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Weeks have past and it is now Thanksgiving. Lucky or not so lucky we haven’t heard a peep from my so called father, but it still isn’t safe enough to go back home unless he was caught. “Axel!” Roxas yelled for me from the kitchen. Which he has been there since early this morning cooking for dinner. “Coming” I said moving into the kitchen with Tony right behind me. “Oh Axel do you mind going to get the cheesecake?” Roxas asked as he turned around with a smile on his lips. “Okay Roku just try not to make a mess of yourself.” I said giving Roxas a kiss on the lips before me and Tony headed out to the store. “So Ax?” Tony asked once we were in the car and down the road. “Ya Tone?” I asked my eyes staying on the road since I was the one driving Tony’s car. “Do you ever think I’ll find that special some one?” “What of course you will Tone. I know one day your gonna meat some one who can see through your playboy mask and love the real you. Just like your family to me, Roxas, and the gang.” I said turning to Tony when we stopped to give him a smile. “Thanks Ax. You’re the best friend a guy could ask for.” Tony said looking more relieved. “Back at you Tone.” I said and it wasn’t much longer before we had the cheesecake and was on our way back. “Tone you know its been too quite.” I said. “Ya I was thinking the same thing. Your father’s planning something big and we have no idea what.” Tony said leaving us in a weird silence till we arrived back to the apartment. “We got cheesecake!” I yelled me and Tony putting our mask up so we looked happy. “Yes.” Danny said as he came to us from the living room. “Thanks Aku.” Roxas said coming out of the kitchen looking cleaner then when we had left. Roxas reached up and gave me a kiss and then pulled me into the kitchen to put the cheesecake away. “So Roxy think I’m gonna be able to steal you away.” I said wrapping my arms around Roxas. “Maybe” Roxas said a look on his face. I just laughed giving him a kiss and moving into the living room to let Roxas cook. “We watching the game?” I asked taking a seat on the sofa beside Tony. “Yup it’s the Ravens vs. the 49ers.” Danny said. “Let me guess go Ravens.” I said. “Of course my flame head this is Baltimore.” Tone said and we all laughed. “So when is dinner?” Danny asked. “In a few hours, and don‘t rush Roxas he‘s the only one who can cook here.” I said. “I can hear you guys, and thank you Aku!” Roxas yelled from the kitchen. “Your welcome love!” I yelled back laughing. “This is the best Thanksgiving I’ve had in a long time.” Tony said once we all calmed down. “Yes Tony, but you still need to work on how you dress.” Danny said. “Hey at least I can run better.” Tony whined playfully. “Got you there Dan.” I laugh out. “Laugh it up you two.” Danny said. “Don’t mind if we do Danny boy.” Tony laugh out. A hour later Roxas came out calling us for dinner. “B-but the game!” Danny yelled. “Sorry Danny Boy but it is dinner time and you are gonna come and eat.” Tony said as him and I dragged him to the dinner room table. Where Thanksgiving dinner was set. “Glad you could join us Danny.” Roxas said as we took our seats. I took a seat beside Roxas, Tony sat across from me, and Danny taking a seat beside Tony. “Man Roxas this is heavenly.” Tony moaned out as he ate. “Sorry Tone pal he is off limits and taken.” I said laughing and giving a groan as I took a bite. “Though man Roku you just keep getting better every life time.” “I know Aku comes with memorizing secret recipes and many cooking classes.” Roxas said. “So you get better and better at cooking and Ax gets worse?” Tony said. “Hey!!” I said. “Sorry Aku but its true you can’t cook. On the good side your getting better.” Roxas said. “Well thank you Roku.” I said leaning over and giving Roxas a quick kiss. “Not at the dinner table kiddies.” Danny said and we all erupted into laughs. “Now boys what’s everyone here thankful for?” Roxas said. “For Friends” I said. “For Family.” Danny said. “For not being alone.” Tony said. “For Love.” I said. “For life” Roxas finished and we all went silent. The tension there. On all our minds were about my father. “Come on guys lets not let him get to us.” I said after dinner. “Ax is right guys.” Tony said. “Ya anyone want cheesecake?” Roxas asked. “ME!” The three of us said hopping up. “Okay but small pieces.” Roxas said. “What oh come on Roxy.” “Don’t Roxy me Axel. You don’t want to become fat now do you?” “No” “Good.” “Man Ax he has you done.” Tony laughed out. “So I am perfectly happy and I can’t wait for you to meet your match.” I replied. “Here here!” Danny said as we cheered and laughed at Tony’s face. I saw Roxas start to clean up out of the corner of my eyes so I stood up and walk to him. “Hey go sit down and relax I got this.” I said. “B-but” “No buts you have been cooking all day I can finish up.” I said pushing Roxas into the living room to relax as I cleaned up. It didn’t take me long to clean up but by the time I was done and back in the living room Roxas was fast asleep on the sofa. I smiled at the sight and motioned for Tony and Danny to be quit as I picked Roxas up. “Night guys.” I whisper so not to wake Roxas. “Night.” With that I quietly made my way to our room to change Roxas into some pjs and get myself some. Once everything was set I settled down on the bed with Roxas cuddled up to my chest and fell contently asleep. Thus ending my first ever true blue Thanksgiving and I couldn’t have asked for a better one.

Author Note: Sorry this is soo sort been busy and am on a bit of a writers block. Good news is my surprise is almost here can't wait to type that up. Plz vote/rate/comment more the more I wish to write. :D

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