Part 5

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  "What long ass day." You sighed heavily and exhausted.

After a hard day of dealing with (guys name) flirting and angry people, all you wanted to do was go home to sleep. Though, as much as sleeping sounded perfect at the moment, you still had your beloved son go take care of.

Knowing him, he would most likely want to stay up and read stories to each other. Something you both did together as a little small family.

Walking to you apartment door, you pulled out your key and opened the door. The familiar smell of your place hit your nose.

"I'm home! Dai-Chan?" You yelled out.

Little footsteps running through the house were heard, running straight into your arms.

"Mom! Welcome back!" He tightly embraced you; you kissed his head and hugged him back.

"How was school?" You picked him up and sat him down at one of the table seats.

"Uh fine! Hey Mom can my friend come over and eat with us?"

You raised an eyebrow at how suddenly his changed the subject. Practically ignoring your question and moving to the subject of a 'friend.'

"Umm.... Your friends live some distance from here."

Daichi shook his head rapidly.

"No mom, I have a friend nearby!" He smiled at jumped off the seat.

You giggled, 'an imaginary friend?'

"Come! I'll show you!" His little hand grasped yours. You smiled down at him and decided to play along.

"Okay, show me your 'friend'."

Daichi rolled his eyes at you, clearly annoyed.

"Mom! I'm being serious!"

He continued to take you to his room, but when you both got there, nobody was there.

"Huh? Where did he go?!" Daichi let your hand go and started searching around for his 'friend'.

When he said 'he' the first thing you thought about was a little stray puppy running around.

"Dai-Chan I hope you didn't bring a animal. You know the apartment rules." You walked in his room and sat on his bed.

Daichi's face went sad and he sat next to you.

"I guess he left."

You sighed while pulling him to your lap. "I really hope it wasn't an animal.."

"No mom, it wasn't! Beli-.... hey there you are!" Daichi smiled and jumped off your lap.

"I brought mom like I said I would!" He said in Japanese. Which confused you as to why he would. At the realization, you froze. Fearing who or what daichi brought. Many times, you had always told him, not to open the door to strangers. Which was one of the main reasons you kept him with the neighbor.

'What if it's a stranger who broke in?!? Oh god what do I do?' Panick rushed through your body, making your heart beat increase.

Preparing for the worse, you gulped and fully turned your body to face whoever was there.

Your eyes only opened widely in shock. Your heart beat accelerated even more and you swear you wanted to faint.

After many years. There he was. Aomine daiki, standing at the door way of daichis room.

He looked taller; his dark blue hair slightly longer than it did before. And you could tell underneath his shirt he was more muscular than in high school.

Your mouth was slightly agape, still surprised at how this was a random appearance. In return, he gave you a half smile, with a soft look in his eyes.

"'s been a while...(F/n)..."

"Aomine...." Was all that left your mouth. Daichi looked at you both and smiled.

"See! I told you mom! Hey by the way can he stay and eat?? His favorite is teriyaki burger too!"

You looked down at daichi who had the biggest smile you ever saw him with. Saying no to him would be hard.

"I...s-ure..." You smiled at daichi and stood up.

You looked up at aomine, only to have him stare at you seriously. You quickly averted your attention elsewhere, before heading to the kitchen.

"I'll go start dinner right now."

Dinner was the most awkward thing ever. While you all ate, daichi went on and on about school and how he passed his test with the highest score. Yes, this little sucker was smart alright.

You focused all your attention on him, ignoring aomines stares that made you really uncomfortable.

"So... Yeah...oh hey Aomine-san, how long are you staying?" Daichi changed the subject back to the basketball player in front of him.

"Didn't I say? As long as you want."

Daichi smiled, "Then...can you come tomorrow again?!"

"Sure... As long as your Mom is okay with it." Aomine looked at you, and smirked.

"Mom can he? Please?" He begged with puppy eyes. Its times when he does this, you could not resist.

"Uh...y-yeah..if he isn't busy that is."

"I am not busy at all." Aomine quickly said.

