Part 2

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  You spent the next whole week finishing up packing; being prepared for a huge move.

After that you shipped things to America, straight to your apartment. Luckily your best friend had left before you, so she would place everything in your apartment for you.

"Finally I finished." You smiled widely and gave a yourself a pat on your back. Tomorrow you would turn in your apartment keys and catch your flight.

You looked at your calendar, seeing a circle the day Saturday. Today was Saturday.

"Crap! I have to make Aomine dinner." You tapped your chin thinking of what he would want.

You snapped your fingers remembering his favorite dish, Teriyaki burger.

"I'll just go buy the ingredients!" You went to your room to get dress in some jeans and a button up shirt. Then you grabbed your purse and quickly walked out, locking your door behind you.

******AND THEN......********

"Aomine are you home? I'm here to cook remember?" You said loudly while knocking. Aomines house was only 40 minutes away from your apartment, so it didn't take long to walk.

You heard loud footsteps walking inside, and the door swung open.

"Hey. Come in" He had his hair messy as if he had been sleeping.

You walked in and took off your shoes. "Sorry for the intrusion."

You walked over to his kitchen and placed all the groceries you brought on the counter.

Aomine was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He watched you closely as you took out the things you bought out of the bags.

You knew he was watching, and suddenly felt your face heat up.

"A-aomine a-re you hungry?" You scolded yourself for stuttering.

Aomine smirked, he purposely was trying to make you feel uncomfortable.

"Yes. I am."

"Okay then. I'll start right now. I'm making your favorite."

You smiled at him, making his heart skip a beat.

He simply nodded sat down at the table at a seat where he could get a full view of you.

You out your hair in a bun and quickly got to cooking

Aomine watched boredly. To be honest, he wasn't hungry. His mom left food this time knowing you would be there to cook anymore. He lied only to have a chance alone with you. And boy was he trying hard not to kiss you roughly right there and then.
He really wanted to wrap your legs around his waist and-

"Ouch!" You yelled.

Aomine snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you.

You were sucking on your finger, which you had cut in accident.

"Are you okay?" He was about to stand up and walk to you, but you told him to stay.

"It's a small cut.I'll be fine!" You went back to cooking and aomine continued to watch, occasionally yawning.

After some time, you fished cooking and served yourself and him.

"Well dig in!" You cheerfully said

Aomine took his chop sticks saying "itadakimasu". You did the same and began to eat.

You both ate in silence, not one person saying anything at all. Aomine though, would stare at you while you ate. Which made you shift nervously in your seat.

After you both finished eating, you offered to wash the dishes.

"After this I have to go home though." You told aomine while cleaning them. It was already 7:00pm, and tomorrow you had a flight to catch.

Aomine couldn't take it anymore. He wanted you to stay and sleep over like you used to.

He walked up behind you, and slid his arms around your waist. Then he rested his chin on your shoulder.

You jumped in shock, causing you to drop a cup on the floor.

"A-aomine, w-what are you d-doing??!?!"

You tried to squirm out of his arms, but he only tightened his grip.

"(F/n), I missed your scent." He placed his nose in your hair, inhaling deeply. Then he kissed it.

Slowly he moved his lips down your head, to your jaw, then to your neck.

He kissed you briefly, before he began to suck and bite on a spot on your neck that he knew was your weak spot.

"Aomine, p-please stop...." You slightly moaned out.

He used his right hand to grab your chin, making you turn your head so that he could kiss your lips that he so desired.

His other hand moved under your shirt. He touched your belly, then slowly moved up towards your breast that was covered with your bra.

His touch made you shiver and gasp. Using this as an opportunity, aomine quickly slammed his lips on yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth.

You shut your eyes tightly as he used his tongue to explore your mouth like he used to. He massaged your breasts roughly.

You wanted to tell him to stop, but instead you moaned while he was still kissing you with tongue.

When you couldn't breath anymore, he quickly pulled away and stoped. You gasped deeply for air.

Angrily, you pushed him away.

"W-why... Who the Hell said you could do that!!!" You yelled while hitting his chest with your fist.

Your face was bright red from anger and embarrassment.

Aomine did not falter, he only looked down at you seriously.

He grabbed both of your wrist, stopping you from hitting him. Then he leaned forward and kissed you again.

"Hmmnnph ... S-STOP!" You used all your strength to push him back. But since he was much stronger, he still didn't move.

"I know you want this as much as I do.(F/n)..." He said to you as you struggled to break free.

You twisted your wrists free out of his grasp, then ran towards the front door.

"Oi! (F/n)!!" Aomine yelled while running after you.

Before you twisted the doorknob, aomine grabbed you wrists again. He turned you around to face him.

"No! Leave me alone!" You yelled out again angrily.

With his left hand he grabbed both of your wrist, and pinned them above your head.

He moved his right hand around your waist and pushed you tightly against him.

"Stop fighting it, I know you have been wanting this. It's been a while for both of us."

Aomine grinded his lower part against yours.

