Part 6

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"Does this skirt look good on me?" You walked back into the kitchen over and over to find the right outfit for work. Today was a very important day, and it meant actually looking nice enough to impress. Albeit, your usually outfits were always nice no matter what.
Daichi rolled his eyes, a bit annoyed at how you keep returning to the kitchen over and over with a different outfit. After almost ten divergent choices, he replied with a big "yes mom! You look good in all of them!"

"Good." You raised both thumbs and smiled at him. He exhaled a sigh of relief; from how his mother finally decided on a outfit.

While you walked back to your room, he sat in silence, enjoying his delicious breakfast of blueberry pancakes. He wondered about the time he spent with Aomine during the past few weeks. He truly enjoyed himself at the game too, despite meeting that sleazy bastard (guys name).

'I hate that guy,' He thought. 'Why doesn't mom go out with Aomine....' His demeanor twisted into a scowl; eyebrows furrowed and mouth in a straight line. You strut back in quickly, buttoning your blouse in the process. He swiftly replaces the look on his face, knowing you would most likely scold him about making funny faces.

"Mom.... You come home at 4 right?" He brought up a new subject to district his thoughts about the man named (guys name).

"Yeah...why? Actually I told the neighbor you would stay late with her tonight. I have a night shift." You looked over towards him, only to see a frown cover his features. At the moment, he had the same look as Aomine would all the time back in high school. It was quite hard to look at him, only because his demeanor was so identical to his own father. You smiled softly at a image that played in you head. The image was what if both Aomine and Daichi were next to each other with the same face? How funny would that be to witness!

"Mom can't I stay home by myself? I don't want to be with her.... She stinks." Your son intervened the vision.

"No you can not young man...I don't think that's safe."

"But mooooooomm... Its Saturday... Which means she is going to watch that weird show!" He whined.

"Well, who else is there for you to stay at? Please Dai-chan, just this once? I promise I'll be back soon." You grabbed your keys and purse, then kissed him on his head.

"Remember, go next door!" You waved goodbye, walking out the door.

Daichi sighed sadly. "I wish aomine was here, so we could hang out."


"Ah... Ah-choo!" Aomine sniffed then wiped his nose.

"Geez is someone talking about me?" He grumbled.

"Oi! Aomine! Get your ass over here! We have to practice!" The captain of the basketball team yelled to him.

"Okay okay! Geez..."

He looked at a clock that hung on the gym wall.

'It's Saturday right? That means daichi doesn't have school.... Hang on a little longer kid....'

"Aomine! Get over here! The sooner we finish, the sooner you can leave."

Aomine nodded and went straight to practice.


"Finally practice is over..." Aomine yawned

He was walking to your apartment again, practice had ended at 5.

'Since (F/n) is home now, I'll ask her about that guy she was with.'

walking past a convenience store, he looked inside for a second, then stopped.

'Was that.....?'

He turned his head, only to see a dark blue haired boy being scolded by a fat man.

Aomine quickly walked in and ran to daichi.

"Daichi! What are you doing here!"

daichi had tears in his eyes, but wiped them away when he saw aomine.

"A-aomine" he sobbed.

The fat guy raised an eyebrow at aomine.

"Excuse me sir, do you know this child."

'Damn, I don't speak English!'

"Ah.. ummm" aomine was struggling to speak, he should have paid attention to the English class he took in Japan.

"Waaaah! It's the basketball player aomine!" Someone screamed.

"He's Soo hot!"

" you think he will sign my basketball?"

The fat man eyes opened widely.

"Ah! Your aomine?"

'Shit! I forgot my disguise!'

Aomine mentally facepalmed.

Suddenly a swarm of people came and crowded around him.

"!" He was suddenly being pushed around by people, having his clothes pulled and hair touched.

"Eh! Mr.aomine!" Daichi yelled.

'Damn these Americans!'

Security guards came in to pry off the fans.

Aomine took this opportunity to run away; he ducked under the crowd and ran to the exit, grabbing his son along the way.

Once they reached a safe distance, they stopped to catch there breaths.

"Geez that was horrible.... Oi, are you okay?" Aomine looked down at daichi who was panting.

"Yeah." He panted.

"This is why I stay in Japan.. hey what were you doing in there? Wheres your mom? Isn't she home already?" Aomine saw daichi hang his head down.

"Mom works late.... And she told me to stay at the neighbors house again. So-"

"You snuck out?"

Daichi nodded.