"Yay! Now I don't have to stay at that old lady's places." He whispered the last part lowly

Aomine chuckled at him, then looked at you.

You stared into each others eyes for a while until you broke it and looked away.

"Daichi, I think you should do your homework.."

"Okay!" Daichi climbed down his seat and ran to his room.

You stood up and started picking up the dishes on the table.

There was a long moment of silence, that is your ex decided to break the silence.

"Cute kid...he reminds me of you."

His voice made you shiver. There was a slight hint of anger. Slight.

"Y-yeah..." You stared into the pile of dishes in the sink. Thinking about if only you could disappear from the awkwardness.

Aomine stood up and walked to you. He stood beside you and stared you down intensely, getting ready to cut to the chase.

"(F/n) why... didn't you tell me?" Either anger or hurt was heard in his voice. Maybe both. It was still hard to tell at this point.

"I....don't know...... I thought it be best not to tell you." You shrugged your shoulders, not knowing how to answer. Of course you had always planned to someday mention this, but the thought of how he would react, always scared you. But right now, it was inevitable.

" first you dump me with no remorse at all. Then you sleep with me, disappear the next day, and now this? How many more years would it have taken you to tell me I had a child!"

He raised his voice, then looked behind him, hoping Daichi didn't hear.

"Oh shut up! I didn't dump you with no remorse! Stop being such a baby about that! And by the way, I don't remember me completely agreeing to sleeping with you, you practically made me!" You whispered angrily, looking at him with no fear.

Aomine scoffed. "As I recall, you enjoyed it."

Your face flushed and you averted eye contact. "No....I didn't.."

"See...your face says it all." Aomine brought himself closer to you. You took a step back, only to have him step more closely.

He leaned down to whisper in your ear. "The way I remembered is, you wanted just as much as I did." He leaned his right hand on the sink counter and moved his left hand to your chin.

"S-shut up." You snapped back.

"The way you moaned my name, and begged for more." He murmured against your lips.

"I remember how you easily gave up your body to me." He lightly kissed your lips, giving a little lick while pulling away.

You closed your eyes tightly, and bit back any noise of approval.

"I also remember how you wrapped your legs around my waist." He pecked your cheek, then hovered his lips over yours once more.

You opened your eyes and looked straight into his dark blue ones.

"So? What does the mean exactly?" You questioned him.

He chuckled a little then moved his lips back to a inch apart from yours.

"I'm just making sure your not lieing to yourself is all." His breath framed your face, it smelled like teriyaki. which was not bad.

What was bad, was the fact he was right. You clearly did enjoy it. The thought of that night made you feel little hot.

The two of you stared into each other's eyes, waiting for someone to speak.

You inhaled a deep breath of air. Opening your mouth to speak to him.

Through the way you looked at him, with your soft eyes, and the slightly blush on your cheek, made him want to kiss you. Not holding back, he slammed his lips to yours, immediately locking them together.

"Hmmnph!!" You tried to push him away, but he only pinned both of your hands to your side and continued to roughly kiss you.

His teeth grazed your bottom lip, and he panted out over and over "open your mouth."

You stubbornly kept it closed. There was no way, you could give him the pleasure of doing such a thing.

"Stop fighting it (F/n)." He breathed out then kissed you again.

You still didn't not obey, which irritated him even more.

He moved his hand to your arse, and squeezed it like he owned you.

You gasped and he finally got what he wanted. He shoved his tongue in your mouth and closed the space between the two of you.

Your body's were pressed up against each other, he moved his hands to your thighs and rubbed them. He rubbed more and more closer to down south, making you whimper against his mouth.

Aomine bit your lips, and that's when you had enough. You pushed him away, slapping him hard, leaving a for sure bruise on his cheek.

Breathing heavily, with swollen rosy red lips you yelled at him.

"Don't you dare touch me again! You pervert!"

His eyes opened wide at the word "pervert." But he could not give up the feeling of wanting more. He missed you so much, he could just take you right there and then.

"(F/n)... I-"

"Just leave...please..." You whispered, on the verge of tears.

Not only did he sexually harass you, but he also made you cry. Which made guilt eat at him.

He walked past you and left without a word, closing the door slowly.

His cheek stinged, but not as much as his heart. He placed a hand on his cheek, slightly rubbing it.

"So much for a reunion...." He said before disappearing down the hall, into a nearby elevator.

So many lost feelings were once again brought back to you. How could do this to you?

"Stupid ahomine......"

"Mom can I g-- hey where's Mr. Aomine? And mom are you crying?!" Daichi walked over to you with concern.

"Ah... He had to leave.... And I'm not crying, I just had something in my eyes." You lied while rubbing them.

"Are you sad because aomine left?"

His random question caught you off guard. It couldn't be that was the reason... Could it?
"Don't worry mom, I know he will come back tomorrow!" He smiles brightly.

'I hope not'"Maybe.....hey mister, do you know it is your bed time?" Lifting him up, you carry him to his room, laying him in his bed.

Before tucking him in his bed, he looks at you with a delighted smile. The first time you have ever, seen him this happy was......never. And the obvious reason, was because he met Aomine Daiki. A.K.A, his father/basketball idol. Though, he was ignorant about the father part, luckily.

"Mom.....thank you for letting him stay.....I was really happy..." In what seems like a minute, he falls asleep. You press a kiss on his forehead, then walk in the direction of your room.

In frustration, you fall into your bed. Thoughts reply the kiss he gave you over and over. You groan, digging your head in the bed. With the question 'Is god punishing me?'

Whether it was fate or destiny, somehow Aomine found you.

Perhaps fate does exist? And you two are fated for each other.

Over a span of several days, Aomine continued to visit Daichi. Only when you were not around that is. It was best to make some room for you. After all he magically appeared out of no where and already had come onto you. Each time he did visit, him and Daichi would talk for hours. From it being to school, to a conversation about the old lady next door who smelled. It was fun, that is until he would go back to the hotel and have to hear Momoi nag everyday about missing his interview.

It was the same routine, hours and hours of her nags. But of course, Aomine did not listen, he was laying comfortably on the hotel bed.

"I can't believe you ditched the interview! Your lucky they agreed on re-scheduling!" Momoi snapped for the 30th time.

"Where did you go anyways?"

"Nowhere...I wanted to explore, but got lost." Aomine did not want to tell Momoi he went to see you. It would make her even more angry.

"Next time, I'm locking you in. Now get some rest, tonight is your game against (random American team) at 7:00."

She left the room slamming the door shut angrily. leaving Aomine by himself, lost in thoughts.

He closed his eyes, and tried to sleep. But when he did, scenes of what happened days ago reappeared.

His heart still ached. He felt betrayed. The fact that he had to find out he was a father by himself really hurt. If anything you could have told him.

'I swear she can be so selfish!'

He rested his head face down into a pillow, hoping to make the feeling go away.

'As much as I'm angry, I still missed her.'

Aomine thoughts went to when he kissed you. Your soft lips on his, the way you smelled and how you looked when you blush. If only be could do that again, but surely if he did you would never forgive him.

'Damn I still love her. And now that I found out she's the mother of my child, I want her even more.'

He chuckled to himself, remembering daichi and all the time they spent together this week. Too bad he has to hid from you. An angry (f/n), is not a good thing.

Aomine looked over to the clock on the night stand. There was still a long time before his game.

'Maybe I should go visit him again. After all I'm not staying in America for too long. I think. Oh, (F/n) doesn't get off work until as long as I leave before I'll be okay. Like always.'

Aomine got off his comfortable bed and went to get dress.

"Ah! You came!" Daichi grabbed Aomines hand and dragged him in.

By the time Aomine got to your apartment, it was already 4pm.

"Uh listen kid, I can't stay long. I have a game later on."

"Oh yeah! I remember! Against (random team name)!?"

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"Its okay! You can come tomorrow right?"

Aomine smiled at his son, and nodded yes. An idea popped in his head, that he thought would make his child happy.

"Hey why don't you come and watch? Think your mom would let you?" Aomine asks hopeful. Only because this would be chance to apologize for his 'actions' the other night.

