Axel Missing!!

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“Finally!!” I yelled as we exited the hospital with me walking and not in a dang wheel chair. Roxas just laughed out shaking his head mumbling something about me being crazy or something along those lines. I then hopped into the front seat of my car for the first time in weeks. “Aaahhhh I missed this.” I said just as Roxas got in beside me and I pulled out of the hospital parking lot. I pulled into Roxas’s drive way hopping out to get my stuff and Roxel into the car with Roxas and his family’s plus Riku’s help. “Axel?” Roxas asked as I stood beside my car with a forlorn look on my face. “Yeah?” I said my attention going to Roxas again. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing…… I’m just gonna miss spending so much time with you.” “What do you mean Aku?” “I am out of the wheel chair now so I must go home to my F-father’s wrath. Know this Roxas no matter what I love should I die tomorrow I would wait life times for you. Without taking a lover or anyone as I would save myself for only you.” Without another word I pulled Roxas into a quick deep kiss then jumped into my car and took off towards the hell hole of my home. Just pulling up to the drive way made a sense of dread fall of me. I turned to Roxel who had hunched down whimpering lowly. “Roxel I’m gonna leave you in the car put the roof up and leave you a large thing of food and water. I know you know how to get out of the car and I am so sorry I have to do this but I don’t want to get you hurt.” I said as Roxel looked up at me showing he understood and once everything was set I slowly left the car and entered the house. As soon as I had entered my Father pounced brutally dragging me into the basement where he striped me and chained me to the wall. “Where have you been my naughty son.” He hissed.


I wait before class during school the next day but Axel never showed up. I had then next ran to everyone and anyone I could think about that Axel might have called but no one had heard from him since the day he went home. Immediately after school Riku drove me and Sora to Axel’s shop only to find in closed and locked up tight. This continued for a week and I was nearly out of my mind with worry. It was a Saturday and I was at home just sitting at the kitchen table staring away into nothingness. Having enough of my parents staring staring at me worried I got up and headed out said to hopefully clear my head. I was sitting there for only a few minutes when I saw something. Something was coming towards me a dog. When it got close enough I recognized the dog it was Roxel. “Roxel?!” I shouted getting the dog to look in my direction and bolted towards me looking panicked if a dog could be. “What is it boy?” I asked as it was indeed Roxel who came to a stop beside me. Roxel just panted for a minute and then he shoved his neck towards me. Confused I looked at Roxel’s collar to see something wrapped around the collar. “What you got there boy?” I said taking the fabric that was wrapped around the collar. The fabric had a small part of a flame design on it and had a familiar scent that Roxas couldn’t place but then it hit him. Axel. It was Axel’s scent on it. Roxas almost hit himself for not recognizing it sooner since he had committed Axel’s scent to memory. Okay now I was positively confused why in the hell would Roxel come to me with this in a panic? I gave Roxel a confused look who just whimpered and nuzzled the cloth in my hands as if trying to convey something to me. Shrugging I gave in and took a closer look to the cloth. Then I saw it. Blood. I had no idea how it missed my site the first time because it was a very large almost totally fresh spot of blood on more than half the cloth. “Oh my! Roxel can you lead me to him?” I asked in a panic for Axel. Roxel shook his head no and I asked confused “Why?” Roxel just padded the cloth a few times and I just looked at him confused and till it hit me. “You won’t take me alone?” I asked and Roxel nodded yes. Man Roxel was smart for a dog. “Okay we’ll go get everyone they should be at the park since Sora had run out say he was gonna met up with everyone there.” I said standing up and started to walk towards the park with Roxel at my side. The whole way there I though of what could have happened to Axel when what my dad had mentioned came back to me. Was Axel abused? It didn’t take long with me going at a fast pace due to my increasing worry for Axel to get there. “Guys!” I yelled as I spotted them and they turned to me. “Oh hey Roxas we didn’t think you were coming. Wait what is Roxel doing here.” Reno said as he and everyone else came over to me and Roxel. “Reno look at this Roxel brought it to me” I said handing him the cloth. Reno looked at it his eyes immediately going to the blood stain. “Whose is this?” Reno asked slightly scared. “It’s Axel’s” Roxas said in a small voice. Reno’s eyes widened at that sentence and a look of realization appeared on his face and then a look of fear. “Oh no it all makes sense now” Reno mumbled. “What does?” Roxas asked scared now. “When I still lived with dad Axel was the only one that fed me and he made sure I was either in my room behind a locked door or at a friends house for a few days. He even made sure that when Rude wanted me to move in I did he literally almost dropped all my stuff at Rude’s in his rush to get me out of the house.” Reno said. “Oh dear lord!” We heard Riku shout. “What?” We all asked him. “Those scars……Oh god.” Riku said. “What scars?” I asked confused and starting to get scared. “The day you and Axel went out to eat at school I had noticed Axel hiding a limp. I cornered him and asked then by accident I pushed his sleeve up and saw bandages. I then brought him into the bathroom to see under them and I was meet with deep scar some even fresh. I only saw the ones on his arms and legs and he didn’t tell me where he got them but he made me swear not to tell anyone.” Riku said looking frustrated and worried. A tense air feel about us and then Zexion stepped up and shouted “WELL WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE WHEN AXEL IS OUT THERE NEEDING OUR HELP!” That mad everyone jump since one Zexion never yells and two he was right. Nodding everyone piled into cars with Vincent, Sephiroth, Yuffie, Cid, Marly, Vexen, Xemnas, and Saix piled into Cid’s van. Xaldin, Xigbar, Luxlord, and Lexaus were in Xaldin’s car. Cloud, Zack, Riku, Sora, Rude, Reno, Roxel, and me where in Reno’s car leading the way to Reno’s Dad’s place. I swear we were going over like 20 mph over the speed limit cause it only took a few minutes to get there. As soon as we arrived Roxel started barking and growling getting aggravated. Then for some reason we all went silent and the silent was broke but a loud familiar scream that rippled the air. The scream was full of pain and fear and the scream was Axel’s. Fear rippled through everyone at the realization. With out another thought everyone but Zexion, Demyx, and Sora all bolted towards the door with the rest staying behind to call the cops and an ambulance. Once inside we all spilt up in groups of twos like me and Riku , Cloud and Zack, Reno and Rude, and Vincent and Sephiroth (ect.). It was now a race against time.

