You Remember......

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0.0 It was Axel, my heart. He look just the same as he did in our past life. The same red spikey long hair, the upside down tear drops (that were black birth marks under his eyes), his green emerald eyes shone just the same and over all he looked the exact same. He was still as sexy, hot, or whatever you would think about. He had the same air about him. He still hadn’t looked my way but my eyes were only on him. I saw him shake Sora’s hand in a form of greeting, and I saw in the corner of my eye Riku motion towards me He turned in his chair towards me. Our eyes locked, and everything seemly vanish. I felt like I did when I first saw him in my flashbacks, but ten to whatever times better.


I felt someone shaking my shoulder in means to pull me from my slumber. Yeah, I fell asleep as soon as I finished the last of my paperwork. I really didn’t want to wake up so I batted the hand away and tried to go back to sleep. They wouldn’t have it so in the end I gave up, and woke up. I sat up and notice someone in front of me “Huh…….Riku?” I said as my eyes got adjusted to the light, so I could make out that the person in front of me was indeed none other then Riku. He smirked at me and said “Hey relief is here” “Oh hahaha” I said. “Well I want you to meet some people” Riku said stepping a side to revel two boys. My eyes landed on the nearest one he had brown spikey hair, and blue eyes. Though not as gorgeous blue as Roxas’s. “Soooo who is the brownie” I asked. “This is my boyfriend Sora” Riku said. 0.0 Sora as in the keyblade wielder from my past life. Oh, well weird, but hey we aren’t enemies in this life so we should be friends. “Soooo this is the boy who stole my pale’s heart nice to finally remeet you in person, Sora, the names Axel A-X-E-L got it memorized” I said holding my hand out for Sora to shake. Sora smiled and shook my hand saying “Nice to remeet you too Axel and thanks for the save.” Sora said smiling wide. “Hey, no problem but I will say I had hidden meaning, but it was my pleasure.” I said “So I am guessing it takes a lot of work to run this place all by yourself” “Nahh it used to but after a while it becomes quite easy” I said. “hahaha this place is really awesome” Sora said taking his hand back and looking around “Thanks I do try and hey if you want anything let me know I can give you a discount, or a job.” I said smiling “Wow thanks” Sora said “Anytime” I replied. I then notice someone else was here to “ So who else is here?” I asked “Oh that would be my twin brother Roxas…….” Sora said but after he said Roxas I tuned Sora out and turned my head straight to the other person. 0.0 It was him Roxas the one from my past. The same sandy blonde spikey hair that I just wanted to run my hands though. The same blue eyes that shined in the darkest darkness. Our eyes locked and everything seemly vanished. Seeing him in my flashbacks was nothing compared to this.


Sora and I were by the TV. Me and Sora both remembered our past life. We also knew that Roxas and Axel were together in their past life and I had a hunch that Axel and Roxas both remember their past life, and fell in love again. Through the flashback so they did go out, or show any interest in anyone cause they were already in love with each other. I saw Axel’s and Roxas’s eyes lock, and they both blanked out just like when Sora and I met again. Sora and I smiled at them, but we knew we had to break the trace they were in or we would be here for hours before they even blinked. “Hey!!!” I yelled pulling them from the trace.


I was pulled out of my trace by Riku yelling at Roxas and I. I rubbed the back of my head embarrassed as we both blushed. “Huh oh sorry my bad the names Axel A-X-E-L got it memorized.” I said holding my hand out for Roxas to shake. I couldn’t tell Roxas the truth cause for all I know Roxas may not remember, or even still love me. “Huh oh, nice to meet you the names Roxas and I got it memorized :D” Roxas said shaking my hand. Though when his hand touched mine I felt a tingling electric pleasuring feeling shoot through my body just like when we always touched in our past life. “Well aren’t we supposed to go meet up with everyone else?” Riku said. “Oh yeah just let me clean up and close the shop” I said getting up and putting my paper work in a draw on the check out desk. “Sure, how about we help you” Riku said. “Okay” I said. So we all got together and restocked the store, cleaned it, and locked it up. We stood outside the store my backpack slugged onto my shoulder, and my car keys in my hands. “So who wants to ride with me?” I said. “I will” Roxas said. “Sweet come on” I said happily that Roxas was coming with me so I lead him to my car, and when Roxas saw it his mouth dropped open in surprise. “This is your car!?” Roxas said in shock “Yep this is my baby” I said hopping into the driver seat. “Soooo you going to get in any time soon?” I asked. “Oh yeah” Roxas said opening the door to the passenger front seat and seating him self in. “Soooo were are we heading?” Roxas asked once he was situated in his seat. “We are heading to Burger King to meet up with everyone else” I said starting the engine. “And who is everyone?” Roxas asked and man was he cutie when he is confused. “Everyone would be Xemnas, Saix, Vexen, Marluxia, Xigbar, Xalden, Luxlord, Lexaus, Zexion, and Demyx” I said as I drove us out of the parking lot, and down the road with Riku and Sora in Riku’s car not far behind us. “Wow that is a lot of people” Roxas said shocked. “Yep but hey we are all friends, and trust me you will get a long great with them.” I said smiling knowing Roxas would but I have no idea if Roxas remembers or not. Roxas and I were laughing and talking about anything on our mind well expect the past life thing. “Oh, we are here” I said realizing I had driven us to BK and parked already. “Oh hehehe your right I didn’t notice” Roxas said. “Yeah same I just feel so comfortable with you” I said rubbing the back of my head while I smiled not revealing why even though I know. “Same here” Roxas said. “Well we better get inside” I said hopping out the car and going over to Roxas’s side. “Yeah your right” Roxas said blushing as I opened his door for him, held my hand out for him to take, and said “Well let’s get going my prince” Roxas grabbed my hand exiting the car, I felt the tingly pleasurerful feeling again when we touched and followed as I lead him inside. Inside was to Roxas’s surprise nearly everyone from organization 13 in his past life (plus Riku and Sora). Though to his happiness Larxene was no where in sight. “HEY PEOPLE WE ARE HERE!!” I said. They all turn to us and as soon as their eyes landed on Roxas their faces all looked like this: O.O “Oh yeah this is Roxas Sora’s twin brother” I said placing my hand on Roxas’s shoulder.

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