Daichi put a thoughtful finger on his mouth. Of course saying yes would be his first option, but his mother lately has been ignoring his questions about Aomine. The question suddenly distracts him from his own fathers question, and he decides to ask him face to face.

"By the way... Why do you always leave early ? You never stay to say hi to mom." Daichi questioned as if he read Aomines mind. Aomine sweat dropped slightly, looking down at his feet ashamed. Just a bit ashamed that his son could easily read the situation.

'Because I missed you mom so much that I made out with her and she got pissed then kicked me out.' He thought internally.

"Errr.. my manager calls, so I have to leave." Aomine knew his answer makes no sense whatsoever, but it did satisfy Daichi enough to bring up a new subject.

"Oh....I see." Daichi made a note to himself that if he ever met the basketball players manager, he would beg him/her if his idol could stay longer. Just enough so that his mom could see him. Being young and naive, he believed his mother was somewhat interested in Aomine. This gave him hope-that perhaps, they would at least get to know each other. Then maybe, his dad would be the Aomine Daiki!

Daichi slightly smiled to himself at the thought. It was kind of a disappointment. That when he would go to school, the boys(and girls) would be seen with both their parents. It was even more tougher, when he was asked: 'Don't you have a dad?' By the other kids.

"Hey kid, are you okay? You have a depressing look on your face." Aomine interjected out of concern at the way his son suddenly looked at him sadly.

Daichi failed to notice his involuntary expression, but quickly replaced it with a huge grin. The grin made the whole room light up, and even touched his blue haired fathers heart.

His smile, was so much like yours.

"It's nothing! I'm just happy I can at least see you. I mean, how many people can say they have meet you?"

Aomine let out a chuckle of appreciation. At least someone is happy to see him after all these years.

Confusion, frustration, and guilt.

Yup. That's sums up how you feel right now.

'I shouldn't even feel like this...I moved on... And I did plan on telling him about Daichi. But just not now.'

Even at work you could not concentrate. This whole week you were off. So many things were on your mind , you didn't know how to process it all. People usually say, lost feelings always return. Which was partly true for you right now. But still, how he acted after a reunion was not appropriate at all. Maybe he shouldn't have even came to you in the first place. But it's not like you didn't wish to see him again. Actually, you planned to one day return to Japan just to explain the whole 'I had your baby' situation. Of course, he ended coming to you, which resulted in you being in a tight spot.

'That asshole kissed me without permission! What if Daichi saw!' Anger rushed all over your nerves.

You blushed a little and touched your lips. 'Though... It's not like I hated it.'

You mentally slapped yourself for thinking that. 'What am I saying! I don't like him at all!'

Muttering under your breath, (guys name) heard and asked if you were okay.

"Something wrong (f/n)?" He walked over with a confident stride. His was as egoistic as ever.

You faked a smile at him, "I'm fine, just tired you know?"

"Oh...okay...anyways are you busy tonight? I got tickets to see the basketball game!" He held up three tickets in his hand.

'Geez he never quits.'

"Thanks... But no thanks..."

'I definitely don't want to be seen by Aomine.'

"Aww come's just a game! And plus I bought on for your kid too! You said he loves basketball right? Oh! And by the way, there backstage! So he can meet the Aomine Daiki!"

Your eyebrow twitched after hearing HIS name.

'No way I'm going now!'

"You know...I don't like no." You dead panned.

(Guys name) sighed in frustration. But still did not falter in his goal.

"Please...? Its just this one time... I'm sure your son would appreciate it." He said while waving the tickets.

"True....." You stood quiet, thinking about What to say.

'It's not like I have to go backstage... I'll just say I have to 'pee' and leave to the bathroom.'

"Okay.. I'll go."

(Guys names) smiled happily.

"Really?!? Finally I get you to agree! I swear it will be fun!" He hugged you and walked off.

'Like I said (f/n), you will be mine.' He smirked as he walked away.

You sighed, 'I hope I don't regret this.'

Dachi was extremely happy when he found out that he would go see Aomine play in person. (Despite the fact he had seen him earlier,which he did not tell you about.)

