Getting kidnapped

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Anthony's Pov:
We were walking back to the cafeteria and I was about to enter but the speaker went off "CHILLed chaos please head to my office I repeat chilledchaos" "hm I didn't do anything bad...yet" Adam chuckled which made me smile "I'll catch up with ya later Adam" he hugged me then kissed me. I then ran to gassy office. "Aw chilled please sit" I took a seat "we have a mission that we need one more person for it's highly dangerous though.." I started to think "well what's the mission?" He looked up at me "to sneak in the traitors base to see what they are planning we have ohm Ze Minx maddy and Entoan going but we need one more so I'm asking you.." I then had a flash of what the did to Adam...I curled my hands into a fist "ill do it..." He smiled "thank you chaos make sure to tell your friends so they don't worry" I nodded "your dismissed" I headed out the door to the cafeteria I opened it up and went to my table without grabbing dinner "hey Anthony! What did gassy need" smarty asked Adam looked at me curious too. I sighed "I'm going on a mission tomarrow.." Adam spit out his water "what type of mission?!" Adam asked slash yelled "um to the traitors base I'm going with minx Ze Entoan maddy and ohm" both minx and Ze went wide eyes "CHILLED THATS A HIGHLY DANGEROUS MISSION" Ze yelled Adam pounded his fist on the table and stood up " Anthony why would u do such a stupid thing did you know it was dangerous!" "Yea he warned me ahead of time..." I said calmly "THEN WHY WOULD U DO IT!!" He yelled. I pounded my fist on the table and stood up "So I can get back at them for what they did to you Adam!!" "Why do you care if they hurt me!!!" He said in my face and I started to tear up "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ADAM AND I CANT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THAT EVEN IF THAT MEANS I HAVE TO DIE" I screamed. I knew that it was just a few tables left most of them our friends so I don't care. "Your not gonna die Anthony so don't say that!!" I turned to leave but Adam grabbed my wrist "Anthony....don't cry please.." I stopped in my tracks "why do you care if I cry" he turned me around and wiped away my tears "because I love you Anthony" he then kissed me and I kissed back "AWE" we heard ours and a few tables say me and Adam let go of the kiss sadly "why is everyone saying awe?" Me and Adam plus minx eyes went wide Adam whispered in my ear "I have an idea" he whispered and I nodded "Adam chilled what are you two doing?" Adam gave me a hug and said "I'm giving him a hug gassy before he goes on that mission" "we're very close gassy very very close...." "I understand I-I I'm sorry Adam but we needed one more persone...I'll be outside chilled so we can get you prepared" Adam squeezed me. The door open and closed Adam and I let go of the hug. I saw a tear roll down his face so I wiped it away "don't cry baby please..." He nodded and kissed my forehead "hey guys?" We turned and looked at minx "I talked it over to the people that heard and saw what happened said they won't tell gassy" she smiled "c'mon chilled we have to get you suited I'll wait outside.." I turned and looked at Adam "now we don't have to worry about people telling if they saw us together" he pecked my lips "when you leave please come to me first" I nodded and went to the door "I love you Adam..." I said "I love you too Anthony" I then opened the door and followed max minx Ze ohm Entoan and maddy.

Time skip to next morning
Anthony's pov:
I followed gassy to the van and saw entoan minx maddy ze and ohm "okay boys and girls ohm will be your leader for this mission I want you all to be carful! This is very dangerous and some may die so if there are ppl you want to say goodbye to do it now." I looked over at the door and saw Adam and others "I'll be inside don't take to long!" Gassy then disappeared into the building so I went up to Adam. "I'll try to be safe Adam" he had watery eyes "just come here Anthony" he pressed a button on my helmet and pulled me in for sweet tender kiss. We soon let go and he gave me a hug "you don't have to go you can stay here with me" I pressed the button on my helmet and let go of the hug "I'm doing this for you Adam.." I then ran off to the van and looked back one more time..."okay let's go guys and gals" ohm called out so I jumped in the car heading off. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over at maddy "it's okay you will see him again." I smiled and so did she. She gave me a hug and I gladly accepted.