Riku and I bolt down our choice of hall way slamming doors wide open and searching every nook and carnie we could find. We had found Axel’s room since we recognized some of the items in there. Then we heard it “It’s seems this isn’t enough for you! You ungrateful brat!” yelled a voice. “This way” Riku said walking out of the room and towards a door near the end of the hall. Slowly we opened the door to meet the sounds of some liquid dripping and slashing to the ground and the sound of hitting metal and skin to skin. As we made out way down the stairs towards what I can guess was the basement I feared for what we would find. A million thoughts running through my head like the possibility of us finding Axel’s dead body or his so broken mentally that he was now like a child instead of himself. Riku had walked in front of me as we reached the end to maybe protect me or something but what I saw terrified me. In front of us was a tall man (not as tall as Axel) with black spiky hair and red eyes. He had his back to us but on his hands was a pair of metal clawed gloves that were stain with blood and even dripping with fresh blood. He moved and we saw what was in front of him. It was Axel. Axel was striped down of all his clothes but his black flame boxers that had rips and tares. Axel was hanging limp against his chains as blood pooled out of him and into a puddle under him. I was in horror at the site just seeing Axel covered in blood laying limp in chains his eyes barely open and so dark they looked black. Riku saw a metal bat laying on the wall near us and grabbed it. I watched Axel as this was going watching as his dull eyes locked on me and his eyes seemed to gain a little color. I could see the fear in Axel’s eyes. Fear for me. Fear for leaving me again. Fear of dieing to be separated from me again. Riku had managed to walked behind the man who I can guess was Axel’s dad and slammed the bat down onto his head as hard as he could. He dropped out cold and with that I bolted towards Axel as Riku located the key for the chains and started undoing them. “Axel……..” I said in a shaky voice. “R…….o………x……..a……..s” Axel struggled to say as eyes dropping even more. Once Riku was able to undo all the chains Axel slumped forward and I some how caught him against me. Riku then ran out yelling at everyone else that we found him. A few minutes later Reno, Rude, Vincent, Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack, Xemnas, and Saix made it to us. “Bro!” Reno yelled as everyone else gasped as they saw Axel’s condition. Vincent and Sephiroth somehow had tied Axel’s Dad up the where now moving him as Saix and Xemnas where taking pictures of the room since they where cops as well as Vincent and Sephiroth. Rude and Zack carefully lift Axel and with that we quickly made our way outside leaving Saix and Xemnas behind to handle the scene, and Vincent and Sephiroth none so gently carried Axel’s dad out to be given to the cops. Luckily enough Zexion had called them and the cops as well as the ambulance had just arrived. The emergency crew from the ambulance rush over to us carry a stretcher where Rude and Zack gently set Axel down. When Axel was sat down a panic look took over his tried face. “It’s gonna be okay Aku. I’m gonna be right beside you the whole way.” I said look at the works who nodded their okay as they strapped Axel gently down and rushed him onto the ambulance. I sat numbly off to the side out of everyone’s way on the ambulance with my eyes locked on Axel’s form. I was beyond scared cause at that moment Axel’s eyes had closed and his heart was coming to a stop. “Axel! No don’t leave me!” I yelled terrified of being alone again. They shocked Axel and his body jumped. Checking they did it again. I was literally shaking as time past and Axel’s heart still stayed silent. Oh god please any upper power please don’t take Axel from. Don’t take our happy life away again please I’ll do anything. I don’t know how much time had past since Axel’s heart had stopped but just as I was about to lose hope one of the works shouted “I got it! A heartbeat! Faint but I got one!” “Axel……” I sighed out beyond thankful. In then next few seconds a bunch of things happened. First we arrived at the hospital and Axel was rushed inside to the ER for immediate care and surgery. Second everyone else arrived as I was sat in the waiting room worried out of my mind. No one said a word as we all sat there waiting for news. When a nurse came towards us we all jumped up firing questions at her. “Axel has been rushed into surgery but I am sorry to say but the surgery has a low survival rate. Afterwards he will be placed into intensive care where if he survives the night we can give him the next surgery. From there it is up to him.” She said. “Please what’s wrong with Axel?” I asked in a small voice. The nurse looked at me sadly before saying “He is malnourished, dehydrated, and he has severe blood lost which made him have to get several blood transfusions. He has several broken ribs one of which that has pierced his lung and another that nearly pierced his heart. They are working on that now and the next surgery is to remove several metal pieces form inside him as well as fix some of his bones. This first surgery is mandatory in order for him to even have a chance at surviving the night.” With that she left leaving us more worried then before.

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