"Then I wanted something to eat, so I went to the store to get something. But when I tried to leave the manager stopped me."

"Did you at least pay?"

Daichi froze for a moment

"I don't have money."

Aomine sighed, "look, when you go to the store, you have to have money."

"Stealing is bad." He scolded.

"I'm sorry...."

Aomine sighed, "lets go buy you something then." He grabbed his little hand, and daichi looked up and smiled at him.

"What's with the smile?" Aomine raised an eyebrow.

"I feel like your my dad! I'm happy!" He giggled and squeezed his hand happily.

'If only you knew kid.' Both of them walked together to whatever restaurant daichi wanted.



"(F/n)~ look what I got for you at the game"

(Guys name) pulled out the ticket aomine signed and placed it on your desk in front of you.

"..........what's this?"

"Why, it's aomines autograph! I saw how you were ogling him. So I got you this."

You blushed a little, "I was not ogling him... Just amazed at his skill is all." You lied.

"Well keep it, it's a gift from me. By the way, are you busy tonight?"

'Here we go again.....'

"Yes I am, I have a son to go it's really late" you pointed to a clock hanging on the wall.

"Awww come on, I'm sure he will be fine! Plus it's just dinner."

After another half hour of him begging you, you finally gave in to his request. So after work, you both packed your things and went to a nearby restaurant.


"I'm home!" You walked in your cozy apartment tired and full.

"Mommy!" Daichi ran up to you to give you a big hug.

"Mom I missed you!" He kissed your cheek and hugged you again.

"Oh im sorry sweetheart, ill never work late aga-"

Looking behind daichi, was aomine leaning against the wall glareing at you.


"Mom you don't have to cook me anything, aomine took me out to eat."

"That so? Well did you thank him?" You still had your eyes locked with aomines.

"Uh-huh! He was about to put me to sleep to!"

You looked back at Daichi, and smiled.

"Well then, you should go to bed." You kissed his forehead and he giggled.

"Night mom! Night aomine!" Daichi ran off to his room. Leaving you ALONE with aomine.

"T-thank you....for buying him lunch... He always leaves the neighbors when he isn't supposed to" you laughed lightly, but aomine only narrowed his eyes at you.

You gulped. Tonight was not going to be fun. It was obvious, because a similar situation had happened in the past. Aomine reacted by literally breaking into your home, just to show you and the other guy, who you belonged too. The result was having a hard time to sit and walk normally for a week or so.

"You came really late (f/n)...." He spoke to break the awkward silence between the two of you.

"Yeah....I had to work pretty late. I was covering someone's shift." You walked to the kitchen to at clean up to help distract you.

Aomine scoffed. "Or maybe you went out with that guy again."


"Bingo.... I saw you two at the game. So don't play anything."

'Why do I care? We are not even together! Damn it daiki shut up!!'

"He invited me, so I was being polite and said yes." You didn't bother to look at him when you spoke. Knowing it would cause more tension.

"He obviously wants something from you. Or....maybe you are already giving it to him?"

That, is what made you turn around angrily to glare at him.

"What did you say!?" You snapped at him.

Aomine stepped closer to you, close enough that there was 3 inches of space between you two.

"I said, your probably fucking him." He growled.

That's what made you snap. In hopes to get him mad, you said the least thing you would ever say. Even if it meant hurting your pride as a women.

"And if I am? What is it to you?" You smirked to put the cherry on top. And boy did it anger aomine.

You walked around him to go to your room. Aomine had his fist clenched so hard, they were turning white.

You gave yourself a high five for finally beating him at this game. Oh, but were you about to get it. And good.

Unknowingly to you, he followed you to your room, and locked the door behind the two of you.

"What are you doing?! Get out!" You tried not to yell, knowing your son would hear.

"No.....I think your little mouth needs to be punished." He walked towards you, backing you up against the bed. You almost fell back, but you balanced yourself before you did.

"H-hey, I was kidding...." You innocently put both hands out in front of you.

"I-I'm sor-"

Aomine cut you off by roughly slamming his lips on yours.


He placed his hands on your cheeks to hold you still. He was kissing you so hard, your teeth were being clashed together.

Raising both your fist, you hit his chest as hard as you could. But for some reason the kiss made you feel weak, so you slowly stopped hitting him, and started to kiss him back.

Aomine moved his hands down to your waist to push your closer to him. There was no gap between you. Just bodies pressed against one another.

Aomine started go grind his lower region against yours. A soft moan escaped your lips. When the opening was made, aomine plunged his tongue in your mouth. Both your tongues rubbed against each other. Noises of it filled the room along with your soft moans and whimpering. He continued to make out with you while grinding against you.

A lustful feeling built up in your stomach. That almost too familiar feeling was coming back. And boy it felt good. It made you want aomine so bad, but at the same time, the stubborn part of you wanted to punch him really hard for turning you on like this.

And you felt how turned on he was too. A bulge suddenly grew down there in his pants. You felt how hard it was each time he grinded. It made you feel moist down there. Something you had not felt in years.

Finally, he pulled away from you. You gasped loudly from the lack of oxygen he left you with.

Aomine was panting a little, but caught his breath before you.

"I bet he can't kiss you as good as I do." He smirked at you. You blushed and placed a hand on your lips.

"I said I was joking you jerk." You removed the hand from your mouth to speak briefly.

"Oh? Did you not say 'so what if I am'" he walked closer to you and pushed you down on the bed.

You Crawled backwards on the bed, but he grabbed your ankles and pulled you towards him. You raised yourself up on your elbows and glared at him.

".......why....did it hurt your feelings?" You snapped at him with much sarcasm.

He reacted to this by pursing his lips, and shot you a glare so angry, it could kill.

"You shouldn't be saying anything more that will make this worse." He moved his right hand up your legs, under your skirt, and in your panties.

Voluntarily, you shut you legs tight, squeezing his hand before he could touch you without permission.

"H-hey what are yo-AH~" A loud moan found its way out of your mouth when he savagely entered a finger in you. He used his left hand to pry open your legs, that way he could move in deeper.

Slowly he pumped his single finger in you, leaving no part untouched.

"Stoooaahhp~!" He inserted another finger, so that two were in you. His palm rubbed against the area above your entrance which made you scream and moan out his name by accident.

"You are really tight... And sensitive."

Aomine added another finger in you, making it three. You felt yourself stretch open a little.

"Aomine.....stop~" you silently mewled out. There was so much pleasure being rushed all over you, you fell back down on the bed. You covered your face with both your hands and silently laid there.

This did not make Aomine happy, he wanted to make you yell his name out more. The sighs and whimpers were not enough. He wanted more; more of the loud cries of his name. He loved the way it came out of your mouth, and yours only.

So, he did the next thing he knew would make you moan his name out so loud, the whole room would probably shake.

Quickly and roughly he removed your skirt along with your panties. He did it so fast you didn't have anytime to react.

"What are you doing!!" You sat up and crossed your legs.

"Shut up women." Once again he forced your legs open, but this time lowered his face close to your entrance.

"I am going to make you scream my name so loud tonight, that even that 'guy' will hear." You felt his hot breath down south between your legs, a groan escaped your lips.

At that moment, he brought his mouth to your clit, and licked.

"Ahhhhh!!!" You jolted and fell back on the bed again.

He grabbed your hips tightly and pushed your lady part more on his mouth.
He harshly nibbled and sucked; you arched your back in response and gripped the sheet under you. He really was trying to make you yell out loudly. But there was no way you would give in; after all your son was in the other room! So you bit down on your lip to suppress any noise that would resonate in the room, or possibly make the neighborhood hear.
"O-oh." Your eyes rolled back as he continued to suck and thrust his tongue in and out of you repeatedly. Your stomach tightened from all the pleasure building up. You knew what that meant, and it would embarrass you if Aomine knew you were close.

"Ah-ah-AH!! Aomine please stop..." You reached your hand out to his head and tried to push his mouth away from you. But he only tightened his grip and sucked harder.

You threw your head back, yelping loudly.

"AH~! Aomine I'm going t-"

After one more lick, it sent you over the edge and made you release all in his mouth. He continued to suck until your orgasm was over.

After that was over, you felt tired and weak. So you laid still on the bed and covered your red, embarrassed face from him.

"See, you enjoyed it." He climbed the bed and hovered over you.

"I hate you." You mumbled out.

He furrowed his eyes brows and frowned at you.

"I think you don't really mean that." He started to strip his clothes without you knowing, even his boxers.

"I do mean it. You piss me off." You still had your face covered with your hands. You knew what was going to happen next, it was inevitable.

"Well then, your going to be even more pissed after what I do next."

After removing his clothes, he opened your legs again, but picked them up to wrap around his waist, so that he was perfectly positioned in front of you.

"After this, you won't be going on little dates with that guy anymore. Matter fact, you won't walk straight for a while."