Time skip to traitor base
Anthony's pov:
We were still in the van and ohm was going through plans "okay entoan and ze will take out the guards maddy and I will take out any guards who come to check on the Guards minx and chilled get in the vents and try to find the conference or office room got it but we need to distract the guards firs so um chilled..." "Wait what if they are not into guys?" "Chilled this is a fanfic every guy likes a guy and every girl likes a girl!" We looked at him confused "ignore that me" I nodded and we all got out and started heading for the base "okay chilled you ready?" I nodded and went forward to the guards "hey you! Who are you" I sighed "oh hey boys I was just looking for some help but instead I found a few hotties would you four mind helping me?" The guards came to me "ey your cute" "mi dispiace" I said for Adam in Italian. Someone grabbed my waist and pulled me way! To close "he speaks Italian to oh we're gonna have fun with you!" My eyes went wide as I realized I was being carried inside so I started to struggle "woah there we just met!" Damn it where are they! "OHM!!" I yelled out "ZE!!" "Who the fuck are ohm and ze?!" Then the guy carrying me fell to the ground along with me and then the guy next to him fell to "were ohm and ze.." I quickly got up and kicked the other one right into maddy and maddy pinned him on his back and applied pressure on his pressure point and knocked him out. "CHILLED WATCH OUT" I turned around and saw a man run at me but minx kicked him in the neck and entoan grabbed him from behind. I got up and walked to him "care to tell us where your conference room is?" Entoan asked "never than you'll get info about us" I got out my knife and brought it to his neck and made it trickle some blood "u better tell us right now or you can say goodbye to ur pathetic excuse for a fucking life" I said right in his face "okay fine! They might have the conference in the office which is on the right of the vent conference room is on the left...but just so you know Anthony our boss is gonna kill Adam Montoya in hopes to get to you and he's gonna make u watch the bastard die!" I removed the knife from his neck and turned around "minx....slit his neck and let's guys might want to kill the rest just in case the over heard" I heard the guy choke up on his blood then a thud then me and minx ran off inside. "You go to the left I'll go right" I said and she nodded and we headed different ways. While crawling threw the vents I heard crying so I looked down and saw HOLY SHIT KRISAM I broke the vent and jumped down startling her "Krisam it's okay it's me Anthony" she tried to get up but she was chained so I broke them off with my knife. She gave me a hug but my headset went off "chilled I got the info lets go" krisam looked at me "may I?" I nodded and gave her my headset "bebe it's me krisam chilled found me were coming back with you!" I heard every one on the other line cheer or cry with joy. "Well well well" me and krisam turned to find a hockey masked man and three others "chilled sweetie you came!" I looked at my headset and it was still on "take off the headset krisam and let's go.." She did and I couldn't let this happen to minx "NO WAIT!"

Adams Pov:
I went to gassy office and knocked
"Come in" I entered "oh sergeant Nanners" gassy I have a feeling we should listen to what's happening" he raised an eyebrow "just trust me.." He nodded so I sat near him while he loads a screen and a video of a guy in hockey masked showed up "well well well chilled sweetie you came!" My eyes went wide. "He has chilled..." "NO WAIT!" I heard chilled yell "please let her go!" "Hmm alright only if we make a deal...." I started to shake "we will let your friends go..." Then some guys brought out our crew "if you stay with me..." "Don't do it chilled!" Ohm yelled "don't go with him he will only hurt you!!" Maddy yelled then a guns went to the side "well chilled?" He was silent "don't do it I'll be fine chilled in not worth it" krisam said. "Say goodbye to your frie-" "FINE ILL STAY just don't hurt them...." "Chilled no!" Ze yelled. The man pushed krisam to a guy "good choice chilled" I was crying by now "well chilled get one good look at your friends" he pulled chilled to him by his waist and then covered his mouth and nose with a rag and he fell to the ground "take them out" he ordered "yes delirious.." "CHILLED NOOO!!!" I screamed and fell sobbing

HOLY SNOT POOP BATMAN 1818 words that will give me muscle bones any way NOOOO CHILLED what will delirious do to him!!

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