Aftermath (1) the truth

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Aomine lazily hummed in response, opening one eye to meet yours.

"You know, I think our son is old enough now. We should tell him you're his real father."

Aomine, who by the way, was resting his head on your belly, wrapped his arms around you more tighly. "You're so warm..."

"Aomine Daiki!"

"Yes Aomine (Name)?" He smiled at you as he said that. As much as you wanted to be upset, you could not help but let out a small embarrassed chuckle.

"You aren't listening to me."

"No need to tell him. If he is anything like you, he would have figured it out long ago."

"Ah but... it isn't right to leave things as is..."

"Alright alright, if it'll make you feel better I'll tell him. You shouldn't stress out too much by the way,"

He lifted is head from your belly, running his hand over it gently. He then leaned down to kiss your stomach, pressing his ear against it afterwards.

"I don't want my child or my wife to get sick you know."

He continued to rub his hand on your belly, smiling to himself as he did. Just watching how gentle and fatherly he was being caused your cheeks to become a dark red. "You're so creepy...the baby isn't even big yet. It's the size of an avocado." 

"I don't care about the size, I'm just happy that you are having another one. I can't wait to see him."

"Or her" you added.

"No it's a boy. I know what my sperm is."

"What a even more weird thing to say!!"

Aomine grinned at you, he lifted his head from your belly and moved closer to you. His lips pressed against yours gently, one hand on your back, the other stroking your silky tresses.



"Did the doctor say that we could still... you know..."

"She said it's fine." You chuckled out, and when you did Aomine was quick so straddle you, pulling you under him as quickly as possible.

"Good, it's been months and I can't hold back any longer."

The next day, Aomine took it as his responsibility to speak to his son, Daichi about who his father was. You really wanted to have the both of you tell him but Aomine thought of this as his job. A man to man kind of thing.

It became almost a tradition that Aomine and Daichi would play basketball together every Saturday morning at the park. Daichi, entering his first year of high school, would have many high schools from all over scout him. Not only for his skills in basketball, but as well as his grades.

"Yo son, we need to talk about something."

Aomine told him, watching him effortlessly toss the orange sphere into the hoop. His style of basketball was just like his.

"What's up dad?" Daichi met eyes with his father, who was sitting down at a bench. He patted the empty area next to him, his way of telling his son to come sit down.

"I want to tell you something very important. Something that me and your mother feel is important to let you know."

"Are you finally going to tell me that you are my biological father?"

"Yes. And..."

Aomine froze for a moment, slowly moving his head to look at his son. "So you knew huh? Not suprised at all..." he mumbled.

"Makes my job easier at least. Your mother was over here making a big deal out of it. Heh, she's so cute."

Daichi smiled, "of course I knew. I mean we look alike so it was only obvious. Also, mom had this picture that she always had hidden. I remember on that photo, I saw a man with his arm draped over her. I thought to myself, 'wow that's Aomine!'  Then, taking the picture I stood in front of a mirror and compared myself to the man. I realized then, that my father was none other than the man I secretly looked up to."

Aomines eyes widened, "she had a photo of us?"

"Hmm, she did." Daichi leaned forward, his elbows resting on his leg. "You know, growing up I used to see all these kids with both their parents. Holding their hands, laughing and having fun. I absolutely hated when they would hold events that involved having both parents come, or the father. It upset me. I used to beg my mom to let me stay home when that happened. But when I saw that picture everything changed for me. I realized that I do have a dad and that one day I'll meet him. So..."

From the bench, Daichi drabbled the basketball, tossing it into the hoop. "So old man, watch me grow and become a better, faster, and more skilled basketball player than you."

Daichi smugly grinned at Aomine, who in return scoffed. "You cocky...the only one who can beat me is me kid!"

"Come on dad, uncle Kagami, Kuroko and the rest of Seirin high beat you remember? Don't tell me...your memory is already deterioting?" He taunted his father, with the same shit eating grin Aomine always had in his angsty teenage years.

"Heh, I'll show you who the real boss is here kid."

A/N: I'm so tired ;;;; anyways this took waay too long to update sorry HAHHA. Also! You know what I  want to do! I want to have a Q and A so send me some questions guys!!

Aomine x Reader: Goodbye is not foreverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz