Part 8

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The sounds of police sirens and ambulances filled the cold lonely night. As the policeman arrested (Guys name) and his villainous crew, Aomine was having his arm treated. He winced and hissed when the EMT applied antispetic. Momoi had come with the police, along with Daichi, who immediately ran to you the moment he saw you. Momoi would have followed, but unfortunately, Aomines lack of English kept her by his side.  She was translating for him.

Daichi had ran to you in a sobbing mess. "Mom!!" He choked out. You embraced your son as he cried on your shoulder. "Hey hey now, I'm fine darling. Don't cry!" You gave him a reassuring smile. The only damage done with you was a busted lip and bruised cheek from the slap (guys name) gave you. Daichi wiped his tears away and smiled. He then moved his attention to Aomine, who from a distance watch you two. He was between Momoi and the cop who scribbled down everything she was saying.

"Aomine is really great huh mom...he came for you."

"Yeah..." '

"(Name)-chan, we are heading out now. I think you should stay with us since your apartment was a little destroyed from what I heard." Momoi came over as soon as she finished talking to the officer. "Momoi! No Momoi, I couldn't! I'm going to stay at a hotel not too far from you guys. I already decided that as of now."

"Ehhh...okay then! Well, let's see each other again soon. It seems they will be questioning us for a while."

"Ah, I know. Weeks even. I guess you guys have to stay longer huh?" Momoi smiled widely, no mischievously. "Hmm~ aren't you glad? You can spend some time with Aomine of you know what I mean."

"S-so not true! I just--! Never mind!" You babbled like a child and blushed. Momoi giggled at you.  "I'm teasing, but..."She looked back to gaze at Aomine, who was absentmindedly stared at his wounds. His face was so silly that a small giggle let itself out of your mouth. 

"He looks so concentrated. As if that wound is going to magically heal. What is he doing?" Chorted you. 

"Hmm...I think it's because I told him he would have died if he had gotten a worse wound. Ahh~ he is so careless. Is this what men in love do? Risk their lives!"

Momoi sighed out angrily. "Just get married already you two, before one of you do really die."

"W-what! Momoi, do not say such embarrassing things please...anyways Aomine is a fool. I said some horrible things to him and yet he still came. What idiot does that? Is he stupid or something..." 

Momoi glanced at you with a 'you-should-know-the-answer-to-that' kind of face. "Do I really need to answer that question? haha, anyways (Name), I already told you, didn't I? He loves you. He is a fool stuck in love, you could beat him blue and he would still love you."

She shivered after saying that. "Love sure is scary. (Name), please don't beat him blue."

"Tch," you clicked your tongue, "Who do you take me for? I would never do that to--"

'Wait a minute, I may not have physically hurt him...but emotionally i left some damage. Then...'

A bitter smile appeared on your face as you gazed at Aomine. "Damn."

Momoi slyly grinned, leaning in closer to tease you. "See~ I told you. He loves you, even though you left miles away and more. So, talk to him okay? I am positive he would appreciate it." 


The police investigated (guys name), and asked if you would press charges. Of course you were upset that he put you through hell, but what was the point when he was probably going to serve a long time anyways? Turns out they had found out other illegal things he was engaging in. He might end up serving life, was what the police officer had told you. That was good enough for you to hear. Serves him right. 

Aomine x Reader: Goodbye is not foreverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora