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The next day I woke up not really noticing I was some were else or the weight on my chest. “It was all a dream…..” I said “What was a dream Aku?” I heard someone say and I immediately looked towards the source of the voice. O.O…………………………..:D “Roku!!!” I yelled as I pulled him tighter into my arms. “You really are here, so this isn’t a dream?” I said. “I hope it isn’t.” Roxas said. I smiled and pulled him into a mind blowing kiss. I ran my tongue over Roxas’s lips asking permission. Roxas just smirked, and kept his lips closed. I growled and left Roxas’s lips heading straight to his neck. I went down his neck kissing him lightly and nipping him here and there. When I nipped at one place on the lower part of his neck he let out a muffled moan because he kept his mouth closed. I smirked against his neck kissing and niping him there leaving a hicky. Roxas continued to moan quietly till he couldn’t take it any more and let out a loud moan. I immediately caught his lips and thrusted my tongue into his mouth.


Sora and I were heading back to Sora’s house. “So what do you think Roxas did?” I asked. “Probably just hang around at home by himself.” Sora said. “Well I believe Roxas got enough courage and asked Axel to stay with him” I said. “Yeah if he did I’ll give you 10 bucks” “Okay deal” We walked up the steps to Sora/Roxas’s place. I noticed the lights were still off. “Roxas is still a sleep?” I asked shocked. “Wow that is a first.” Sora said. Sora fished out the key form his pocket and unlocked the door. Sora opened the door as quietly as possible. We went up the stairs to the left of the door and headed towards Roxas’s room to see what he was doing. Sora pulled Roxas’s bedroom door open slowly, and when in was fully open we were shocked to see that it was empty. The bed looked like no had slept in it since yesterday. “Huh? Roxas?” Sora asked. “Hey Sora look.” I said noticing a bag that lay thrown onto the floor. “That isn’t Roxas’s.” Sora said confused. I smirk and turned to Sora saying “You owe me 10 bucks.” “Huh why?” “That is Axel’s bag.” O.O “He actually asked him wow” “So care to make another bet” “Your on loser buys the winner ice cream.” “Sure, I bet Axel and Roxas are laying on the couch together sleeping” “Well I bet their just talking on the couch.” “Oh, okay if they are doing any thing else what happens?” “Nothing?” “Deal” we both said. We exited Roxas’s room shutting the door behind us quietly and headed down stairs. We stood in the hall outside the living room. Sora and I looked at each other and nodded before turning the corner. What we saw made us nearly faint on the spot. There on the couch was indeed Roxas and Axel but they weren’t a sleep, talking, or watching TV. No they were far from those. Roxas was on top of Axel, but that wasn’t all of it Axel and Roxas were full blown making out. O.O


I was in the middle of making out with Roxas when we heard a thud. We both snapped our heads in the direction of the sound. We were surprised to see Sora and Riku passed out on the floor. “Huh?” Roxas/I said. “What time is it?” I asked . Roxas turned so he could see the clock and said “10 am on a Saturday” O.O “Oh shit! I’m late!” I yelled jumping off the couch and running upstairs at top speed towards Roxas’s room. I was already pulling my change of clothes out when Roxas entered the room “What is wrong?” Roxas asked confused. “I’m going to be late for work can I use your shower” I said in a rush “Ya, sure down the hall 2nd door on the right” Roxas said some how understanding what I said. I ran out the room taking about a 5 minute shower, and brushed my teeth for the full 2 minutes. Hey, come on how else do I keep my teeth nice and pearly white. I threw on a long sleeve black shirt that said ‘Sorry Ladies I am Happily Taken’ in red with ‘By My Boyfriend’ written on the back in red as well, a pair of faded blue jeans, and a pair of fingerless black gloves in about 30 seconds. While I was by the door putting on my boots Roxas stood beside me looking a bit sad. “What’s wrong Roku?” I asked. “huh nothing” “Yeah, right you should already know I can read you like a book” “I feel bad because of me your late for work.” “Ah, Roxas it’s okay. How about you come by the shop later, and we go grab something to eat?” Roxas’s face lit up smiling wide, and nodded his head. “Well I got to get going. Love you Roxas” I said quickly kissing Roxas on the lips, and running out the door. Throwing my bag in the back hopping into the front seat. Buckling myself in and driving off towards my shop.

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