New Years

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“Tone!” I yelled trying to catch Tony as he ran towards the grocery store after eating a good amount of his Christmas candy. ‘He had to eat all that candy. Now he’s on a sugar rush. Really Tone you’re an unique kind of cop, but still a good one.’ I thought. Some how I was able to catch Tony just before he entered the store. “Got you.” “Aaaawww Ax, Bro come on.” Tony whined. “No Tony. Sorry but if you don’t calm down I’m taking away all your sugar.” “What! No, I’ll be good! I’m calm.” Tony said panicked in his sugar high state that I would go through with my threat. After a few minutes and I was sure Tony’s sugar rush had disappeared enough did I let him go. “Sorry Ax. You know how I get when I have too much sugar.” Tony said more calm then he was a few minutes ago. “Ya! I do Tone, and its funny!” I said with a grin. “Hey!” “Hehehe now come on Tone we got to get the food for New Years tonight.” I said. “Well then what are we waiting for!” Tony said moving into the store. Shaking my head I grabbed a cart and followed behind. “Ax! Can I get more chocolate?” Tony asked as I came towards hi in the chip and candy alley. “Fine just cause it’s a holiday.” I said. “Yes. So Ax what’s the plan tonight?” Tony asked as we picked up some chips, dip, and chocolate. “Roxas is gonna cook some pizza and we’ll go between watching movies and playing some games.” “Sweet! I love Rox’s pizzas. I would marry them if I could.” Tony said happily. “Sorry, Tone but you may love Roxas’s pizzas but Roxas is mine.” I said playfully glaring at Tony as I picked up the ingredients Roxas need to make the pizzas. “Understand that bro. I would never take Roxas away from you. Hey maybe someday in the future I’ll find the love for me.” Tony said. “Ya you will Tone and when you do I’ll have to check them and warn them to not hurt my little bro.” I said walking off to check out. “Hey! Who you calling little?!” Tony said follow closely behind me. “You bro cause your smaller and you act younger.” I said loading the food up. “Hello!” the cashier said in a flirty voice. She was medium height, wore heavy make up, and her blonde hair was done up (Looking a lot like a slut). “Ello.” I said totally ignoring her flirting cause I got Roxas. “So its just gonna be you two boys together alone this New Years?” She said still trying to flirt with me. Urg. “no” I said trying hard to stay civil. “Oh really.” She said. “Ya its my cop partner and Ax’s lover.” Tony said in a normal tone, but I could tell Tony was telling the cashier to back off I was happily taken. Though before she could speak up I had finished paying and bagging the groceries, and without another thought left with Tony quickly to the car. “Thanks Tone.” I said loading the groceries into the back of Tony’s car. “Your Welcome Ax. We’re family even if were aren’t relate, and family stick together.” Tony said closing the car up and hoped in to head back to Tony’s place.

“Danny!” Tony yelled outside the door cause our arms were too full of groceries to open the door. After a few minutes of Tony banging on the door did said door finally open. “Took you awhile Danny boy.” Tony said walking past Danny and into the kitchen. I followed closely behind Tony watching Danny closely as I se the groceries down, so Roxas could put them where he wanted them. “You okay Dan?” I asked. “Huh?” Danny said looking up at me and getting out of his thoughts by the looks of it. “Oh, Axel there’s something you need to know.” “What?” I asked confused and a bit worried. “Your dad’s been spotted.” Danny said. When those words were said fear shot through me. It wasn’t fear for my safety, but fear for Roxas’s safety. “Were.” I stated as calmly as I could. “Baltimore. 50 miles from here.” Danny said his eyes showing how sorry he was about this. “If he’s so close why hasn’t he made a move?” Tony asked. “Cause he’s a sick man, Who only let himself be seen to drive us mad before he makes his move on us.” Roxas said angrily as he come towards us from the kitchen. “No, love. Yes, he did let himself be seen but it was as a form of warning.” I said more calmly then I felt. “What warning?” Tony asked. “He’s here, so I better be ready cause he’s gonna come. For now he’s not gonna act for some time.” I said walking off. “Axel” Roxas said trying to stop me. “Sorry love.” I said and just walked straight past Roxas and into our darken bedroom.


