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I just woke from yet another flashback from my past life. “sigh~ Was Roxas even reborn too.….…. If you were; where are you………my one………..and only………… love……..” I sat there for a few minutes really in no rush cause one it is 3 am in the morning. Two I wasn’t going to school today cause of work and the school knew. Three my dad wouldn’t be awake for another 6 hours, but by then I would already be gone. “sigh~ well I better get moving if I want to avoid traffic.” I said getting out of bed and heading to my shower to wash of any dried blood from last nights beating. After my shower I cleaned and bandaged the new wounds and old scars. Once I finished doing that I walked over to my dresser and pulled out an outfit I had no reason why I want to wear it today, but I felt like something good was going to happen today. The outfit was a pair of tight black pants, my black boots, a tight long sleeve shirt with a flame design going up it, and my black fingerless gloves. I pick up my phone, which happened to be the droid, and slide it into my pocket a long with my trust lighter, which is blue like Roxas’s eyes. Well the eyes from my flashbacks. I grabbed the keys to my car, plus I also grabbed my flame backpack full of school work and the important paperwork I have to fill out today for my shop, and set out the door, and by then it was 5 am. My car was the 2010 Lamborghini Reventón Roadster, but it has a back row of seats instead of just 2 front seats, and it was a convertible but the roof is usually down. No, my dad didn’t get it for me it I got it with the money I earned at my shop which is a lot.I hopped into my car and took off down my like mile long drive and took off down the road heading towards my shop. It took me about a hour before I pulled up to the parking lot of my store and parked in the parking slot in front of my store. I hopped out of my car without even using the door. I took out my key, and unlock the shop. I then turned the closed sign to open as I walk over to the check out desk which also doubles as my work desk. I took a seat at it setting my backpack done beside me, and pulled out the paper work I had to get done. I pulled a pen out, and got started on the massive pile of work I had to do joy. “sigh~” I look up at the clock to see it was already 7 am, and I wasn’t even done with 10 sheets out of the huge stack of paper work mainly cause I had to help out some customers as well as chase of some fan girls I have. Okay, not some a lot. “Well I better call Riku to tell him I’m not coming into school today.” I said picking my phone up off the desk and called Riku.

{Phone convo (R=Riku A=Axel/I) }


???:hey Axel.

A: Hey Riku you at school yet?

R: No.

A: Huh but usually you are.

R: Yeah I know but I have to pick up Sora and his brother.

A: What? Why?

R: Cause they now go to our school.

A: Really, sweet I would love to meet them.

R: So, why did you call?

A: Oh, yeah I’m not going to be at school today.

R: Huh why?

A: Paperwork.

R: Oh, well how about I bring Sora and his brother to the shop after school, so you can meet them?

A: That would be sweet. Oh, and can you tell the others I won’t be there today

R: Sure.

A: Thanks your the best

R: Anytime

A: Well, I better get back to the paperwork, but I can’t wait to meet the boy who stole my best friend’s heart.

A Second Chance at Love (Akuroku Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now