He suddenly rammed into you with no mercy at all, nor warning.

You yelped out loudly and squirmed under him. Since it had been a long time since you had any sort intercourse, it literally hurt more than it was supposed too. And to add to it, it seemed--no, he did- grow even more than he was in high school. Even if he was pretty big back then, right now it felt like he was probably 2 times his original size.

"Stupid aomine!! You took your hands off your face and attempted to slap his cheek. But before the impact could land, he grabbed your hand and entangled his fingers with yours.

You looked up at him with a glare, which disappeared soon after you seen his face expression softened up, with a small smile on his lips.

"I've been waiting for this for so long." He kissed your hand and began slowly moving in and out of you.

You placed a hand on your mouth and muffled a groan.

"Forcing me to do this won't change anything." You breathed out lowly, while whimpering from his movements.

"Then I guess were going to be here all night." He grunted and plunged himself even deeper in you. You had no choice but to wrap your arms around his neck, hands going into his navy blue hair. The soft strands gave you a nostalgic feeling. He was moving so gently, touching you so tenderly, as if you might break into pieces if he didn't.

His lips moved from your chest, to your neck, ending at your jaw. His placed a light chaste kiss, then moved his mouth to yours, where he gave you a long romantic kiss. The passion from it was so unreal, it was like being thrown into a utopia universe.

His hands roamed all over your body, touching you in places only he knew you liked to be touched at.You let out a sigh of appreciation, to which he let out a husky chuckle. He moved his lips to your ear, licking and nibbling on it, while softly speaking to you.

"You like being touched there do you not? I remember all your sensitive areas (name). I know how to make you cry out my name like you used to."

"O-oh....." Was the only thing you could say at that moment. Your mind was going blank from how gently his hips moved against yours pleasingly. This was not like all the other times you both slept with each other. This time, it was passionate love making. He continued to touch you over and over, kissing you like you never been kissed before.

Along with all this fantastic, amazing good feeling, came guilt. It was horrible how he could make you do something so salacious. He knew this would bring back memories from when you both were teenagers. Back when you loved him so much-which you still did, but refused to admit it.

Occasionally, he thrust hard out of nowhere. It was random movements, that made you scratch at the delicate skin of his toned back.

Aomine moved his head back to stare down at you. Your mouth was slightly agape with eyes shut tightly from such satisfaction. Low moans escaped your moist lips each time he moved. He smiled slightly and moved his mouth back to your ear, whispering in his low voice that sent vibrations in your nerves.

"(F/n), open your eyes. I want to look at them."

You shook your head quickly. Why did looking in your eyes matter to him?

He sighed, and moved his hand to pinch your nipple. You yelped out loudly, your eyes opening widely.

"T-that's no fair you jerk!"

"Heh....who said anything about being fair? Now just keep your eyes on mine, until you come." He almost demanded.

"W-why!?" That was the most awkward, uncomfortable thing he had ever said to you. A dark red painted on your cheeks from how flustered he made you feel.

He moved both his hands to your cheeks, mildly holding your head still. His dark blue eyes were looking straight into yours.

"I want you to never forget this night. I want to see your face when you finally decide to unravel underneath me. It's doesn't matter how many guys you sleep with, because I'll always be on your mind after today. The only one who can make love to you is me."

Your breath hitched after his sudden statement. You did as he asked you, and for the whole night, gazed into his half-lidded eyes. From his view, he knew you missed this-no him. From your view, you saw he deeply loved you, and this was his way to show it. Low whimpers and moans filled your room, along with his occasional cursing from how he was taking pleasure in the rigorous activities you both were doing.

The room lights were on, which made things even more erotic. Since you both could full on see each others expressions and bodies. His eyes never left yours, it was super embarrassing having him stare at you hungrily.

"Aomine...please don't look at's shameful." You begged. This whole time, he hit a nerve in you that would almost make you scream his name. It was hard fighting back the noises, as well as the face you made while doing so. Although; he enjoyed it very much, it meant he was doing a good job.

"Not until I make you come." Aomine started to move slightly faster, once again hitting a sensitive nerve.


If frustrated you that the fact that he could make your entire body turn against you,
and submit to him. The only thing that was possible to do, was to let go of all your pride, and give yourself to him. This night was so similar to the last time you slept with him. Your last night together, where he also was treating your body with extreme care. The only thing you did was let him have his way.

......and that's exactly what you did, for the rest of the night.

Aomine x Reader: Goodbye is not foreverWhere stories live. Discover now