I watched shocked as Axel walked away. Axel had never brushed me off, so something was very wrong. Making up my mind and I moved to follow Axel. All of a sudden Tony pushed me down and back into the chair. I looked at Tony confused at why he was stopping me. “No, Rox. I’ll handle this. You can’t help Axel on this problem cause it is you that is part of the core to Axel’s current problems.“ Tony said. “What?” I asked shocked and confused. “To Axel his main goal is to protect you Roxas from his father, It tears him up to have you in danger.” Tony said walking off towards were Axel is. With a sigh I moved into the kitchen to make the pizza. ‘Hope your gonna be okay now.’ I thought moving around cooking.


Upon entering Axel and Roxas’s bedroom I notice that even if Axel was in here had kept the lights off. I moved towards the bed where Axel sat staring off into nothingness. “Ax. Bro?” I said coming to a stop beside Axel. Without a single noise Axel just looked up at me. “Hey every things gonna be okay. Danny and I won’t let your father ever get near Roxas, or you for that matter.” I said trying to cheer Axel up. A few minutes past then in agonizing silence. Then Axel gave a long sigh before saying “Thank you Tone, but I could careless what happens to me. All that matters is Roxas is able to live safe and sound as well as happy. With me all he gets is danger and suffering.” Axel said looking down into his lap. “What no way that is true. Ax. Look at me.” I said getting Axel to look back up at my face. “I know for a fact that Roxas would in no way be happy without you Ax. Your Roxas’s soul mate, love of his life. His everything. I see it every time Roxas looks at you all I can see in his eyes is the love he had for you. That love is no simple thing no it’s the purest, truest love I’ve ever seen any couple share. You guys need and deserve each other.” I said determined to show Axel that Roxas needs him as much as Axel needs Roxas. “Thank you Tone.” Axel said looking happier and more like himself again. “No problem. You just needed a good friend to knock some sense into you.” I said giving Axel a pat on the back.


I had justed finished making the pizzas when Axel and Tony finally exited mine and Axel’s room. Axel walked straight towards me smiling. I made no move to Axel to allow him to decide what was to happen. Not even a full minute later Axel wrapped me up in his arms pulling me into his warm chest. “I’m sorry I worried you love. There was just to much on my mind.” Axel said. Looking up at Axel I smiled saying “Hey, its okay love all that matters is that everything is okay now. Besides its New Years and the pizzas done.” Axel smiled then turned to the kitchen. “Tone don’t you dare touch the pizza!” “What?! But Ax!!” Tony whined in reply from the dinning table where the pizza sat. I laugh as I watched Axel run to Tony ripping the pizza away from him. “Hey!” Tony yelled and Axel just kept the pizza out of Tony’s reach. “You were gonna eat it all and leave none for everyone else.” Axel said. “Fine” Tony grumbled plopping down at the table. Danny then walked over and set the tortia chips a long with the onion and cheese dip. I smiled at the scene in front of me thinking that even if I have to be hiding for protection I wouldn’t have things any other way else. “Rox come join us!” Tony said from his set at the table.


After dinner Tony had dragged us to watch a few James Bond movies, and now we were all playing Monopoly in front of the TV Tony got for Christmas with the New Years bash on. “Tony! Stop stealing my money!” Danny yelled as Tony once again took some of Danny’s money. “I have no idea what your talking about Danny boy.” Tony said. “Bull!” Danny yelled back. I just sat there unable to stop laughing as Danny and Tony continued to argue. “Guys!” Roxas yelled all of a sudden. “What?” we all asked Roxas confused. “The balls about to drop.” Roxas said pointing at the TV. “Oh must of gotten so caught up in our game that we lost track of time.” Tony said. “Well we wouldn’t have if someone didn’t cheat.” Danny said as we packed up the game. Sitting down as the count down began. Danny was sipping a bear, Tony and I were sipping wine, and Roxas had some sparkling cider. As the count down was nearing the end we all started counting down aloud. “10.……..9.……..8.………7.………6.……5.…….“ I locked my eyes with Roxas. “4.……….3.……..!2.…..!!!!!1!!!!!!!! Happy New Year!” we yelled as the ball dropped. Not even a second later I locked Roxas into a gentle kiss full of love and promising happyness in the year to come. or so I hope.

A Second Chance at Love (Akuroku Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now