"Sto-ahhh!" You arched your back and moaned. Even if you were both clothed, the friction caused some type of pleasure to hit you.

" moaned again." Aomine said whispering in your ear with his husky deep voice.

He grinded on you again, this time more roughly.


"No you do...." He leaned down and kissed your neck.

Aomine picked you up bridal style, and carried you to his room.

"P-put me down!!!" You kicked your legs and aomine just held onto you tighter.

When he got to his room, he threw you gently on his bed, then went to lock his door.

He turned around to face you, his eyes had a sexual longing for you.

You gulped. Now there was no way out of this. You raised yourself from his bed, sitting with feet behind your but.

"Aomine....please....I don't wan-"

Aomine came to you and kissed you.

"Don't lie go yourself. I can see that you want it just as much as me. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

He was right. Deep down inside you missed him. You missed how he would kiss you gently, or roughly. How his touch would make you feel on fire.

You looked down at your hands that rested on your lap. You stood quiet and bit your lip.

Aomine slowly pushed you down, and hovered over you.

"I'll take that as a yes."

He straddled your hips and began to strip. when he was just in his boxers, He took off your jeans and ripped off your button up shirt, leaving you in your matching (color) bra and underwear.

Cold air hit you, and you shivered. Aomine kissed your abdomen, then moved Slowly moved his lips towards your neck, kissing your body while doing so.

He slid off your bra, revealing what he claimed was his favorite body part of yours.

You looked away from him. Ashamed of yourself for submitting to him.

You took a deep breath, and closed your eyes.

'This is going to be a long night....'


After a long night of lewd noises and panting, you laid down quietly staring at the ceiling of aomines room.

Aomine was asleep. His soft happy snores could be heard. He had his arms wrapped around you, and his head was rested on your shoulder. surprising, he was really gentle with you this time. It wasn't the usual rough sex he would give you. This time it was slow and romantic.
You looked at the time on his alarm clock. It was 1:00am. You gently got off the bed, trying not to wake aomine up. You picked up all your clothes again and quickly got dress. Your flight wasn't till 4:00am but you had to get do some stuff beforehand.
Before you walked out of his room, you looked at him one more time. He looked so peaceful sleeping. He had that same scary look on his face,but you knew he was happy.

You walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Goodbye...daiki." you whispered and left his room.

Once again you looked around his house. This would be the last town you would see it. You looked at the kitchen, then at the time.

'I'll cook for him once more. And leave a note for him.'


Aomine woke up the next morning feeling great. He sighed in content, then stretched his arms out. He looked to his right, hoping to see you sleeping. But you were already long gone.

He got off his bed and put on his boxers. When he went to the kitchen, he say once again breakfast was made.

Next to a plate was a folder piece of paper. Aomine grabbed it and opened it.

His eyes opened widely in surprise, and he felt his heart drop.

'Dear aomine,

By the time you read this, I would have already left. This will be the last time we see each other. Today I am leaving to America.I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I'm sorry I left you heartbroken. But over time we will move on right? I won't be coming back soon, and I don't know if we will ever meet again. But I wish you well. Please be safe and finish school.
With love,

( ('

Aomine crumpled up the paper and ran to his room. He quickly slipped on pants and a shirt. He ran out his door to your apartment.


"(F/n)!!! Are you you in there!?!?"

Aomine banged on your door. But no one answered.

"Excuse me sir?" A voice was heard behind him.

Aomine turned around to meet eyes with an elderly lady.

"Are you okay?" She asked sweetly.

Aomine was not okay. He had so many mixed feelings that it hurt.

"Im looking for the person who lives here. She's a young women."

The old lady suddenly had a sad expression on her face.

"Im sorry young man, but (L/n)-san left at 3:00am. She had a flight at 4:00am.She is moving to America."

Aomine felt himself get weak. He leaned back on your now old apartment door and slid down. He had his hands in his hair, tightly gripping it.

"(F/n)..." He whispered.

"Are you okay??" The women looked at aomine concerned.

"Are you sure she left? Like she is never coming back?" He could not believe you didn't tell him sooner.

"In sorry, she just said she would never come back. Unless for a visit." She sadly said.

"Oh! Are you by chance aomine-san?" She asked.

Aomine looked up at her and nodded.

"Yes I am.."

She smiled warmly and pulled something out of her pocket.

It was a picture of you and aomine on your first date. He remembered he took you to the arcade and you went into the photo booth to take pictures together.

"(L/n)-san said to give this to you." She handed the photo to aomine. He took it and gazed at it for a while, smiling at it.

Aomine stood up, and stuck the photo in his pocket.

He bowed to the elderly woman in respect and walked back home.

On his way back home, he took out the photo and looked at for a long time.

"(F/N)...So you think that's it huh? You think leaving the way you did is going to make me stop. Like hell it will! I haven't lost yet and I'm damn not about too, you'll see (f/n), this goodbye won't last long, I'll make sure of that."  

Aomine x Reader: Goodbye is not foreverWhere stories live. Discover now