Planning with a Marine

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I was nearly shaking Tony for answers. “What happened! Where is Roxas!” “DOWN BOY!!” a sharp voice snapped shocking me so much I dropped Tony to see the speaker. First thing I saw was Danny stand at the door leaning on the door frame out of breath and then my eyes landed on our guest. A women, tall lean muscled with red hair and blue green eyes. “Who are you?” I snarled at her my eyes narrowed as I was in no mood. What  with my Roxas missing and in very much danger.  “Aideen, Marine Commander on leave. I was there when Roxas was taken.” She said not breaking eye contact with me. Then Danny finally spoke after getting his breath back “She rescued me from being taken too but couldn’t stop them from taking Roxas.” “The problem is we have NO idea where my bastard of a father took Roxas.” I nearly yelled in frustration and worry. “Kid.” Aideen said. Okay kid? She looks younger then me so who’s calling who kid here. “Your younger then me.” I stated to her mad. “No I’m 25 years old been a Marine for 7 of those years. I’ve seen worse things then you can imagine. Now I might be able to help if you just tell me his name.” She said as serious as you would hear any war harden Marine say.  “Adam Flynn.” Her eyes widen slightly at the name before returning back to her serious face. “Ah him then this should be easy.” “Easy?” We all asked her confused cause really what. How on earth would finding were my Father hide Roxas going to be easy? “Being in the Marines I have worked for all types of government agencies and one time the mission was to infiltrate an organization. Lead none other then by Adam Flynn. It was a success and in result captured majority of his men. Though sadly he got tipped off by a mole, which was later dealt with accordingly, Adam dropped off the grid preventing us from capturing him too.” “You don’t think he would have thought of this before hand?” Tony said. Well thanks downer I actually had hope there. “No.” “What?” I asked hopeful at how certain she sounded. “First I dyed my hair, wore contacts to change my eye color, and got a tan so he was unable to recognize me. Second he has had much time to get new places. Third and the most important one he knows you won’t involve the cops.” “Why would he think that?” Danny asked confused. “He has Roxas, Danny. If I dared get the cops besides you and Tony involved he would surely kill Roxas on the spot. That is something I can’t resict at all. It would be signing my own death certificate.” “Okay we understand Ax buddy.” Tony said. “Thanks Tone. It means a lot to me.” I said smiling grateful at Tony. “What do we do now?” Danny asked curious. “ We’re gonna get fire power.” Aideen said smirking. “And where do you suggest we get fire power?” “My place.”

Now I have to admit Aideen had a nice apartment and to my shock this wasn’t here true home. No her true place was over near WashingtonDC a log cabin nestled nice and hidden in the Mountains. “Wait so you don’t even live near here but own a shop here?” I asked as we entered her apartment which just so happen to be just a floor directly above Tony’s apartment. Ironic and lucky saves time. “Ya, working on getting around to moving the shop closer to DC so it would be easier to work with then only opening it on my leave days. Now weapons.” Aideen said walking over to a cabinet. Okay I will say I was entirely confused about the cabinet. There is no way a cabinet barely as tall as me could hold enough fire power to help us. Though to all our shock after Aideen entered her code and swung the doors open inside was an array of guns. “You know what I don’t even want to ask how you got this many guns.” Tony said as he got a look at the cast arrange of firearms. “Oh well it helps that most of my family is either in the police force, military, government, or work with gun.” “Wow I never want to piss your family off.” Danny said causing us all to laugh a bit before getting back to business. As Tony, Danny, and I went through Aideen’s guns Aideen had walked off to get something. Tony was gonna use his police issue hand gun and Aideen’s revolver pistol. Danny like Tony was gonna use his police issued colt hand gun and another pistol but clip loaded. As for me I had brought my Chakrams and picked up 2 of Aideen’s colt handguns. “Okay you guys got your weapons.” Aideen said coming back in with a roll of paper and a long heavy looking bag. She dropped the bag down on the kitchen table with a loud thud. “What on earth is in there?” Tony asked. Aideen just smirked and gladly unzipped the bag for all to see. There laying neatly in the bag was a Marine standard sniper rifle and a set of top grade clip refill colt hand guns. “Now” Aideen said unrolling the paper she brought to show a schematic of a warehouse. “here is his favorite place.” “Is this where he’s keeping Roxas?” I asked hopeful. “Yes, I’m positive about that. We just need to plan a way in without automatically alerting him we’re there.” Aideen said looking over the schematics carefully. I knew that for as much as I wanted to free Roxas I didn’t want to risk anyone’s life so I looked over the schematics. Then I saw it. “Hey what about here?” I said point to a old fire escape. “That could work. If we climb up the fire escape and us the door there we would come out here, on the over looking top level. No doubt Adam will be on the ground floor in the middle with Roxas.” Aideen said nodding. “Wait but wouldn’t that mean him and his men will just fire at us up there.” “True. I could do the fire escape while you guys take the front door. I can offer a eye above and offer protection from above by sniping some guys if need be.” “Guys. I need you to promise me something. Since we’re going into this with no idea what to expect and if any of us will die.” “Oh Ax, bud think positive everything is going to turn out alright.” Tony said putting his hand on my shoulder. “Just help put me at ease my friend.” “Okay.” “Thank you. Just give this to Roxas should I – I- di-di- not return.” I said unable to say die not even wanting to think of the possibility of that as I handed Tony a thick journal and a small box. “Now no downers here. We are going to go save Roxas, so positive faces people.” Aideen said as we headed down. Though we did stop by Tony’s apartment so he could drop off the items I entrusted to him.

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