Part 3

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~Two months later~

"I am sooo happy!!! I missed the fatty American food!~" you best friend chirped happily.

She had a double cheeseburger in her hand, and took at large bite out of it.

"Want some?" She said with a mouth full of food.

You both had finally settled in, and decided to go out to eat to celebrate.

"How can you eat that? It's disgusting." A look of disgust was seen on your face. "Get that out of here before I throw up again."

She shrugged her shoulders and ate happily.

After swallowing her next bite, she spoke with no food in her mouth.

"Still feeling sick." She questioned.

"Yeah.... Almost every morning I have been throwing up. And some foods I smell or look at make me feel sick too."

You picked at your salad that you decided to order. But sadly, the sight of it sickened you as well.

"You should go to the doctors."

You sighed. "I made an appointment. Hopefully it's nothing. Maybe I'm just not used to the food here yet?"

"Probably not. Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine." She gave you a thumbs up.

You smiled at her, hand raised your thumb too.


"(F/n) (L/n) I presume?" A female doctor walked in with a clipboard.

On the clip board had your test results to see if you had any sicknesses at all.

"Yes, that's me."

"Well, I have good news and bad news."

You gulped. "What's the bad news?" Your voice was filled with worry. Worry that you might actually be sick.

"The bad news is that you are low in vitamins! You have not been eating properly."

You let a breath of relief out.

'Nothing serious.... Phew.'

"But that doesn't have to do with me throwing up?" You said confused.

"That's when the good news comes in, Miss.(L/n) you are going to be a mother!" She exclaimed happily and hugged you.

You opened your eyes wide, and your heart stopped for a moment.

At that second, time stopped for you.

'Mother?? W...what?? No... Can't be.'

"A-are you sure your not mistaken??!" You stuttered.

"Not according to the information. Your blood test and urine sample were tested after looking over your symptoms and the date of your last period which you stated was extremely lighter then normal to almost spotting. You should begin showing within the next month if we get you back on better eating habits and get your nutrition up. Though you may be a lucky one and not have a very large tummy at all."
The doctor continued to speak, but you blanked her out.

'How...can...this have happened? The only person...!'

You suddenly remembered that last night you had with aomine. You were so into the moment you never noticed how he didn't use a condom.

"But! Don't worry! I'll prescribe you with some good vitamins for you and the baby!"

You took a deep breath of air. The news surprised you so much you didn't know how to react.

It was just that one night. The one last night you spent with him. Two months ago! And now, you are carrying his child.

The doctor explained check ups you would have to do. And since it was your first child, and you were still very young, she recommended you eat a balance meal and not put too much pressure on yourself.

She ended the appointment with a 'congratulations!' and you left.

You walked to your car slowly. There was Soo much going on in your head.

Being 19 and pregnant was not part of your plan. Teen mom much?

You rubbed your abdomen, and looked down at it.

The thought of something growing in you always disgusted you. You didn't want kids to began with, and now here you are.

When you finally reached your car, you got in the driver's side and sat in silence. Many different emotions flowed inside, making you feel sick to your stomach

"What am I supposed to do with you?" You looked at your belly and spoke softly.

"I'm too young to be a mom. I barely can take care of my own you know?"

You laid your head on the steering wheel.

"Let alone, a single mom. You know, I am a horrible person. I broke your dads heart, gave him a one night stand, then moved across the world and left him a letter saying 'goodbye'. I don't deserve to be your mom..."
"So...tell me...what should I do?" Tears filled your eyes. "How can someone like me be a mother to an innocent child like you?" Tears streamed down your face.

You silently cried to yourself, until a sudden phone call startled you.

You looked on the screen, and saw it was the person you needed the most to talk to. Your bestfriend.

You answered but didn't speak.

"Hello? (F/n)? Are you there?"

"(Bestfriend name)..." You choked out.

"Ehh? What's wrong??!" She said scared and worried.

"I....I...." You began to sob loudly, and your best friend only got more worried.

"(F/n)! I'll be right there! Your at the doctors right? Just stay there!" She hung up and you sat in silence again, with your phone in your hand.


"Wow.... I...congratulations!" Your best friend hugged you tightly. You finally stopped crying and drove to your home with her. You both sat down on your couch, then explained the story of you and aomines last night.
"So.... Does he know?"

"No. I don't think I should tell him..." You looked down at your hands that were crossed together.

"You are keeping the baby right??! I hope don't plan to get rid if it!"

You shook you head no. Of course you thought about it, but this was your baby. And no one else was going to raise him or her.

"I will keep the baby. Aomine doesn't have to know yet. I know it's a unexpected event in my life, but maybe it was meant to happen?"

You friend rubbed your back, and nodded in agreement.

"Yes , I think so too. And (f/n), I'll help you with this. So don't stress Kay'?"

You smiled weakly at her. "Thank you."

"So... I guess I'll make use lunch!" She clapped her hands and went to the kitchen.

When she was gone, you pulled out your phone and looked at aomines contact number. You wanted to delete it. But instead closed your phone and stuffed it in your pockets.

'Aomine...I'm sorry...but this goodbye won't last forever. I promise.'

Aomine x Reader: Goodbye is not foreverWhere stories live. Discover now