But when he found out (guys name) was coming, the smile faded. This guy gave him a bad vibe. Like he was faking who he really is. Even if he didn't know who he was, he did not like him.

"Hey daichi, I heard all about you! My name's (guys name)!." He grinned at your son, who only hid behind your legs while glaring. His glare matched so much of his fathers it startled you.

"Ah...sorry he is shy" you apologized.

(Guys name) shrugged his shoulders.

"It's okay. Anyways lets go! Games starts in an hour."

"Mom can I have popcorn?" Daichi looked up at you and gave you puppy eyes.

"Fine, but promise me you will eat it all okay?" Daichi nodded and you both stood in line for the popcorn.

The stadium was packed. Who would have thought Aomine and his team were that famous?

But what annoyed you most was how the girls would fan girl over him.

"Isn't Aomine so hot! I heard he is single! You think he would date me?" One behind you said.

"Of course not! Don't you know he likes girls with big boobs? I'm obviously his type!" Answered her friend next to her.

"Doesn't mean he won't want to sleep with me~" both the girls giggled.

'Popular with the ladies isn't he... Wait why should I Care? Not like were together.' It was hard to admit, but jealousy washed over you.

After buying the popcorn, you and your son went to sit down in your seats.

The seats that (guys name) got were not that bad. Matter fact you were pretty close to the court itself.

But it made you even nervous. Because now Aomine would see you. Nervously, you fidgeted with your fingers. (Guys name) frowned at you actions.

"(F/n) are you okay?" (Guys name) asked.

"Ah... Y-yes... I'm jus-"

A loud voice echoed in the stadium, interrupting you.

"Ladies and gentleman! Children all ages, please welcome japans national team!"

Screams and cheers were heard, when Aomines team walked in.

"Ah! Mom look it's Aomine!" Daichi jumped up excitedly.

Your heartbeat raced fast when you saw him. He had his team uniform on, and he looked serious just like the rest of his team. But also quite attractive.....

"Aomine!! Over here!" Daichi yelled out.

Aomine looked over where he heard a familiar voice yell his name out.

'Daichi ? What's he doing here? If he's here then...'

His eyes opened widely when he saw you. He smiled and waved back. That is until he saw the guy next to you.

His smile faded and he glared at (guys name). (Guys name) raised an eyebrow and frowned.

'Who the Hell is he?!' Aomine thought.

"Hey aomine! Come over here! We have to talk about our plan!" A team member yelled out.

Aomine looked back at you, 'don't tell me your dating him (f/n).'

Aomine shook the thoughts out and jogged to his teammates.

He had an angry look on his face, that made his teammates scared.

"Lets get this over with."

"Yay!! Go Aomine!" Daichi clapped his hands happily and cheered.

Each time Aomine made a dunk, or any shot, he looked up at you.

You blushed a little at the stare he would give. It was as if he was trying to say something.

"Aomine is really great huh?" (Guys names) said, while propping his chin on his hand.

"Yeah ...he's even better." You whispered softly. It was a while since you saw aomine play, but he definitely improved a lot.

Aomine once again made a shot, and looked up at you. This time he glared at (guys name).

"Oi! Aomine, stop daydreaming and continue! These Americans catch up fast!" A teammate punched his shoulder.

Aomine nodded and continued to play.

"Is it just me or has he been looking at out direction for the past 40 minutes?" (Guys name) asked suspiciously.

You gulped. "I don't think so, maybe it's your imagination."

(Guys name) studied your face for a second then went back to paying attention to the game.

After some time, the game ended with Aomines team winning. Both teams shook hands and went opposite directions, while everyone in the stadium began to exit as well.

"Dai-Chan!" Momoi called out to Aomine who was still looking at you.

He watched as the guy who sat next to you place a hand on your shoulder and gave you a flirty grin. Involuntarily, Aomine clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

"Dai-Chan!! Come on you have to meet the people back stage remember?" Momoi called out to him.

Aomine nodded and followed Momoi.

"Hey so guess what Daichi? You get to meet Aomine backstage!" Exclaimed (guys name).

