Final epilogue

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Finally, at last everything was good for you.

Dachi knew who his father was, even though he probably already knew the whole time. Aomine and you were now married and living happily as a family.

And today, happened to be the day where several of his old friends decided to drop by and visit you. Thanks to Momoi that is.

The first to come was Kise, who excitedly lifted you and held you tightly. Afterwards, he rubbed his hand on your probing stomach.

"Wwaaahhh! I can't believe you are having Aominicchis child again!"

He kneeled down to press his ear against your belly, a nervous laugh emmitting from your mouth as his arms wrapped around your body.

"Nooo fair at all, I wish (Name) would have my children. Ahhhh they would have been beautiful like you."

Just as you tried to pry him off you, a large hand came down on his shoulder.

"Kiss..." the vocie that the hand belonged to growled, "get your hands off my wife and baby."

Kise literally leaped back like a scared cat who had ran into a dog. Aomine pulled you into his arms afterwards.

"Now now Dai-can, Kise is just a little jealous and curious is all! After all he can never keep a girlfriend for long."

Momoi giggled as she said this, kise on the other hand...

"Momoi! How can you say that!"

One by one more of Aomines old teammates poured in. Including imayoshi, who pouted when he saw that you were pregnant.

"Ehhh, I was hoping the two of you wouldn't be together anymore so that I could swoop in and steal you. My my, you've gotten prettier (Name)."

Again, Aomine glared at yet one of his friends. He held even tighter against him as more of them approached you.

"(Name)-San, it's been a while." Akashi casually walked towards you, with Midorima, Murisakibara, and Kuroko.

Midorima walked closer to you, holding out a charm

He pushed his glasses back as he explained it's purpose, "here, this will ensure your pregnancy goes smoothly. Congratulations."

"O-oh thank you!" You bowed, Aomine did not. He only snorted at the cute charm. "She doesn't need a charm to protect her she has me!"

You facepalmed at your husbands stupidity sometimes. But being the mature woman you are you simply thanked Midorima once more, apologizing for Aomines behavior.

Meanwhile, Kuroko stepped up and handed you a gift as well. "I hope you don't mind but I invited my other friends as well."

"Oh? That's wonderful!" Momoi cheered. "Everyone, put (Names) present over there please!"

Momoi pointed to a table located at the corner of your home. Aomine watched as all his friends one by one place a gift on the table.

"Oi, Momoi what is the meaning of this?!?"

"It's (Names) surprised baby shower!!"

"Uh Momoi..." you spoke, "baby showers are only meant for woman to attend."

Momoi shook her finger, tutt-tutting at your words. "That may be so in America, but this is Japan. So that means everyone bestows a gift to you!"

She began to greet more and more people, even people you have never met before. None the less, all these individuals handed you some type of gift.

After asking Aomine if he knew all these people, he simply mumbled a "yes" in his gruff annoyed  voice.

"These are the basketball teams we were in during high school."

"There's Kises, Akashis, mine, Kurokos, Midorima, annoying..."

The moment his eyes lay on an unknown man, his eyes widened and he immediately walked over to the man.

"Yo, Kagami."

The room fell silent. Everyone gazed at Aomine.

The man Kagami turned around to make eye contact with Aomine. He smiled.

"It's been a while has it not?"

Both of them glared at each other for a bit, before hold out their hands to shake each other up.

"Welcome" Aomine stated with a smile,

"Thank you. Congratulations." Said Kagami.

Everyone began to laugh and go back to what they were doing, whilst Kagami walked up to you and handed you something.

"Who would have known that Aomine could actually get such a cute girl. Congrats."

You giggled awkwardly, thanking them for his gift. Aomine came from right behind you and held you in his arms. "That's right, I beat you in something didn't I!!"

The two man glared at each other once again, you only shook your head and laughed.

"Thank you everyone for coming! I really appreciate this!!"


A/N: Thanks for reading! I honestly thought this was a cringe story, I have no idea why I even wrote it but alas I enjoyed it. I wish I would have taken the time to write it, but I got really busy and began to rush some things. Anyways, finally ended my first story (phew) , have a nice day/evening or whatever!!

UPDATE: I started to read this from the beginning OMG IM CRINGING ahhhh so embarrassing!!

Also for those of you who don't know I'm currently studying abroad in Japan and let me tell you it's freezing cold at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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