Don't you dare try to do that!!!!

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I have no idea how I have survived this long because I had Axel’s letter and the dimming hope that Axel would wake up. I did keep my promise going to school everyday, visiting Axel everyday, and Home. Sometimes I take over Axel’s store which every single one of Axel and my friends switch off taking care of Axel’s shop. Aka keep it running. It has now been almost a year and still nothing has changed with Axel’s condition and I was losing my hope quickly. Every night I fell asleep with Axel’s letter laying in my grasp. Today was the day. The day the hospital was going to pull the plug on Axel ending his life. Taking him form me, form this life. Then I would have to wait unimagionable amount of lives. I was right now in Axel’s hospital room gripping tightly to Axel’s limp hand. I looked up as everyone started to pile into Axel’s hospital room to say their last good-byes. I just stood up and leaned over Axel giving him one last kiss while saying “Happy anniversary Aku, my love.” my voice hoarse in sadness. Without looking back I walked out of the hospital unable to just stand by and watch them shut Axel off. I ended up at Axel’s shop. The shop held many happy memories and had become a memorial for Axel over time. Those happy memories started rushed to me and that made tears pour out of my already sore eyes. I can’t take this. I know to for a fact I could never watch Axel be buried or even see his dead body. I then having made up my mind I continued farther into the store stumbling to Axel’s desk. Then I started yanking drawers till I found what I was looking for. A knife. The one Axel’s kept in there to open boxes and protect the store. Sitting down into Axel’s chair where I could almost feel him sitting in it. I place the knife on my wrist and……..


The doctor leaned down to grasp the plug to shut Axel off. When all of a sudden there was a loud gasping sound. Everyone jumped eyes wide as they looked at the hospital bed. There on the bed was an awake Axel taking in large gulps of air.


Something wasn’t right when I woke up. After blinking my eyes enough to get them used to the bright light of what I can guess is my hospital room. Once I able to get adjusted enough I looked around the room. My eyes landed on my friends who all had tears in their eyes and a shock look on their faces. Then darted my eyes to the wall beside me I saw a doctor there with his hand reached out to pull a plug. Oh my they were just about to shut me off. Realizing this I scanned the crowd in my search for Roxas. When I couldn’t find Roxas I started to panic. I guess when I started to panic the doctor thought it was because of the tubes and wires since he started to undue them quickly. As a nurse ran in to help plus checking me over to ensure I am healthy. Once I was able to get up I immediately jumped up nearly falling down again since my legs were weak due to having not used them in so long. Though I didn’t really have a chance cause not long after I stood up was I attacked by Sora and Demyx in hugs. “Axel!!” They shouted happily. Sure I was happy to but Roxas was my top priority at the moment. “Where’s Roxas” I stated my tone stating there was no questions to be asked just answer. I was meet with silence. Without another thought I bolted out of the hospital totally ignore the yells of me to get back. It took seconds for me to reach my car which luckily was there and had the keys in it. In record time I had the car going and was blowing down the road towards my shop. In hopes Roxas had gone to my shop and not his home and that I wasn’t too late. I got to the shop in record time due to going like well over 20 mph over the speed limit. Ripping the key out of the emission and jumped out. I ran as faster then I thought I could slamming through the door going straight to the back. When I got a glimpse of Roxas I just bolted faster, if that was even possible.


I was just about to run the knife through my main vein when I was tackled form behind. The person who tackled me made the knife go flying. Okay now I was pissed who had the right to stop me. When I looked at them I was beyond shocked to see it was Axel. Tears fell form my eyes at the sight, and I wasn’t the only one Axel was crying as well. “Axel….” I breathed in shock. “Roxas…..never…….do that………again……” Axel hoarse through his tears. For several long minutes we just stayed there crying and holding each other tightly. Once we were able to calm down enough Axel pulled back but still holding on to me. What happened next shocked me. Axel had reached back and slapped me across the face. I just looked at Axel with wide eyes. “Don’t you dare ever try to kill yourself again. You hear me. Never no matter what end your life just because I am no longer here cause you know with out a doubt I want you to live.” Axel nearly yelled at me tears running heavier down his face. After that said it seemed the adrenalin rush Axel had went dry and he slumped down against the near by wall with me still held tightly to him. That just made me sob out loud at shakily nod my head agreeing to it.

Hours later with me and Axel just there holding each other tightly to the other. No longer crying but trying to get in our heads that this was real and not some cruel dream. When someone ran into the shop through the open door. Looking up we saw it was the gang who were all looking relived. In seconds flat we were tackled by Sora and Demyx. Babbling nonsense but a long the lines about how we were both alive. Once we where able to get them off did we finally stand up to face our friends. Who I believe are not to happy at what I tried to do.


I was beyond grateful that I had made it in time to prevent Roxas from killing himself. I would have no idea what to do with myself if he had. Sure I would continue living cause that is what Roxas would want, but should I ever land in the hospital again like that I wouldn’t Fight. For I wouldn’t have Roxas to come back to. Wait a second what date is it? “Roxas.” I said making Roxas look up at me smiling brightly. Man I missed that smiled. “yeah Aku?” Roxas asked. “How long have I been out?” I asked a bit nervous at what I would be told. “A year” Roxas stated looking sad again. Now I can’t have my Roxas sad. “Hey Roku I am here now so no worries okay. Now I have a question.” I said getting Roxas to smile again. “Yeah?” “Did you go to school and not stay at my bed side?” I asked all serious. “Of course Roxas went to School Axel. All because he read your letter.” Sora said skipping over with Riku walking behind him. “Good. Plus to let everyone know so they can tell Roxas again. If something like this happen or something worse I would want my Roxas to live on. To be happy but at least remember me and what we have. For when his time comes we will be reunited in the next life again, and again I will wait for him.” I said looking Roxas dead in the eye. I watched as tears of happiness filed his eyes and a bright smile took over his lips. Just when everyone was happy Roxas got a serious look on his face and said “Axel why didn’t you tell anyone about the abuse?” Everyone went quite at that and looked at me for an answer. I smiled sadly and said “You read the letter I wrote. I never told anyone because I knew if I did he would go after you guys, and I just couldn’t let that happen. Like with Reno I always made sure he never knew so he couldn’t be dragged into it. Though now I don’t have to worry about him any more thanks to you guys. You got him in jail for life.” “Axel to let you know I am not letting you stay in that house, or out of my sight.” Roxas said. I smiled happily. “Of course Roxas any way I was going to get that place torn down and build a new house there.” I said. “I agree with that bro cause with what Father did to you in there I wouldn’t want to step a foot in there but that place has been in the family for so long. Plus mom is buried there so rebuild is our best bet to get over this. Oh and since we are rebuilding it I want you to build a sweet mansion no lameness bro. You got it?” Reno said. “Yeah Reno I got it memorized.” I said glad everything was back to normal again.

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