Axel Found and Hospital

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Once I was inside and the safe area closed due to too many people I sat down in a corner and sunk down to my knees burying my head in my knees and started crying. “Hey kid you okay?” Someone asked me. I looked up to see who it was to be shocked to see it was Zack, Cloud, Reno, and Rude. “Guys? 0.0” “Roxas!!!!” they yelled happily pulling me into a group hug. “Man are we glad to see you” Zack said. “Hey where’s my bro?” Reno asked worried. “I-I don’t know we got separated and I ended up here” I said tearing up at the though of something bad happening to Axel. Then another smaller but still deadly earthquake happened, but luckily the safe area stayed together. Hours past till we were all allowed to leave the safe area and outside wasn’t a pretty site buildings every where were in ruins. Police officers, nurses, doctors, and firefighters were going around checking on people to see if they had everyone accounted for. We all looked at each other nodding we stayed together and started searching for Axel. The fear, panic, and worry I felt increased when we couldn’t find Axel and no one had seen him. We then came across 2 children who where near a destroyed safe area crying. “Hey you guys okay?” I asked. They looked at us and the older girl said “Ya some nice man saved us, b-but our big sis and the kind man are still in there.” “0.0 W-what? Wait what did the guy look like?” I asked feeling fear. “The nice man said his name was Axel” the younger girl said. “What did he look like! Please you have to tell me a friend of ours is named Axel” “Well he said to only tell someone with a certain name. Oh and my name is Kelsey” the older girl said. “And I’m Britney” the younger girl said. “I’m Reno, Mr.baldy is Rude, the guy with black hair is Zack, the tall blond is Cloud, and the this guy her aka the shortest one of our group is Roxas.” Reno said. “0.0 Wait your Roxas?” Kelsey asked. “Ya” I said confused. “Ya, he is kels he has the same description that Axel told us” Britney said. “Wait please you have to tell me what he looked like” I said “He was tall kind of skinny. Oh, and he had long red spiky hair” Kelsey said. I stumbled back falling to the ground in shock “n-no no please no” I said starting to cry. “Roxas what wrong?” Britney/Kelsey asked. Reno immediately call a police officer over.


This wasn’t good at all. I had been in a safe area since I was separated from Roxas. I met 3 sisters named Kaitlin (age 5), Kelsey (age 4), and Britney (age 4) they are a good set of nice kids. Ya some safe area this is as soon as another earthquake hit it started collapsing. Yelling I got people’s attention and they immediately rushed out “You guys need to get out of here.” They looked up at me scared. Kaitlin, who was the tallest and had long red hair, stood up dragging the other 2 up “Come on Kels Brit we have to get out of here like Axel told us to” We were all just about to run out when a giant stone slab came down 0.0. Without thinking I shoved Britney and Kelsey through the entrance and outside. I then tackled the Kaitlin down covering her with my body. I grunted as huge amounts of debris crashed down onto me.


In a moment of my paniced mind I whipped out my phone dialing Axel’s number. At first all I heard was the dial tone till someone answered.

PHONE CONVO (K-Kaitlin A-Axel R-Roxas)

??:What do I do now?

??:press the speaker button {this voice sounded distant}

??:k got it

??:Good ello? {Now not distant but clear}



R:Axel your okay! Where are you?

A:I am alive for now Roxas, but I assure you I am no where good

??:Is Brit and Kels there?!


??:thank god their okay

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