Discovery and Dinner Date

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As soon as I was through the door way and the door closed plus my shoes off did my oh soooo loving (note sarcasm) father come to me. “So your finally home” He said with a smirk. “Ya, I am do you have a problem with that?” I said back. His face grew furious. “How dare you back talk me!” He yelled as he grabbed my arm roughly, and pulled me down towards the basement which walls were stained with my blood. He threw open the basement door, and roughly threw me against the wall as he chain me up. Placing cuffs on my wrists and ankles to chain me to the wall with my back facing him. “I’m going to teach you not to back talk me” He said as pick up his clawed metal gloves. He ripped off the shirt I had on and dragged his clawed gloves over the scar he already made on me so long ago. Having gotten used to this from so many times of abuse I have a high tolerance of pain plus if he heard a whimper or scream out of me he would do it more and harder. My father, well I really don’t like calling him that but I call him by his name Adam. I felt his clawed glove dig into my back as he leaned over and whispered in my ear “Have you learned your lesson my son?” I gritted my teeth together and said “Never. You are not my father, nor am I your son. I have no father!!” I could just feel Adam’s glare on me as he picked up his spiked chain whip. “Well then I guess you need to be punished some more.” He said as he cracked his whip against the floor. His foot steps echoed as he walked towards me. I could just feel it was going to be a long painful night.


Monday came to slow for my liking. Saturday night and Sunday I just couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was happening and I couldn’t get a hold of Axel. I smiled as I got ready for school all my homework finished. Sora had stayed at Riku’s again ,and Riku would take him to school so the house was peacefully quite. Axel was going to arrive to take me to school with him any minute now. I was just about to head out the door to wait for Axel when I heard a car pulling up. Smiling widely I threw my back pack on my shoulder and ran out the door. I swear my smile couldn’t get any wider as I jumped into Axel’s car. “So ready to go?” he asked. “Yup” I said. Axel smiled and pulled the car out the drive way towards school.


Axel had dropped Roxas off at his class and was now walking towards me since we both have a free period right now cause we are seniors. As Axel walked to me I noticed something that I hadn’t before. He was limping slightly, so slightly that it was hard to notice. Though I could tell by knowing him for as long as I do I could tell he was hiding it. I waited till Axel took the seat beside me on a bench in the hall with his head leaned back in a relaxed position with his legs crossed and arms behind his head. “Axel?” I said “Yeah?” He replied back in a calm relaxed tone but his eyes showed a hidden pain. “You okay?” “Huh, yeah why do you ask?” “Your limping.” As soon as I said that Axel froze up his eyes wide in fright O.O “Axel tell me please” “I-I-I don’t k-know what your talking a-about” Axel stuttered. I had to find out so I did. Only other thing I could think of was how lucky there was no one else in the hall besides us. I grabbed Axel’s arm, and pulled him towards me. By mistake his sleeve was pushed up, but what I saw under his sleeve shock me; his whole arm was bandaged up. “O.O Axel……” Axel tried to pull his arm back, but I just tightened my grip on it. I stood up Axel standing with me since I hadn’t let go of his arm yet, and I dragged him to the men’s bathroom locking the door behind us. I immediately ripped his glove off and pulled his shirt off. (Don’t u prevs dare think Riku is going to rape Axel they have boyfriends who they r very loyal to and they don‘t like each other in that way only a brotherly way >.<) Axel struggled trying to prevent me from removing the bandages, but stopped as soon as I shot a glare at him and said in a deadly tone “The bandages are coming off even if I have to tie you up and do it” I was finally able to get the bandages off his arm and what I saw under them was beyond shocking. O.O From the center of Axel’s palm wrapping around his arm to his shoulder was 3 side by side scars the went toward the center of his palm and ended on his shoulder going inward towards his chest. They look to have been made by maybe a clawed metal glove sometimes used in hand to hand combat. O.O……..”Axel……”………..>.< “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US ABOUT THIS!!!!” Axel just stayed silent and turned his head away from me. “Axel is there more?” he didn’t reply and that just got me angry. I lunged at Axel pinning him to the ground. Axel’s head snapped at me looking at me in shock O.O. I kept him pinned as I rolled up one of his pants legs. Sure, I was expecting some scars maybe, but I wasn’t expecting fresh bandages that had blood leaking through. I immediately started undoing the bandages on his leg as I grabbed the first aid kit I kept in my backpack mainly cause Sora finds himself getting hurt a lot. I was horrified at the wound I saw. On Axel’s leg was a deep slash that swirl around his ankle and stopped about 4 inches below his knee. I shook myself out of my shock state, and gave Axel’s wound proper treatment. Them wrapping it back up in bandages, and through out the whole time we were both silent. We both stood up as soon as I finished. “Why Axel…..Why didn’t you tell us that you are hurt?” Axel stayed silent for a while, and then said while keeping his gaze face towards the ground. “I ….just didn’t want to worry you guys” “Axel look at me” I said thought he refused “Please” and with that Axel finally pulled his head up and look at me. “Now listen Axel we worry cause your our friend it is natural for people to worry about their friends.” “But-t” “No buts Axel” Axel nodded and we both started towards the door. When all of a sudden Axel’s head snapped in my direction eyes wide O.O and he grabbed my shoulders saying “YOU CAN’T TELL ANYONE PLEASE!!” I looked at Axel shocked for a few minutes, and I slowly nodded cause really if I told anyone else especially Roxas they would think he doesn’t trust them. Though I believe he has a good reason for, why I just don’t know. With all that done and over with Axel and I headed back over to the bench and sat down again waiting for Roxas and Sora to get out of class, so we could head out since it was the last period of school. We waited in silence, and I couldn’t help but think of the wounds and scars Axel had well from what I saw. It makes me wonder if he is hiding more. What I really wonder is were did Axel get them? I just didn’t feel it was my place to ask………. yet. 30 minutes passed as we sat there waiting for Roxas/Sora to finish class their teacher well any teacher was glad to let them leave once they finished all their work for the day. It was the same for all the teachers.

A Second Chance at Love (Akuroku Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora