Side story [2/2]

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  It seemed your whole life became more....interesting ever since you crossed paths with Aomine. Somehow you found yourself laughing more, smiling, even having 'fun'. Your best friend even noticed it, commenting on your change every so often. "You look happy!" She would say.
Of course this made no sense, I mean you are always happy. But she was not the only person to mention that. Imayoshi, always seemed to poke at you about finally seeing something other than a frown on your face. Even Momoi, whom you got to know so much better over the span of a month or two, would blabber about how Aomine really makes you happy, and how it is so noticeable.
"I think Dai-Chan has a small crush on you senpai." She loudly announced in the small cafe the two of you currently resided in.

"What? No way, we are nothing but friends..."
"Hmm... But Dai-Chan likes to spend more time with you, than he does with his other activities."

"His only activity is sleeping......"
"True. But lately he has been sleeping less. Majority of his time is spent on you."
What Momoi mentioned was true, but the reason behind that was because of the little bargain you both agreed on. Ever since then, he did follow you around more. When you went to get a juice box, he happened to be there, purchasing some random item. And he always, always sat in the same spot in the library, right across from you. It did not bother you, after all you loved his company. He had a strange way of keeping you entertained. Even if all he did was sleep some occasions.

'It's because of that bet we made.'

"Eh? What bet?!" Momoi excitedly jumped forward towards you. You leaned back in response from how close she was.

"Did I say that out loud?" You said while giving a small embarrassed laugh. Momoi's face light up, and she smiled knowingly. "Yes you did! Now you have to tell me about this bet!" She sat back down in her seat, putting the tea cup to her mouth to take a sip.

"Ah.. well.... We made a bet that he could not beat my final exam scores. But he claims he can...."

"Ooh. That explains why he had been studying so much these past few weeks. Exams is coming up fast."
"Yup, they are definitely coming towards us quickly. I think they are next week. Anyways I think that's the only reason he is hanging around. To show off that he will beat me."
Momoi gently smiled, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "I think it's more than that. I have known Dai-Chan since we were very young, so I know when he is interested in someone."
"Is that so..." You picked up your beverage to take a sip. "I don't know what to say."
"Senpai, haven't you been in a relationship before?"

"Ah, yes I have been..but it has been a while.." Momoi was very straightforward wasn't she? "I have only had like one. And he was a horrible kisser.."

"HUH? Only one??" Momoi almost yelled out. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at you perplexed. "That's impossible! Senpai is very beautiful and kind, and your figure is better than mine!" The last part of her sentence she yelled out, aiming all attention on the two of you.
"M-momoi... Please don't yell out such embarrassing things.." you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, with flushed cheeks.
"But it's true! Even Aomin-- ah I mean I heard some of the senpai's talking about you during practice. They all admire you very much." She knew best not to mention Aomines lewd comments on you.

"That's even more embarrassing...." Almost half of those second years you tutored. So you had an idea who would say such things.
"Hehe but its true no? Anyways how do you feel about Aomine?" There goes another one of her questions that threw you off.

"Ah..." Your heart jumped at the thought of Aomine. Every time someone mentioned his name, you could not help but smile widely and blush like a little school girl. Momoi giggled and teasingly grinned. "You like him don't you?"

'I do..don't I?'

"N-no..." You practically squeaked out. It was a lie, but if you told the truth Momoi would tell Aomine and then things would get awkward. But, Momoi knew you were not being truthful. Her eyes went wide, and she smiled like she discovered something that was going to make her rich.

"Eh!! That's so cute~!" She squealed excitedly, practically announcing it to everyone in the cafe. People only frowned and glared at the two of you. Taking this as a sign to leave, you take your wallet out to pull the right amount of money for the bill, plus extra as a tip for the waiter.

"Huh? Where are you going senpai?" Momoi watch's as you stand from your seat and push it in. "I have some homework to do. I'll see you."
"Ah, okay! Hey you didn't have to pay for my drink too, I could have paid it.." Momoi slightly pouted at you, but you only grinned at her.
"Think of it as a thank you for hanging with me today. I really appreciate it."
Leaving at that last comment, you walked out the cafe to head straight home. Momoi on the other hand, stayed in her seat fir a couple seconds, thinking about all the data she collected on you.
"Dai-Chan will be very happy to hear what I have on her." She cheerfully says as she takes one last sip of her drink, before leaving home as well.

EXAMS WEEK: final day.

Your heart pounded rapidly in your chest, as you filled in the bubble you chose as your answer. Butterflies fluttered around in your stomach, and your palms were sweaty. It wasn't because if the test, no. It was because of the bet. You thought about Aomine, and how much he studied from the moment you made the bet to this day. Even if you had confidence about passing all your exams, an uneasy feeling about Aomine's scores being higher than yours bothered you. You knew deep down, it was possible he could get at least a higher score in one subject. For some reason, it bothered you. You really wanted to win this bet, and get what you wanted from him. After all, loser gives the winner anything they want. Lately, you had cravings for something sweet, and didn't want to use your money to buy it. Surely you would win and get aomine to buy it right?

No, but the uneasy feeling won't leave. It was like something was telling you he was going to win this bet. Whether you liked it or not.

'I really do have a bad feeling about this...'

On the other hand, Aomine had a overwhelming amount of confidence.

He sat silently in his desk, as the remaining students continued to finish their exams. He laid his head on the flat wooden part of the desk to close his eyes and sleep. All he could think about was the 'thing' he wanted to get from you after he won this bet. He knew all too well he would get one score higher than yours. If not, maybe more.

He smugly smiled to himself, knowing all his hard work would pay off.

After all, the only one who could beat him was him.

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