feet tall or so, and I am a bit light in weight but even so all my weight is made up of is little to no fat and mostly muscle. I own a manga and anime shop, and I also write my own manga one is call Kingdom Hearts which is a manga of my past life which is very popular. I am in my last year at high school a long with Riku. I am a straight A student, I know shocking but hey I am smart I just don’t act like it. I am a pyro. Unknown to all my friends and well everyone is at home I have an extremely abusive dad. Due to my dad who is just not only abusive, but an alcoholic and drug addict. I have claw scars spiraling around both arms that stop at the center of my palm and end at my shoulder going inward toward my chest. I also have many different scars all over my back. So because of this I always wear long sleeves, long pants, and gloves. On top of all that my mom was extremely rich I say was cause she has been dead since a little bit after my younger brother was born. After mom died Dad turned abusive, drug addict, alcoholic, and gay. My little brother by 2 years, Reno, was never harmed by my dad, or knows what dad does to me cause I always made sure dad never touched Reno. Reno is only 16 years old, and has red hair that is spikey and he has a long ponytail, and he has pale skin. Reno is gay and has a boyfriend. So the next gay pair would be my brother Reno and Rude. Reno well likes electricity, flying, explosives, his goggles and annoying some friend of his Cloud and Cloud’s boyfriend Zack. Rude is 17 years old, and he looks much older then he is. Rude is bald, wears sunglasses like all the time, and has palish peach skin. Rude likes explosives, guns, hand to hand combat, and sunglasses. Though Reno moved out a long time ago say about 2 years ago and now lives with Rude which I am thankful for though Reno is getting a bit curious of what is happening at home. But soo far no one knows. Now I could go in and tell you all about Reno’s friends, who are mine as well, but I will later but for now I will tell you the pairs in Reno’s group of friends. You got Cloud and Zack, Sephiroth and Vincent, and the rest of them aren’t with anyone yet. Oh yeah you all are probably wondering why are you still living with your dad well there is a good reason, and that is cause he said if I left he would go after everyone I cared for. I can live with his abuse forever if it meant protecting the ones I cared for. Oh, I have never gone out, or kissed anyone cause I have been saving myself for Roxas, and I just could not give myself to anyone but Roxas so I wait hoping Roxas has to.

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