"Eh? But I-"

"Daichi would love to meet Aomine! Right Daichi!?" You cut him off and smiled down at him.

Daichi caught your look and nodded. "Yeah! Lets go!"

"Ah! But I have to pee so... (Guys name) go on without me." You lied.

"Uh okay, you remember where it's at right?"

You nodded yes, giving him a small smile. "Of course."

"Ah. Okay, see you there." He walked away with Daichi you went to the 'bathroom'.

"Thanks for coming!" Momoi smiled at the children and women who came to meet Aomine.

Aomine simply yawned, and signed autographs.

A girl walked up to Aomine and blushed red. "Can you sign my shirt?"

He nodded and signed it. She blushed even darker and walked off.

"None of these girls are cute. They all want to sleep with me." Aomine said in Japanese while wrinkling his nose in disgust.

Momoi slapped his arm, with a irritated face, "Be nice!"

"Tch..... I need to go take a piss. Can you tell these people to wait." Aomine stood up and walked the opposite direction of the fans waiting in line.

"Geez so annoying." He mumbled with a yawn.

"But what's more the fact she was with someone else."

Just thinking about when he saw you with (guys name) made him angry. What made that guy more special than him?

"Geez I hate feeling this way. The jealous ex-lover feeling." He scowled a little at the thought of being your ex-lover.

"Plus, that guy probably can't make her scream his name out like I can." A lascivious smile replaced the scowl. But soon after realizing what his said, it faded. "I hope she isn't sleeping with him."

Aomine looked at a sign that pointed to the bathroom. He walked in, and did his business.

"(Guys name).... I have to pee." Daichi danced around crossing his legs.

"But.. were almost there. Can you hold it longer?"

Both Daichi and (guys name) were standing in line to meet the 'great' Aomine. But the wait was paused thanks to Aomine leaving to the bathroom.

"No, I can't ....I'll go quickly!" Daichi ran off before even consulting (guys name).

"Ah! Daichi come back!" (Guys name) ran after Daichi, but he had already left.

"Damn that kid...." He cursed under his breath.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, it seems Aomine won't be taking anymore autographs, sorry!" The pink haired manager bowed (even if she was in America) and ran off.

"Damn it....that autograph was my one way ticket to (f/n) pants...." He angrily sneered and walked off to find Daichi.

"No need to worry. I'll soon be there~"

He smiled like the biggest pervert, even bigger than Aomine would.

"Dai-Chan?!? Where are you!?"

Poor Momoi was stuck trying to find Aomine. Who still had not come back from the bathroom.

"I swear that guy.... Dai-Chan!!!!" She yelled out once more.

"Yes?" A small voice spoke politely behind her.

Momoi turned around dumbfounded.


Her eyes widen with surprise at the sight of a little boy who looked like Aomine. Only...... Way younger.

"Ehhhhhh!!!! Aomine!!! W-what happened!!!"

The boy frowned at Momoi.

"!? You.... Look like you did when we were younger!!!" She blushed at how cute and tiny he looked.

"But... I am no-"

"It's okay, we will figure this out!" Momoi went up to the little boy and picked him up.

"Dawwwwww your so cute~!" She squeezed him so hard he squeaked.

"Satsuki?" A deep voice behind her startled her.

"Eh?" She looked at the little boy who only shook his head 'no' and pointed behind her to the real Aomine.

"Eh!?!? Dai-Chan? Then...." She looked back at the little boy she was holding and then back at Aomine.

"HUH?!" she yelled so loud it echoed.

The boy wiggled out of her arms, and ran to Aomine.

"Aomine!!!" He smiled widely at him.

"Daichi? What are you doing here?" Aomine bent down to look at Daichi.

While both the boys began talking, Momoi stood there flabbergasted.

'This boy....looks like aomine!' She thought.

"" Both Aomine and Daichi looked at her.

"Yes?" That said in union.

Momoi sweatdropped. "Err....Aomine I mean."

"What's up Satsuki? You look like you seen a ghost?" Aomine said nonchalantly.

"Uhh....well-" Momoi was suddenly interrupted by someone.

"Daichi!!! There you are!" (Guys name) ran up to Daichi, who went to hide behind Aomines legs.

(Guys name) bent down and rested his hands on his knees to catch his breath from running.

"Daichi, we should g- oh?" (Guys name) was caught off guard by Aomines glare.

"Eh? Your the Aomine!! Oh man it's a pleasure to meet you!" He held his hand out to shake, which Aomine took but squeezed hard.

"Pleasure is mine". Aomine said in English.

"Ah, Daichi, we should go! Your mom is waiting... Oh! Aomine, will you give me your autograph?"

Aomine narrowed his eyes at him. (Guys name) raised an eyebrow at the man glaring at him. What could he have possibly said?

"Or...not..." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Haha! Of course he will!" Momoi interrupted and handed Aomine a sharpie.

"Go on Aomine, we have to go remember?" She nudged the side of his stomach.

"Tch...I guess." Aomine took the sharpie from Momoi.

"What do you want me to sign?"

(Guys name) pulled out his ticket, and gave it to Aomine.

He reluctantly signed it, then handed it back to him.

"Thanks man! Hey lets go now Daichi!"

The kid looked up at Aomine with a sad face. Aomine sighed and patted his head.

"Your moms waiting for you kid."

Daichi nodded and hugged Aomine before running off without (guys name).

Aomine looked up at (guys name) and glared at him again.

Momoi, who had watched the whole thing, pulled Aomine back. "Well thank you for coming! Aomine has to leave now!" She said in english, whilst taking him to the locker rooms where the rest of the team was.

(Guys name) frowned, then replaced it with a shady smile.

"Oh, I know why you hate me....don't think I do not know the obvious." He laughed a little and walked off to find you and Daichi.

While Momoi and Aomine were walking in the hallway, Momoi took this as a chance to talk about how much Daichi looked so much like him.

" you know that boy?" Momoi was already interrogating him with more questions.

Aomine sighed, "yes..."

"He looks a awful like you." She dead panned.

"Oh really? I didn't notice."

Momoi walked in front of Aomine, making him stop.

"I know your lieing, who is he?"

Aomine knew he could not lie anymore. He had to tell Momoi.

"He is.... (F/n)'s son." He mumbled

Momoi crossed her arms and tapped her foot irritated, still not satisfied.

Aomine groaned, and scratched his head nervously. "He is also my son. I barely found out"

"What?!" Momoi yelled out in a huge amount of surprise.

"Hey! Shut up will you?! I don't want anyone to hear!" Aomine grumbled.

"You...and..... (F/n).... Wait when did you find out?!" She whispered then looked around go see if anyone was hearing.

"That day I had that interview thing, I left so I could see her. I was expecting her, but instead met him."

Momoi did not know what to say. She stood there in shock of the news.

" are a father...does the kid know?"

"Don't think so....but let me say something, he's a good kid. He's may look like me, but he is so much like (f/n). He's smart, funny, and has her kind heart."

"How old is he?"

"7...but going to be 8 soon."

"I don't even know what to say.. this is surprising."

"You and me both... I got to say though. I only met him a days ago and I feel so attached. It's weird. I have this feeling that tells me to be with him, I feel like I have to be by him, teach him how to be a man, how to play basketball. It's like, I have to be a father for him. I couldn't do that the past years. And now, I have a chance to make up for it. And even if (F/n) didn't tell me anything, I still love her. I want her even more now."

Aomine placed and hand on his chest, above his heart.

"Heh...this is way out of character but.... I want to make (F/n) fall in love with me again. That way we can be a true family."

Momoi smiled warmly at Aomine. The Aomine Daiki, who always said he did not want to have children. The Aomine Daiki, who used to read dirty magazines and piss off Wakamatsu in high school. With a bright smile, and a positive aura. The only thing she could she d-no wanted to do- was help Aomine in any way possible.

"Then try your best! Dai-Chan! I'll be helping you along the way!  

Aomine x Reader: Goodbye is not foreverWhere stories live. Discover now